The Left Poised to Silence the Right During 2020 Election Cycle


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Yesterday I was listening to a popular talk radio show and the topic was Censorship.

The discussion pointed out the long list of Right Wing voices that have been silenced on Social Media in the last few years including Twitter, FaceBook, Google and most Left wing controlled Social Media with a clear trend toward promoting the left and silencing the Right.

During this broadcast, the discussion was raised that the Left could be maneuvering to block Right Wing candidates from ALL their venues starting this November in a Grand censorship scheme that will deny a opposition voice to the Right Wing. Including the President.

Indeed, they DO in fact have the power in their hands to do so and there is currently nothing to stop that from happening. it is not illegal to deny access to Social media. It's it at their discretion.

We have already seen Hollywood and Netflix producing movie after movie portraying Right wing values as basically domestic terrorism while championing Progressive values like open borders and gun confiscation. we know that the left owns Television, News and nearly all such cable and broadcast media outlets.

So if the Left pulls the ultimate censorship hail Mary and systematically cuts the right wing out of all Media for the upcoming 2020 election cycle (and I too believe they will), how will the Right respond?
Talk radio is about the only remaining "safe" venue for Right Wingers isn't it?

So far, the Right has utterly ignored the situation and no viable Conservative alternatives to FaceBook or Twitter for example have been launched.

We also know the Left wing is good at silencing opposition. They've succeeded at it across the nation at Colleges and Universities. Should we "trust" they won't do it during the elections?
Yesterday I was listening to a popular talk radio show and the topic was Censorship.

The discussion pointed out the long list of Right Wing voices that have been silenced on Social Media in the last few years including Twitter, FaceBook, Google and most Left wing controlled Social Media with a clear trend toward promoting the left and silencing the Right.

During this broadcast, the discussion was raised that the Left could be maneuvering to block Right Wing candidates from ALL their venues starting this November in a Grand censorship scheme that will deny a opposition voice to the Right Wing. Including the President.

Indeed, they DO in fact have the power in their hands to do so and there is currently nothing to stop that from happening. it is not illegal to deny access to Social media. It's it at their discretion.

We have already seen Hollywood and Netflix producing movie after movie portraying Right wing values as basically domestic terrorism while championing Progressive values like open borders and gun confiscation. we know that the left owns Television, News and nearly all such cable and broadcast media outlets.

So if the Left pulls the ultimate censorship hail Mary and systematically cuts the right wing out of all Media for the upcoming 2020 election cycle (and I too believe they will), how will the Right respond?
Talk radio is about the only remaining "safe" venue for Right Wingers isn't it?

So far, the Right has utterly ignored the situation and no viable Conservative alternatives to FaceBook or Twitter for example have been launched.

We also know the Left wing is good at silencing opposition. They've succeeded at it across the nation at Colleges and Universities. Should we "trust" they won't do it during the elections?

So you want to use BIG GOVERNMENT to come by and make some private companies post editorials in favor of YOUR views?

What's next, I have to have some political views I don't agree with posted on my website? As my signature here?

IF there is a problem here, I think its in the lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Go control who Disney and Facebook can buy up and apply it fairly and evenly across the board, not just on companies with CEO's who dislike Trump. We let a lot of mergers sneak through during the Bush and Obama eras, gotta do something about it or live with it now.
So you want to use BIG GOVERNMENT to come by and make some private companies post editorials in favor of YOUR views?
What's next, I have to have some political views I don't agree with posted on my website? As my signature here?
IF there is a problem here, I think its in the lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Go control who Disney and Facebook can buy up and apply it fairly and evenly across the board, not just on companies with CEO's who dislike Trump. We let a lot of mergers sneak through during the Bush and Obama eras, gotta do something about it or live with it now.

Can you PLEASE point out for me where I said anything about Government stepping in?

This isn't really about not liking others's about one side having NO VOICE. Systematic Silencing. Legally.

That said, your point about anti-trust laws may have merit so thanks.
Nothing can stop this, so yeah, you can expect it. This is just where we are now.

I can't understand why people on the Right havn't launched similar sites.
Are right wingers so pathetic that even if someone did, they would STILL flock to Twitter and Facebook?

On second thought, yeah, maybe that's the reason.
Silence the right? They have Fox news. Duh!

Not really. You are being willfully dishonest as usual.
Anyone can clearly see the Leftist influence Disney's acquisition of FOX has had on FoxNews. Even though they are separated on paper.

It's looking more and more like a Leftist Liberal Hollywood Rag every day.

So you want to use BIG GOVERNMENT to come by and make some private companies post editorials in favor of YOUR views?
What's next, I have to have some political views I don't agree with posted on my website? As my signature here?
IF there is a problem here, I think its in the lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Go control who Disney and Facebook can buy up and apply it fairly and evenly across the board, not just on companies with CEO's who dislike Trump. We let a lot of mergers sneak through during the Bush and Obama eras, gotta do something about it or live with it now.

Can you PLEASE point out for me where I said anything about Government stepping in?

This isn't really about not liking others's about one side having NO VOICE. Systematic Silencing. Legally.

That said, your point about anti-trust laws may have merit so thanks.

You're welcome on the anti-trust talk point. We'll team up there.

I listen a lot to ppl who are upset Facebook bans this or that. My auto response is to challenge them on what they want to do about it. Facebook, the bar down the street, the National Enquirer, they're all private entities.
Yesterday I was listening to a popular talk radio show and the topic was Censorship.

The discussion pointed out the long list of Right Wing voices that have been silenced on Social Media in the last few years including Twitter, FaceBook, Google and most Left wing controlled Social Media with a clear trend toward promoting the left and silencing the Right.

During this broadcast, the discussion was raised that the Left could be maneuvering to block Right Wing candidates from ALL their venues starting this November in a Grand censorship scheme that will deny a opposition voice to the Right Wing. Including the President.

Indeed, they DO in fact have the power in their hands to do so and there is currently nothing to stop that from happening. it is not illegal to deny access to Social media. It's it at their discretion.

We have already seen Hollywood and Netflix producing movie after movie portraying Right wing values as basically domestic terrorism while championing Progressive values like open borders and gun confiscation. we know that the left owns Television, News and nearly all such cable and broadcast media outlets.

So if the Left pulls the ultimate censorship hail Mary and systematically cuts the right wing out of all Media for the upcoming 2020 election cycle (and I too believe they will), how will the Right respond?
Talk radio is about the only remaining "safe" venue for Right Wingers isn't it?

So far, the Right has utterly ignored the situation and no viable Conservative alternatives to FaceBook or Twitter for example have been launched.

We also know the Left wing is good at silencing opposition. They've succeeded at it across the nation at Colleges and Universities. Should we "trust" they won't do it during the elections?

So you want to use BIG GOVERNMENT to come by and make some private companies post editorials in favor of YOUR views?

What's next, I have to have some political views I don't agree with posted on my website? As my signature here?

IF there is a problem here, I think its in the lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Go control who Disney and Facebook can buy up and apply it fairly and evenly across the board, not just on companies with CEO's who dislike Trump. We let a lot of mergers sneak through during the Bush and Obama eras, gotta do something about it or live with it now.
So you're good with the Big Corporate oligarchy controlling what is proper to say and think?

What's next, you going to start pimping for social credit scores?
You're welcome on the anti-trust talk point. We'll team up there.

I listen a lot to ppl who are upset Facebook bans this or that. My auto response is to challenge them on what they want to do about it. Facebook, the bar down the street, the National Enquirer, they're all private entities.

I think we agree. While I don't want to see government step in, it does dissappoint me that the Right itself hasn't / won't step up and take matters in their own hands.

There must be at least a few right wingers who know how to create Social Media sites and could create a countering site to Twitter and Facebook.

The problem (I think) is that Right wingers are so utterly defeated that they would basically ignore the efforts of those who worked hard to bring about such platforms and go right on using Twitter and Facebook, despite the censorship, because "it's easier" and "more convenient".

If I'm correct, it also spells a beak future for America as the nation falls completely into Progressive hands. Like our neighbor did south of the Border.

The real trouble begins, where meaningful opposition ends...regardless of political sides.
They're definitely trying to silence anyone who doesn't tow the line, but if they're too obvious about it (like banning Trump from Twitter) THAT would become the issue, and it would most likely backfire.
Yesterday I was listening to a popular talk radio show and the topic was Censorship.

The discussion pointed out the long list of Right Wing voices that have been silenced on Social Media in the last few years including Twitter, FaceBook, Google and most Left wing controlled Social Media with a clear trend toward promoting the left and silencing the Right.

During this broadcast, the discussion was raised that the Left could be maneuvering to block Right Wing candidates from ALL their venues starting this November in a Grand censorship scheme that will deny a opposition voice to the Right Wing. Including the President.

Indeed, they DO in fact have the power in their hands to do so and there is currently nothing to stop that from happening. it is not illegal to deny access to Social media. It's it at their discretion.

We have already seen Hollywood and Netflix producing movie after movie portraying Right wing values as basically domestic terrorism while championing Progressive values like open borders and gun confiscation. we know that the left owns Television, News and nearly all such cable and broadcast media outlets.

So if the Left pulls the ultimate censorship hail Mary and systematically cuts the right wing out of all Media for the upcoming 2020 election cycle (and I too believe they will), how will the Right respond?
Talk radio is about the only remaining "safe" venue for Right Wingers isn't it?

So far, the Right has utterly ignored the situation and no viable Conservative alternatives to FaceBook or Twitter for example have been launched.

We also know the Left wing is good at silencing opposition. They've succeeded at it across the nation at Colleges and Universities. Should we "trust" they won't do it during the elections?

So you want to use BIG GOVERNMENT to come by and make some private companies post editorials in favor of YOUR views?

What's next, I have to have some political views I don't agree with posted on my website? As my signature here?

IF there is a problem here, I think its in the lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Go control who Disney and Facebook can buy up and apply it fairly and evenly across the board, not just on companies with CEO's who dislike Trump. We let a lot of mergers sneak through during the Bush and Obama eras, gotta do something about it or live with it now.
So you're good with the Big Corporate oligarchy controlling what is proper to say and think?

What's next, you going to start pimping for social credit scores?

You missed it.

Go read this from my earlier post where I said "IF there is a problem here, I think its in the lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Go control who Disney and Facebook can buy up and apply it fairly and evenly across the board, not just on companies with CEO's who dislike Trump. We let a lot of mergers sneak through during the Bush and Obama eras, gotta do something about it or live with it now."

We have some monopoly busting talk to do here. Big Business won't like it either.

Until we declare Facebook/Twitter, whatever a monopoly I don't think they have to post my views anymore than you have to post them in your signature here much less your website.

Until then, queitly watch your President allow Disney to buy whoever because he hates business regulations then wonder who no one can post an editorial anyplace with national reach Disney does not approve of.
Nothing can stop this, so yeah, you can expect it. This is just where we are now.

I can't understand why people on the Right havn't launched similar sites.
Are right wingers so pathetic that even if someone did, they would STILL flock to Twitter and Facebook?

On second thought, yeah, maybe that's the reason.
Could be.

Either way, REAL liberals don't shut down opposing speech, they WELCOME it.
Yesterday I was listening to a popular talk radio show and the topic was Censorship.

The discussion pointed out the long list of Right Wing voices that have been silenced on Social Media in the last few years including Twitter, FaceBook, Google and most Left wing controlled Social Media with a clear trend toward promoting the left and silencing the Right.

During this broadcast, the discussion was raised that the Left could be maneuvering to block Right Wing candidates from ALL their venues starting this November in a Grand censorship scheme that will deny a opposition voice to the Right Wing. Including the President.

Indeed, they DO in fact have the power in their hands to do so and there is currently nothing to stop that from happening. it is not illegal to deny access to Social media. It's it at their discretion.

We have already seen Hollywood and Netflix producing movie after movie portraying Right wing values as basically domestic terrorism while championing Progressive values like open borders and gun confiscation. we know that the left owns Television, News and nearly all such cable and broadcast media outlets.

So if the Left pulls the ultimate censorship hail Mary and systematically cuts the right wing out of all Media for the upcoming 2020 election cycle (and I too believe they will), how will the Right respond?
Talk radio is about the only remaining "safe" venue for Right Wingers isn't it?

So far, the Right has utterly ignored the situation and no viable Conservative alternatives to FaceBook or Twitter for example have been launched.

We also know the Left wing is good at silencing opposition. They've succeeded at it across the nation at Colleges and Universities. Should we "trust" they won't do it during the elections?

meanwhile conservatives, on talk radio shows, in op-ed pieces, and all over the internet, discuss the necessity of silencing all those liberal voices.....
They're definitely trying to silence anyone who doesn't tow the line, but if they're too obvious about it (like banning Trump from Twitter) THAT would become the issue, and it would most likely backfire.

Thanks for that. it would seem that that would be a line crossed too far. But at this point, I could see it happening if not full time, then at least strategically at times when it could do a lot of damage for him to be "accidentally" blocked or his tweets delayed.
meanwhile conservatives, on talk radio shows, in op-ed pieces, and all over the internet, discuss the necessity of silencing all those liberal voices.....

I can't say this is not true, but I haven't personally heard a call by the Right to silence the Left (maybe here on this forum?) as I have actually seen the Left censoring the Right.

can you provide some specific examples of it being said by anyone on the right with an audience of more than a few hundred?
You're welcome on the anti-trust talk point. We'll team up there.

I listen a lot to ppl who are upset Facebook bans this or that. My auto response is to challenge them on what they want to do about it. Facebook, the bar down the street, the National Enquirer, they're all private entities.

I think we agree. While I don't want to see government step in, it does dissappoint me that the Right itself hasn't / won't step up and take matters in their own hands.

There must be at least a few right wingers who know how to create Social Media sites and could create a countering site to Twitter and Facebook.

The problem (I think) is that Right wingers are so utterly defeated that they would basically ignore the efforts of those who worked hard to bring about such platforms and go right on using Twitter and Facebook, despite the censorship, because "it's easier" and "more convenient".

If I'm correct, it also spells a beak future for America as the nation falls completely into Progressive hands. Like our neighbor did south of the Border.

The real trouble begins, where meaningful opposition ends...regardless of political sides.

Ignoring the left / right hatred,

The internet is an interesting creature. On one hand it should DECENTRALIZE news outlets and it does, think of all the crazy things you can find on Google's Youtube. On the other it makes the big ones more powerful. As a businessman advertising I just have to play with Facebook, Google retargeting and maybe some Bing and Yahoo. Folks also trust what they see on the big sites, for some reason.

If it helps, our Republic has some responsibility to keep economic feudalism from occurring. Money makes money, money makes power. The small government economic right (I'm not a left/right guy I use an X/Y graph), the small government economic right SHOULD be troubled by regulations. Hell, everyone should be. But at some point regulations must be used or else Disney or the Chinese or someone is going to buy up everything in the widget supply chain and hold us hostage. Its not a situation the founding fathers totally foresaw but as railroads and instant communication (telegraphs) made the world smaller it became important to control the power of corporations.

On a tangent, it should also help to think of corporations as artificial big government created entities. Corporations really help capitalistic societies grow faster. Bankruptcy laws, laws forcing folks to pay each other for things, not just steal them all do also. But since government/the people stepped in and allowed a corporation to be created for the economic benefit of the investors the people/government get some say in corporate responsibilities.
How will they respond? By whining about it on the internet and/or demanding gubmint regulation instead creating alternative social media platforms.

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