The Left is absolutely crazy nowadays


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
First you had the Moon Bats going batshit crazy rioting, looting, and attacking police because Crooked Hillary didn't win.

Then you had the Liberal assholes trying to curtail free speech on college campuses.

Then you had the scumbags trying to purge history by removing the symbols of our Americans heroes.

Then you had Democrats calling for the assassination of President of the US.

Then you had a man with the last name of somebody the Left doesn't like removed from his job.

The other day you had Libtard lawyers calling the picture of a child holding an American flag an example of White Supremacy.

If all that is not enough now you have the Liberal assholes calling for veterans not be allowed to attend college because they compare the military culture to white supremacist groups.

My god these Left Wing Moon Bats are idiots. I wonder if that also applies to the Black, Hispanic or Asian veterans or only to the White ones?

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for stupidity.

Newsletter on UCCS: 'Veterans should be banned from four-year universities'

Newsletter on UCCS: 'Veterans should be banned from four-year universities'

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - A newsletter posted on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) campus is starting to make the rounds on social media and it states veterans should be banned from four-year universities. Several viewers asked 11 News to look into the origin of the newsletter.


The letter states military veterans should be banned from classes and compares the military culture to white supremacist groups.
The banning of the veterans has more to do with where are colleges are today in terms of idology. The colleges know that vets can't be brainwashed like the kids coming out of HS. Thus they do 't want to waste their time trying or receiving opposition tto their opinion. So they wish to ban the vets.

One thing to always remember first about the left wing and liberals, their objective in everything they do is to subvert the United States of America.
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The banning of the veterans has more to do with where are colleges are today in terms of idology. The colleges know that vets can't be brainwashed like the kids coming out of HS. Thus they do 't want to waste their time trying or receiving opposition tto their opinion. So they wish to ban the vets.

One thing to always remember first about the left wing and liberals, their objective in everything they do is to subvert the United States of America.

Even to suggest that the men and women that defended our country be barred from campuses because they have a military culture that suggest White Supremacy is a great example of the hatefulness and full retardation that the Left in America has become. It is despicable. The Left is always despicable.
The far left has been this way for a very long time, just back to the late 70's when they openly hijacked the Democrat party and took their own president.
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The far left has been this way fro a very long time, just back to the late 70's when they openly hijacked the Democrat party and took their own president.

All of this craziness now is reminiscence of the Left going batshit crazy during the Vietnam years.

You are correct. That stupidity, hatefulness and intolerance became institutionalized in the Democrat Party about the time that idiot Carter was elected.
To be honest looking at what some of these colleges are turning out who'd want to to them?
Quite a bit different than the way we used to treat those who risked their lives for our country. From the GI Bill to the Democratically run colleges. You libs suck sooo badly.
If we want to make America great again, torch our universities first.
Leave the statues, and tear down the indoctrination centers instead....
Left Wing Psychosis: Left Wingers hate rich people, but everyone wants to be rich, even Left Wingers.
More fake news from the crazies. Fake news keeps you guys occupied? Don't worry righties, draft dodger Donnie will tweet you courage soon. Hold your teddy and hide in your closet till you hear from your tough guy Pres. Be brave.

CDZ - The Emasculated American

"Brains, you know, are suspect in the Republican Party." Walter Lippmann
They are enraged and insane, driven there by the removal of their hope and change. The American people saw their idea of hope and change and said hell no. Tearing down statues and blaming America first will only serve to turn off the rest of the sane American people and they will stand with us to hammer in the final nail.
More fake news from the crazies. Fake news keeps you guys occupied? Don't worry righties, draft dodger Donnie will tweet you courage soon. Hold your teddy and hide in your closet till you hear from your tough guy Pres. Be brave.

CDZ - The Emasculated American

"Brains, you know, are suspect in the Republican Party." Walter Lippmann

Did you watch the video Moon Bat? It was real. That Left hate organization called for veterans to be banned and the fitly ass university allowed it to be posted. You typical Left Wing denial doesn't change reality.

Isn't is amazing that these filthy Left centered universities prohibits free speech form the right (they call it hate speech) but allows vile extreme far left garbage?

There is nothing more dumbass than a brainwashed stupid college nitwit that believes the shit taught to them by a batshit crazy Marxists professor, is it?
They are enraged and insane, driven there by the removal of their hope and change. The American people saw their idea of hope and change and said hell no. Tearing down statues and blaming America first will only serve to turn off the rest of the sane American people and they will stand with us to hammer in the final nail.

If it was up to the Left all American history up until the time Obama was elected would be purged from the country.
I think of the Left as more evil than crazy. The most widespread, self-induced and purest anti-social disorder I've ever seen in my life.
Trumpflakes, do you notice how the only places you don't get laughed out of the room are these little internet SafeSpaces of yours? That should tell you something. The rest of the world isn't the crazy people. You're the crazy people.

So, what do you plan to do about it?

Oh, you're going to cry even harder while inside your message board SafeSpaces?

Yeah, that will show everyone. You go with that.
Trumpflakes, do you notice how the only places you don't get laughed out of the room are these little internet SafeSpaces of yours? That should tell you something. The rest of the world isn't the crazy people. You're the crazy people.

So, what do you plan to do about it?

Oh, you're going to cry even harder while inside your message board SafeSpaces?

Yeah, that will show everyone. You go with that.

Calling you liberals out on your evil bullshit is NOT running to a safe space, drooling vegetable. Liberalfilth are so loathsome it somewhat limits my ability to insult them. For example I can't compare them to the lowest wino crawling through a back-alley dumpster because even THAT is better than what liberalfilth are. In fact, the only trace of human warmth & affection liberalfilth are capable of is sucking muslim cock.

Basically, you liberals' characters STINK SO BAD, it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoir, during a summer heat-wave, when the garbage men are on strike. The fact that liberal arachnids are even capable of looking at themselves in the mirror proves what clinical psychopaths they are. They are an exercise in violently anti-American, anti-free-speech, anti-white toxicity on whom I wish cancer.
First you had the Moon Bats going batshit crazy rioting, looting, and attacking police because Crooked Hillary didn't win.

Then you had the Liberal assholes trying to curtail free speech on college campuses.

Then you had the scumbags trying to purge history by removing the symbols of our Americans heroes.

Then you had Democrats calling for the assassination of President of the US.

Then you had a man with the last name of somebody the Left doesn't like removed from his job.

The other day you had Libtard lawyers calling the picture of a child holding an American flag an example of White Supremacy.

If all that is not enough now you have the Liberal assholes calling for veterans not be allowed to attend college because they compare the military culture to white supremacist groups.

My god these Left Wing Moon Bats are idiots. I wonder if that also applies to the Black, Hispanic or Asian veterans or only to the White ones?

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for stupidity.

Newsletter on UCCS: 'Veterans should be banned from four-year universities'

Newsletter on UCCS: 'Veterans should be banned from four-year universities'

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - A newsletter posted on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) campus is starting to make the rounds on social media and it states veterans should be banned from four-year universities. Several viewers asked 11 News to look into the origin of the newsletter.


The letter states military veterans should be banned from classes and compares the military culture to white supremacist groups.

After each of you RWnuts has started the same thread a dozen times apiece, could you then maybe call it a day and move on?
Mod Note:

Not CDZ material---Moved to General Discussion
Calling you liberals out on your evil bullshit is NOT running to a safe space, drooling vegetable. Liberalfilth are so loathsome it somewhat limits my ability to insult them.


I just pointed out that crying helplessly at the liberals from the comfort of your fascist SafeSpace here just makes everyone laugh harder at you. So what did you immediately do? You wept harder, so now everyone is laughing at you harder.

This is why I keep suggesting free testosterone supplements for conservative men. If we could inject some courage into them, we could end conservatism quickly.

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