The left if full of classy people

Speaking of staying classy...


As they say, 'Byrds of a feather....' :p
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
Of course,

The left never shot up a baseball game to kill republican members of congress. The left never sent white powder to the Trump family. The left never targets Fox News.

Blah blah blah. You are correct, the left never did those things - crazy people that need to be locked up did them - the same way that those right leaning crazy people did the things that they did. I am willing to bet you don't see the reciprocal though.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
Of course,

The left never shot up a baseball game to kill republican members of congress. The left never sent white powder to the Trump family. The left never targets Fox News.

Blah blah blah. You are correct, the left never did those things - crazy people that need to be locked up did them - the same way that those right leaning crazy people did the things that they did. I am willing to bet you don't see the reciprocal though.
Did Bernie Sanders EVER condone actual violence?


Pretty sad statement on the protesters. They could have picked a better time then at a moment of silence to spew their hate.
Liberals have no remorse. Heartless bastids.

Nor do liberals have any logic! How is their wide-spread psychotic hatred, violence and open-borders supposed to benefit ANY regular, ordinary, law-abiding American citizens like us? I don't need to tell you I've never gotten a rational answer about anything with these liberal insects as to HOW their avalanche of hatred and violence is supposed to benefit American society. What the FUCK possible GOOD could come from their agenda when this level of homicidal leftist violence, cruelty and baby-tantrum destruction is part of the cast of characters?

It's called "criminal thinking".
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
Of course,

The left never shot up a baseball game to kill republican members of congress. The left never sent white powder to the Trump family. The left never targets Fox News.

Blah blah blah. You are correct, the left never did those things - crazy people that need to be locked up did them - the same way that those right leaning crazy people did the things that they did. I am willing to bet you don't see the reciprocal though.
Did Bernie Sanders EVER condone actual violence?



You asshats use terms incorrectly.

It isn't "condoning violence" to tell violent people that they will be stopped. It isn't "condoning violence" to say that people need to defend themselves from violence.

It IS condoning violence to tell people that it's okay to physically attack people who say things you don't like.
It IS condoning violence to encourage people to riot and harass.
It IS condoning violence to tell people that they must not defend themselves from criminals.
The LEFT...didn't send mail bombs to people and organizations Trump dislikes

The LEFT did not execute two black folks in a Krogers in Tennessee.

The LEFT did not murder 11 Jews in a House of WOrship and shoot four Law Enforcement Officers

The LEFT does not target the free press

That would be Trumpers...and they ain't left
Of course,

The left never shot up a baseball game to kill republican members of congress. The left never sent white powder to the Trump family. The left never targets Fox News.

Blah blah blah. You are correct, the left never did those things - crazy people that need to be locked up did them - the same way that those right leaning crazy people did the things that they did. I am willing to bet you don't see the reciprocal though.
Did Bernie Sanders EVER condone actual violence?


And there we are.

Very predictable.

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