The left is on an internet rampage against free speech


Gold Member
Aug 17, 2020
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.

oh you're gonna be fun.................
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.

Well, let's see what you got. This place can be the wild west but it goes on spinning. So, of your "controversies", Jussie Smollet, Nick Sandman, and the Nascar "noose" had nothing to do with Trump. As for the Russia investigation and the Ukraine phone call that led to him becoming only the third President in history to be impeached, unfortunately, he brought all of that on himself. As far as the disinfectants and UV light inserting things go....well, yeah, he actually said those things...and he is responsible for the pathetic response to the virus.
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.
The Democratic Party has all of the indications that it is a fanatical political cult that will use crime and violence to get what they want.
They are a threat to everyone's civil liberties: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, right to a fair trial.....
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.
The Democratic Party has all of the indications that it is a fanatical political cult that will use crime and violence to get what they want.
They are a threat to everyone's civil liberties: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, right to a fair trial.....

projection suits you well.
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.
I don't know about that..I never use vulgar words or threaten people or advocate violence yet I have been taken to the woodshed a few times by the mods for 'inappropriate' posts. It's just the nature of forums, don't take it personally
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.

Well, let's see what you got. This place can be the wild west but it goes on spinning. So, of your "controversies", Jussie Smollet, Nick Sandman, and the Nascar "noose" had nothing to do with Trump. As for the Russia investigation and the Ukraine phone call that led to him becoming only the third President in history to be impeached, unfortunately, he brought all of that on himself. As far as the disinfectants and UV light inserting things go....well, yeah, he actually said those things...and he is responsible for the pathetic response to the virus.
That is your opinion and you can say it all you want. Maybe one day it will be true. The impeachment was a horrible hit to the entire institution of the House. Bill Clinton I did not agree with either. Jesse Smollet and the Nascar noose were both controversies made up to smear Trump and even worse his supporters. And yeah he said those things about UV light and disinfectants but he did not just come up with them out of thin air. He was relaying information he received in a long briefing and misinterpreted what was being said. Would like to see how coherent you were right after hours of slide shows and power points.
But I would not ban you for your opinion or your debate on it. Even though your post is off topic. Would you call what I said a "troll"? And if so would it be egregious enough to be worthy of a ban? Do you not think the people in the thread disrespecting Robert Trump were far more guilty? Never asked if you agreed with what I said.
Sounds like you make up your own controversies. Test the mods and then cry when they slap you down.
Sounds like you make up your own controversies. Test the mods and then cry when they slap you down.
Never made it up I even referred to this poster(did not name/shame him) and others in the thread that totally tore into the Herman Cain memorial thread because he died of covid and happened to be republican. And also had a long history of this kind of snide comments he made. So Yes I accused this poster of malicious intent in his comment but I came prepared with FACTS. And yeah I test moderators all the time this banning is actually a result of the last one. Same moderator that called me a fascist(kind of funny considering the double irony) for no reason then banned me for trolling in an unrelated thread was the one that banned me this time too. After I sent him and the administrators a reply to my first banning about his bias and breaking their own forum rules by both personally attacking me and trolling.
Sounds like you make up your own controversies. Test the mods and then cry when they slap you down.
Never made it up I even referred to this poster(did not name/shame him) and others in the thread that totally tore into the Herman Cain memorial thread because he died of covid and happened to be republican. And also had a long history of this kind of snide comments he made. So Yes I accused this poster of malicious intent in his comment but I came prepared with FACTS. And yeah I test moderators all the time this banning is actually a result of the last one. Same moderator that called me a fascist(kind of funny considering the double irony) for no reason then banned me for trolling in an unrelated thread was the one that banned me this time too. After I sent him and the administrators a reply to my first banning about his bias and breaking their own forum rules by both personally attacking me and trolling.
No one cares. If this totally irrelevant pastime makes you angry then do something that does not make you angry.
Never said I was angry. I actually find it amusing. You calling me angry with your posting history is rich. Do I need to link other personal attacks and raging you have done or do you remember it all? Be glad you are not a republican on a Democrat run website obviously because you have done far more on your first page of posts then I have ever posted.
I would usually ignore this but remember I post on a lot of Democratic biased forums and I know their tactics well. And calling me angry and being dismissive of the topic is an old tired worn out tactic.
Oh and my pastime? Says the guy with 24k posts in 9 years. I have not posted that much my entire life on all forums combined.
Never said I was angry. I actually find it amusing. You calling me angry with your posting history is rich. Do I need to link other personal attacks and raging you have done or do you remember it all? Be glad you are not a republican on a Democrat run website obviously because you have done far more on your first page of posts then I have ever posted.
I would usually ignore this but remember I post on a lot of Democratic biased forums and I know their tactics well. And calling me angry and being dismissive of the topic is an old tired worn out tactic.
What topic are you even trying to discuss? All I see are your hurt feelings.
Lol The topic is what I said trolling. Not if what I said is right. I mean the Democrats keep redefining words every day I might be mistaken in my definition of trolling. I mean it used to be called insensitive to say an off color remark but it took actual actions, intent and/or belief to be racist. Maybe trolling has changed too.
Lol The topic is what I said trolling. Not if what I said is right. I mean the Democrats keep redefining words every day I might be mistaken in my definition of trolling. I mean it used to be called insensitive to say an off color remark but it took actual actions, intent and/or belief to be racist. Maybe trolling has changed too.
Trolling is a subtle art and the actual point of posting on message boards. You said you have been doing this twenty years and you don't know that?
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from envery forum I post o. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.
How can you be posting on this forum if you have been banned from every message board you have ever posted on?
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.
Where is your link and why is this in politics? Where is the political dilemma?
Have posted in various forums for 2 decades. Debating Politics and every other topic under the sun. Never once have I been banned or even warned. The past few months I have been banned from every forum I post on. I usually stay away from forums like this because debate here is too easy. I like to argue on forums with people with totally different views. CBS interactive alone has banned me from 2 sites multiple times without cause. Even had a moderator call me a fascist even though I said nothing in my post that was even in the realm of fascist.
Democrat websites are toxic cesspools of hate and censorship I would suggest avoiding them till after the election.
From the browsing here I see the right is far more forgiving to those with other views and I respect that.
Here is the latest post I made that is supposedly in violation because it is trolling.

And making up controversies is THE Democrats ONLY tactic. Do I need to list the fake controversies even ones perpetrated on purpose to make Trump look bad? Here is a few Russia investigation, Impeachment. Jessie Smollet. Nick Sandman, Nascar "noose", Bleach Drinking, do I need more?

Have I lost my mind? Has the definition of trolling changed(like a lot of other words the democrats overuse). Is there something I am missing here? Btw this was in a political forum and on topic in the current debate. And there was about 10 posters in that same thread making snide comments about covid 19 and Robert Trumps death who are still posting.

Well, let's see what you got. This place can be the wild west but it goes on spinning. So, of your "controversies", Jussie Smollet, Nick Sandman, and the Nascar "noose" had nothing to do with Trump. As for the Russia investigation and the Ukraine phone call that led to him becoming only the third President in history to be impeached, unfortunately, he brought all of that on himself. As far as the disinfectants and UV light inserting things go....well, yeah, he actually said those things...and he is responsible for the pathetic response to the virus.
Shut up you piece of marxist shit.

You see rookie, we can call these cocksuckers the unreal hypocritical losers they are here, for now.
Never said I was angry. I actually find it amusing. You calling me angry with your posting history is rich. Do I need to link other personal attacks and raging you have done or do you remember it all? Be glad you are not a republican on a Democrat run website obviously because you have done far more on your first page of posts then I have ever posted.
I would usually ignore this but remember I post on a lot of Democratic biased forums and I know their tactics well. And calling me angry and being dismissive of the topic is an old tired worn out tactic.
Oh and my pastime? Says the guy with 24k posts in 9 years. I have not posted that much my entire life on all forums combined.
Occupied is, as all of the rest of them, a deranged fucking moronic hypocritical left wing useful baboon for his cultural marxist leaders.

That is all. Have most on ignore for a reason. Don't need to see what they say. I already know. They only repeat what they are told to say and then pretend to care, get whipped into a frenzy like any good obedient monkey of cultural marxist propaganda.

They have nothing original. Nothing. I will bet my big balls that none of them even thought of transgender bathrooms their entire stupid lives until they were told to care about them a few years ago.

That is one example. Now, is there one actual reason to get into a dialogue with such losers?
Where is your link and why is this in politics? Where is the political dilemma?
The very subject of left wing bias tearing through the internet and their cancel culture is not political? Not totally sure I am allowed to post a link from a competitor. Not to mention even though that Moderator was willing to commit liable against me(calling me a fascist) I am not willing to break the law in turn. And kind of tired of Links in general all a democrat can do is run to CNN to get a link to PROVE that they are right. Since 2015 the rags in the shopping aisle have more truth in them then CNN, I would much rather debate original thought.

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