The Left Hired Ferguson Protesters

Of course they did. They have been doing things like this for a long time. My aunt was offered money by the democrat party to go to the protests in Chicago in 60s. Yes, she still has the invitation.

They are feckless. They are all pieces of shit. Their followers are that fucking dumb, while they think they are so smart at the same time.

I KNOW, my college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy in the Greek Mafia who handled such transactions in the successful effort to recall Rose Bird. Of course $5,000 wasn't offered, he was told tickets to Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door and a small amount of hash were offered for their time collecting recall signatures.

" college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy...."

You stole that from the song,,,,,

well there is nothing left to trash and burn in detroit/fartguson/baltimote/oakland. so what city is next on the "Another One Bites The Dust" list.
I would expect the Missouri Attorney General to pick up the ball and run with it to check the validity of this story. If true, then some folks should have to face the consequences after Missouri judicial system finds them guilty of crimes ,
Of course they did. they didn't get the riots and looting with the OWS they hired. so they decided to us people (black people) FOR THEIR AGENDAS. It's too bad more people don't call them out on it.

I think the majority of the people caught onto it right away. what's sick about it all it that YOur President, your DOJ, with help from a snake called a Rev. Sharton along with SOME of our Medias, had a hand in it all. People better wake up. we have another year and half until Obama is gone
I would expect the Missouri Attorney General to pick up the ball and run with it to check the validity of this story. If true, then some folks should have to face the consequences after Missouri judicial system finds them guilty of crimes ,

Laminate this for your wallet:

The only place one can find justice is either the cemetery, or the dictionary.
The Ferguson government was investigated and found to have a long history of institutionalized racism,

causing many of them to immediately resign and make a run for it.

How about you put some blame where it belongs?
Of course they did. They have been doing things like this for a long time. My aunt was offered money by the democrat party to go to the protests in Chicago in 60s. Yes, she still has the invitation.

They are feckless. They are all pieces of shit. Their followers are that fucking dumb, while they think they are so smart at the same time.

I KNOW, my college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy in the Greek Mafia who handled such transactions in the successful effort to recall Rose Bird. Of course $5,000 wasn't offered, he was told tickets to Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door and a small amount of hash were offered for their time collecting recall signatures.

" college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy...."

You stole that from the song,,,,,

Not true. I've used this same form many times since I first retired and began to post on political forums. I've never heard or heard of any such song.
Just as the Left created and supported the Occupy Wall Street street urchins, turns out the Soros Left hired protesters to riot in Ferguson.....

....but the thugs aren't satisfied with the speed at which the promised funds are being delivered.

So they're bringing there specific well honed skill sets back to the streets

1."Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid

2....protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month to join the protests.

3. ....the Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), the successor group to the now-bankrupt St. Louis branch of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), stiffed the protesters, they launched a sit-in protest at the headquarters of MORE and created a Twitter page to demand their money, the Washington Times reports.

4. ...the paid rioters who tore up Ferguson, MO, are protesting again.

5. ....paid $5,000.00 a month for running around holding a sign and burning down an occasional building...

6. ....the Ferguson riots, characterized as a spontaneous eruption of anger over the shooting of unarmed black criminal Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, cost the county $4.2 million.

7. The protesters say they are unable to pay their bills after taking time to travel to Ferguson.

[This is priceless:]
8. "There is an insidious strand of racism and white supremacy that exists in this movement. This money is typically in the hands of white people who oversee the types of services that the non-profit provides, while having select token black people to spearhead the conversations within and to the community."

9. MORE is funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, the Times notes, through his Open Society Foundations (OSF).

Read Latest Breaking News from Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

10 ."There's absolutely no doubt that part of the reason that Ferguson flared up was because protesters were being paid to be there. That makes you wonder how many are being paid in Baltimore? How many more will be paid in the future?"
Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid

The DERP is real.

Were they paid minimum wage?
Oh that's right...They weren't paid.


like your avatar


have you gotten to see Mosby on Judge Judy

there is some other cool info on her dad as a policemen that is interesting
So they're bringing there specific well honed skill sets back to the streets

1."Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid

There are 6 women doing a sit in of an office in Missouri. One of them was knitting. Apparently knitting is one of those 'well honed street skills'.

2....protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month to join the protests.

Says who? The only source you have for the '$5000 a month' claim is FrontPage Mag......a conservative blog. And who is there source? The gateway pundit. Another conservative blog. And you've got nothing backing your claims that any of these individuals rioted anywhere.

The issue as described by those who are actually part of it:


Millennial Activists United CutTheCheck

4. ...the paid rioters who tore up Ferguson, MO, are protesting again.

Nothing you've linked to backs anything about 'paid rioters'. You've literally made that up.

7. The protesters say they are unable to pay their bills after taking time to travel to Ferguson.

And finally, you get to something vaguely factual. See above.

10 ."There's absolutely no doubt that part of the reason that Ferguson flared up was because protesters were being paid to be there. That makes you wonder how many are being paid in Baltimore? How many more will be paid in the future?"

And by 'absolutely no doubt', you mean you just made it up.
Of course they did. They have been doing things like this for a long time. My aunt was offered money by the democrat party to go to the protests in Chicago in 60s. Yes, she still has the invitation.

They are feckless. They are all pieces of shit. Their followers are that fucking dumb, while they think they are so smart at the same time.
That makes no sense. Protests of the 60's were mostly aimed against democrats. LBJ got the brunt of the war protests and the race protests were against southern Dixiecrats.
Democrats are covering up all these problems and forcing the news media to keep quiet. This is so outrageous. I’ve never seen America more divided. People hate each other now.
Democrats are covering up all these problems and forcing the news media to keep quiet. This is so outrageous. I’ve never seen America more divided. People hate each other now.

Division has been the tactic of the left. They divide and separate the classes, races, genders and whatever else they can in order to capture large blocks of mindless voters.

That has been their goal. They are all socialists. They hate America and its free market enterprise system that empowers the people with CHOICE.

They use whatever they can to eradicate CHOICE and that takes away power from WE THE PEOPLE. They seduce the gullible by propping themselves up as robin hoods. They get these same naive people (through education system, controlled media, and entertainment industry) to push the narratives. It goes in mass cycles. This week it will be about illegals in the country. (democrats trying to turn Texas blue and capture mass electoral votes) They will talk about republicans being against women next week. No doubt there are massive reports about the flooding being caused by MAN MADE global warming (that is their ace in the hole in being able to control big business and the middle class along with obamacare.) Week after they will claim another race issue. Goes in cycles, and the democrats have been doing this for 50+ years.

It certainly has worked. Read my signature. The democrats are committed socialists and they hate this country. They believe it has been illegitimate from its founding. They believe the entire foundation was built on unrighteousness. Built by white men with bibles and guns and stole it from Natives (people who are not white.) That is what they believe, what they tell each other and their goal is to destroy this false concept that is evil to them.

That is it, and that is all.
Of course they did. They have been doing things like this for a long time. My aunt was offered money by the democrat party to go to the protests in Chicago in 60s. Yes, she still has the invitation.

They are feckless. They are all pieces of shit. Their followers are that fucking dumb, while they think they are so smart at the same time.

I KNOW, my college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy in the Greek Mafia who handled such transactions in the successful effort to recall Rose Bird. Of course $5,000 wasn't offered, he was told tickets to Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door and a small amount of hash were offered for their time collecting recall signatures.

" college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy...."

You stole that from the song,,,,,

Not true. I've used this same form many times since I first retired and began to post on political forums. I've never heard or heard of any such song.

It was a joke, you dope.

Calm down.
Of course they did. They have been doing things like this for a long time. My aunt was offered money by the democrat party to go to the protests in Chicago in 60s. Yes, she still has the invitation.

They are feckless. They are all pieces of shit. Their followers are that fucking dumb, while they think they are so smart at the same time.

I KNOW, my college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy in the Greek Mafia who handled such transactions in the successful effort to recall Rose Bird. Of course $5,000 wasn't offered, he was told tickets to Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door and a small amount of hash were offered for their time collecting recall signatures.

" college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy...."

You stole that from the song,,,,,

Not true. I've used this same form many times since I first retired and began to post on political forums. I've never heard or heard of any such song.

It was a joke, you dope.

Calm down.

Except that Ray just did a new version of an old song.
Of course they did. They have been doing things like this for a long time. My aunt was offered money by the democrat party to go to the protests in Chicago in 60s. Yes, she still has the invitation.

They are feckless. They are all pieces of shit. Their followers are that fucking dumb, while they think they are so smart at the same time.

I KNOW, my college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy in the Greek Mafia who handled such transactions in the successful effort to recall Rose Bird. Of course $5,000 wasn't offered, he was told tickets to Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door and a small amount of hash were offered for their time collecting recall signatures.

" college girlfriend's brother was told by his future mother-in-law's boyfriend's stepfather that his boss knew a guy...."

You stole that from the song,,,,,

Not true. I've used this same form many times since I first retired and began to post on political forums. I've never heard or heard of any such song.

It was a joke, you dope.

Calm down.

Except that Ray just did a new version of an old song.


So....I've finally stumbled into the area of your expertise!

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