The left if full of classy people

Many on the left need to grow up and stop acting like spoiled rotten children.
Its going to take a serious ass whooping to get their attention..
Ass whooping is on the way.

My mail in ballot was a red wave :muahaha:

As was mine, sir. I mailed my straight-Republican ballot a week ago. It may not mean much in Califuckya, but at least I did my own part to stop our worst liberalfilth in this country, who spread their legs and SHAT all over my state.
Many on the left need to grow up and stop acting like spoiled rotten children.
Its going to take a serious ass whooping to get their attention..
Ass whooping is on the way.

My mail in ballot was a red wave :muahaha:

As was mine, sir. I mailed my straight-Republican ballot a week ago. It may not mean much in Califuckya, but at least I did my own part to stop our worst liberalfilth in this country, who spread their legs and SHAT all over my state.

Mr. P and I did the same exact thing, straight red mailed in last week.
We both feel the left is too immature to have any type of political power.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
Many on the left need to grow up and stop acting like spoiled rotten children.
Its going to take a serious ass whooping to get their attention..
Ass whooping is on the way.

My mail in ballot was a red wave :muahaha:

As was mine, sir. I mailed my straight-Republican ballot a week ago. It may not mean much in Califuckya, but at least I did my own part to stop our worst liberalfilth in this country, who spread their legs and SHAT all over my state.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

You lying, lying, LYING sack of SHIT: the Jew-killer in Pittsburgh utterly HATED TRUMP for being so Israel-friendly and believed Trump was a secret Jew, you LYING scumbag. Because Trump is an avid Israel-supporter with a Jewish granddaughter, you despicable little piece of I-don't-know-what. As further proof of your LYING shitheadedness, nobody has targeted the press, dirtbag: Trump simply calls them the liars they are proven to be! I've busted the liberal media in so many thousands of lies, they DESERVE to be called the liars they are. That's not censorship, that's simply an angry response to malicious slander. My greatest regret as an American is that this country produces LIARS as slimy and amoral as you. Jesus, you're disgusting.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

They were all nut jobs who did that. Not left or right but mentally ill people.

Criticism of the press is not targeting them.
I think I understand, the press can criticize Trump but Trump can't criticize the press. Got it.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

The guy who killed the Jews is definitely not a Trumper.
And we aren't targeting the free press. We're targeting the FAKE press, who are the enemies of the US.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

The guy who killed the Jews is definitely not a Trumper.
And we aren't targeting the free press. We're targeting the FAKE press, who are the enemies of the US.

Of course! We haven't censored the press in any way, shape or form! We simply call them liars when they pathologically LIE, because that's OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to call people liars when they lie. Whether presstitutes or not, it is our American birthright to call a liar a liar. That's not silencing anyone, everyone has a right to spew lies, and everyone else has a right to call them liars. I'm sorry that liberal arachnids can't comprehend such a SIMPLE equation!
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

The guy who killed the Jews is definitely not a Trumper.
And we aren't targeting the free press. We're targeting the FAKE press, who are the enemies of the US.

Of course! We haven't censored the press in any way, shape or form! We simply call them liars when they pathologically LIE, because that's OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to call people liars when they lie. Whether presstitutes or not, it is our American birthright to call a liar a liar. That's not silencing anyone, everyone has a right to spew lies, and everyone else has a right to call them liars. I'm sorry that liberal arachnids can't comprehend such a SIMPLE equation!
When the fake press whines about how we *attack*them, what they are really engaging in is a call to eliminate the first amendment.
Because they're fake press.
Pretty sad statement on the protesters. They could have picked a better time then at a moment of silence to spew their hate.
Liberals have no remorse. Heartless bastids.

Nor do liberals have any logic! How is their wide-spread psychotic hatred, violence and open-borders supposed to benefit ANY regular, ordinary, law-abiding American citizens like us? I don't need to tell you I've never gotten a rational answer about anything with these liberal insects as to HOW their avalanche of hatred and violence is supposed to benefit American society. What the FUCK possible GOOD could come from their agenda when this level of homicidal leftist violence, cruelty and baby-tantrum destruction is part of the cast of characters?
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

The guy who killed the Jews is definitely not a Trumper.
And we aren't targeting the free press. We're targeting the FAKE press, who are the enemies of the US.

Of course! We haven't censored the press in any way, shape or form! We simply call them liars when they pathologically LIE, because that's OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to call people liars when they lie. Whether presstitutes or not, it is our American birthright to call a liar a liar. That's not silencing anyone, everyone has a right to spew lies, and everyone else has a right to call them liars. I'm sorry that liberal arachnids can't comprehend such a SIMPLE equation!
When the fake press whines about how we *attack*them, what they are really engaging in is a call to eliminate the first amendment.
Because they're fake press.
The "attacks" are people demanding they quit the Democratic boot licking and start doing their job.
That reminds me, right after the 2015 Paris massacre there was a soccer match between Greece and Turkey and when the announcer declared a moment of silence for the Paris victims, all of the thousands of Turkish muslims in the audience were universally booing and catcalling. These weren't radical terrorists either; they were average, garden-variety muslim filth. Which proves that death-cult is sooooo full of murderous hate, most muslims love it when fellow muslims kill unbelievers. And of course, Western liberalfilth at the time were going through mental gymnastics to defend the muslims' horrid reaction to a moment of respect for the victims.

Because liberalcocksuckers have NO respect for anyone or anything and they prove it on a daily basis. What kind of walking DISEASE defends muslims' sadistic sexual jollies?
Mostly all the scum sucking liberals on this board.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left

The guy who killed the Jews is definitely not a Trumper.
And we aren't targeting the free press. We're targeting the FAKE press, who are the enemies of the US.

The guy that killed the Jews supports the wall. His only complaint against Trump is that he doesn't go far enough.
That reminds me, right after the 2015 Paris massacre there was a soccer match between Greece and Turkey and when the announcer declared a moment of silence for the Paris victims, all of the thousands of Turkish muslims in the audience were universally booing and catcalling. These weren't radical terrorists either; they were average, garden-variety muslim filth. Which proves that death-cult is sooooo full of murderous hate, most muslims love it when fellow muslims kill unbelievers. And of course, Western liberalfilth at the time were going through mental gymnastics to defend the muslims' horrid reaction to a moment of respect for the victims.

Because liberalcocksuckers have NO respect for anyone or anything and they prove it on a daily basis. What kind of walking DISEASE defends muslims' sadistic sexual jollies?
Mostly all the scum sucking liberals on this board.

Of course, it's a tiny sample of the liberal American-self-hate zeitgeist they love to promote.
Nothing says "I'm not Anti-Semitic / I don't hate Jews' quite like repeatedly interrupting a moment of silence honoring the victims of the recent synagogue shooting!

Snowflakes / Democrats once again made Hillary ... and Farrakhan ... proud!

Protesters Interrupt Moment of Silence for Pittsburgh Synagogue Victims at Blackburn Rally

"This woman, during a moment of silence for the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting yesterday, yelled “Marsha Blackburn is a white supremacist.” When she was removed, Blackburn said “how despicable that you cannot even have a moment of silence.”

Once again hate-filled/driven disrespectful snowflakes showed up at a Republican event with the intent to cause trouble and shut down any opinion / beliefs not their own, and once again HILLARY'S VIOLENT INTOLERANCE ARMY answered her call and put on another despicable anti-Semitic display of a lack of respect and civility towards the victims of the recent synagogue shooting!

Way to stay classy, snowflakes!

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