The left HATES women: Johns Hopkins University refers to women as "non-men"

Islam has this idea that all it is the original and natural religion of all humanity. So when someone converts to Islam, they call them a RE-vert.

Now that non-men are non-men, should we call someone who gets the operation to add at phallus a re-man?
I say we agree that HE is a six-year-old, confine HIM to HIS room and not let HIM out until dinner time, then back in HE goes. At the same time, HE is not allowed to access the internet because that's a dangerous place for such young children. IOW, treat HIM like a child, not an adult, and HE stays that way until HE displays the maturity of an adult.

Give the loop a 10 year timeout
How do lefty women feel about this?

Sorry, how do lefty non-men feel about this?

Wow. Seems pretty sexist if you ask me. Sexes are defined as man or non-man? why not woman or non-woman. WHy did you get rid of women?
And men are non-women.

By calling women “non-men” it appears that John’s Hopkins is confirming the binary nature of humanity in terms of gender/sex.
A woman is a no-man. Like Odysseus when he blinded the cyclops. "My name is NoMan. When your brother asks who blinded you, tell him No Man did itl" Odysseus obviously meant that he's a trans female.

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