The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

You mean all the Democrat DAs that ran on the platform of not prosecuting crime and won.
And what else did the voices tell you?

If you're not going to share the same reality as everyone else, you're really not good for anything, except as an example of how conservatism leads to self-lobotomizing.
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.

They don't have to be in the minority for you to make progress Joe, they just don't need to have their fears pandered to by the minority ruling party.

We see the same kind of rural/urban divide in Canada between liberal urban voters and conservative rural voters, and I think a lot of it has to do with the difference between urban poverty and rural poverty. In the city, service workers make up a significant number of the urban poor - retail, food industry, non-union construction. They're poor because the cost of living is high - rents, transportation, utilities. In the country, poverty is more tied to addiction, chronic unemployment, or mental issues.

The larger difference is that your "urban/rural" divide is also racial, and ours is not. And all Canadians get what American Republicans refer to as "free shit" - cradle to the grave income supports, and public benefits. Our tax dollars go back to low and middle income families, and so much to subsidize businesses or the wealthy.
And what else did the voices tell you?

If you're not going to share the same reality as everyone else, you're really not good for anything, except as an example of how conservatism leads to self-lobotomizing.
You don’t read or watch the news?
No wonder you have no idea what’s going on.
That's a lie, and you know damned well that it is a lie.

But then lying is what you do. Lying is what you are.
Sorry, man, established historical fact.

Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were kiddy-diddlers.

If your cult leaders told you otherwise, they lied to you
Sorry, man, established historical fact.

Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were kiddy-diddlers.

If your cult leaders told you otherwise, they lied to you

Your links do not support your lies.

In fact, your first link seems to explicitly refute your lies.

In any event, your hateful lies about my faith are irrelevant and off-topic in this thread.
You don’t read or watch the news?
No wonder you have no idea what’s going on.
What exactly what did FOX tell you to be afraid of today? I'm guessing it's some variation of "THE DEMOCRATS ARE SENDING THE BLACKS TO ATTACK YOU", due to Juneteenth.

That's good. You do serve a useful purpose. You reliably repeat the talking points, so we don't have to watch FOX.
Your links do not support your lies.

In fact, your first link seems to explicitly refute your lies.

In any event, your hateful lies about my faith are irrelevant and off-topic in this thread.

wow, talk about cognitive dissonance.

If you are going to scream about teachers "Grooming" kids by merely telling them gay people are a thing, then you really shouldn't belong a cult where the founders groomed teenage girls to service them.
wow, talk about cognitive dissonance.

If you are going to scream about teachers "Grooming" kids by merely telling them gay people are a thing, then you really shouldn't belong a cult where the founders groomed teenage girls to service them.

Fortunately, I am not connected with any such cult.
What exactly what did FOX tell you to be afraid of today? I'm guessing it's some variation of "THE DEMOCRATS ARE SENDING THE BLACKS TO ATTACK YOU", due to Juneteenth.

That's good. You do serve a useful purpose. You reliably repeat the talking points, so we don't have to watch FOX.
I don’t watch Fox.
I read Reuters, AP News and the BBC.
Of course you already know that because I have posted that fact 100s of times and I presume you’re not too much of an imbecile to actually ignore people’s posts.

Texas is embracing EVs. Good to see the culture that made Texas the #1 shut hole on earth is slowly going by the wayside
anyone that voted for xiden amd the dems and their record high inflation rates, and sinking stock market voted against their economic interest…race has nothing to do with it
The right just loves to shoot the economic gun into the face of society and then hand that gun over to the left. It's the same ol, same ol DSP or Deflect, Spin, Project (aka LIES).
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.
People in blue cities do it all the time. They vote for high homelessness, high crime, high cost of living, no wonder people are leaving these big cities.
The right just loves to shoot the economic gun into the face of society and then hand that gun over to the left. It's the same ol, same ol DSP or Deflect, Spin, Project (aka LIES).
hhahha yeah yeah....that's what happens....Xiden was handed an economy much better then it is now, and that was coming out of a global pandemic.

Raising Taxes, raising inflation, rasing interest rates....I will say, at least for the time being people have returned to their Trump era jobs, or at least close, but, now that we are in a recession, with more taxes coming....that won't last long
You mean all the Democrat DAs that ran on the platform of not prosecuting crime and won.
You're either an idiot or a liar if you don't know this.

NAMES????? I googled this and got NOTHING. You make this blanket charge without evidence or links to back this up. It's just another FOX News lie/right wing talking point with no facts to back it up, so far as I can tell.
You mean after they were colonized by Europeans and exploited for their resources?
Inferior cultures have always been swallowed up by histories superior cultures. Pointing out how easy it was to take them over isnt making your case look great. There was never a time in history when Africa didnt suck.
People in blue cities do it all the time. They vote for high homelessness, high crime, high cost of living, no wonder people are leaving these big cities.

People in "blue cities" don't vote for ANY of these things because NONE of this stuff is on ANY municipal ballot anywhere. Municipal governments have very limited control over economic measures. They are not allowed to run budget deficits, and are at the mercy of larger economic factors over which they have no control.

The job of municipal government is to manage the municipal infrastructure: pick up the garbage, issue building permits and inspect construction, run public transit, ensure an adequate supply of water, electrical power, and other energy sources to meet public demand. They also run police and fire services to protect the city and its citizens, and the public school system through a locally elected School Board.

Municipal governments can decide how much parkland will be set aside in a neighbourhood, but they have no say in the cost of living, and the only thing they can do about "homelessness" is to provide housing for displaced people. These are not issues that municipal governments have any control over. These are issues inflicted on municipalities by state and federal policies, and which the cities have virtually no legislative tools to deal with.

Detroit is an often cited example of Democrats' corruption and incompetence destroying a once great city. But that's mostly fiction. What destroyed Detroit was the loss of the tax base when the Big Three Automotive Companies moved their manfacturing to Mexico. The formerly well paid auto workers were unemployed and broke. They weren't going to bars or restaurants, or buying new clothes in the local stores. So the bars and the restaurants and the stores closed because they had no customers and this further reduced the tax base. No local sales or VAT's were collected further reducing taxes. Crime went up because of lack of job opportunities, and a very weak social safety net. Drugs and crime flourished, because they're they "diseases of despair".

Yes, there was a lot of corruption in municipal politics in Detroit. But there is a lot of corruption in municipal politics in Republican controlled cities too. Municipal officials and politicians are far more easily corruptible than those higher up because they make the least amount of money, and they control the levers of power for millionaires and billionaires within their jurisdictions. You need your zoning variance approved to building that multi-million dollar shopping mall??? Some guy making government wages is in charge of that approval. Much more bribeable than your local Senator, or Governor. Municipal corruption is a bi-partisan problem.

The very same thing also happened in mid-western cities controlled by Republicans. Opioid deaths, alcoholism and crime are flourishing in red cities where auto plants moved to Mexico. Right wing media paints this as a "blue cities are hell holes" thing, but conservative dogma is really really bad at the nuts and bolts needs of running a city.

Cutting taxes, and mantras about "personal responsibility" do little for the root causes of homelessness, which are often related to mental illness, or abuse and trauma. High crime rates are tied to poverty and a lack of opportunity. Rural midwestern areas are now facing high crime rates and deaths due to opioid addiction and alcoholism. The same diseases of desperation that destroyed the inner cities in the 1980's.
People in "blue cities" don't vote for ANY of these things because NONE of this stuff is on ANY municipal ballot anywhere. Municipal governments have very limited control over economic measures. They are not allowed to run budget deficits, and are at the mercy of larger economic factors over which they have no control.

The job of municipal government is to manage the municipal infrastructure: pick up the garbage, issue building permits and inspect construction, run public transit, ensure an adequate supply of water, electrical power, and other energy sources to meet public demand. They also run police and fire services to protect the city and its citizens, and the public school system through a locally elected School Board.

Municipal governments can decide how much parkland will be set aside in a neighbourhood, but they have no say in the cost of living, and the only thing they can do about "homelessness" is to provide housing for displaced people. These are not issues that municipal governments have any control over. These are issues inflicted on municipalities by state and federal policies, and which the cities have virtually no legislative tools to deal with.

Detroit is an often cited example of Democrats' corruption and incompetence destroying a once great city. But that's mostly fiction. What destroyed Detroit was the loss of the tax base when the Big Three Automotive Companies moved their manfacturing to Mexico. The formerly well paid auto workers were unemployed and broke. They weren't going to bars or restaurants, or buying new clothes in the local stores. So the bars and the restaurants and the stores closed because they had no customers and this further reduced the tax base. No local sales or VAT's were collected further reducing taxes. Crime went up because of lack of job opportunities, and a very weak social safety net. Drugs and crime flourished, because they're they "diseases of despair".

Yes, there was a lot of corruption in municipal politics in Detroit. But there is a lot of corruption in municipal politics in Republican controlled cities too. Municipal officials and politicians are far more easily corruptible than those higher up because they make the least amount of money, and they control the levers of power for millionaires and billionaires within their jurisdictions. You need your zoning variance approved to building that multi-million dollar shopping mall??? Some guy making government wages is in charge of that approval. Much more bribeable than your local Senator, or Governor. Municipal corruption is a bi-partisan problem.

The very same thing also happened in mid-western cities controlled by Republicans. Opioid deaths, alcoholism and crime are flourishing in red cities where auto plants moved to Mexico. Right wing media paints this as a "blue cities are hell holes" thing, but conservative dogma is really really bad at the nuts and bolts needs of running a city.

Cutting taxes, and mantras about "personal responsibility" do little for the root causes of homelessness, which are often related to mental illness, or abuse and trauma. High crime rates are tied to poverty and a lack of opportunity. Rural midwestern areas are now facing high crime rates and deaths due to opioid addiction and alcoholism. The same diseases of desperation that destroyed the inner cities in the 1980's.
Democrats are soft on crime and many blue cities this is an issue. In Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and other cities do not prosecute crimes such as shoplifting, auto theft and other types of crime. That is causing stores to close and raises the cost of living in an environment where the costs are already high. Building codes which cities regulate are stricter and drive housing costs up, with housing costs up, people cannot afford a place to live and thus they become homeless. These are all Democrats and their rules and regs, spare the excuses and show us a blue city that is void of all these issues.

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