The Left says San Fran has been taken over by White Supremacists.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
You just can't make this stuff up

So after the looney Leftist stooges on a school board were given the boot by enraged voters, but some 70%, democrats are saying it is because of white supremacy

And this is why the DNC has become the laughing stock of the world, a virtual toilet bowl in the history of mankind, a disgrace to humanity.
You just can't make this stuff up

So after the looney Leftist stooges on a school board were given the boot by enraged voters, but some 70%, democrats are saying it is because of white supremacy

And this is why the DNC has become the laughing stock of the world, a virtual toilet bowl in the history of mankind, a disgrace to humanity.

SF allows non-citizens to vote in school board elections. The VAST majority of non-citizens in SF are Asian and hispanic. What does this say? The radical progreSSive DemoKKKrats don't have nearly the influence over hispanics and Asians that they think they have. Not prosecuting all the hate crimes against Asians in that shithole city isn't a winning strategy after all, is it?

Screenshot 2022-02-18 094123.png
California needs to go back to a red state. It's been festering away since the late 80s when democrats brought in illegals then let them vote. It's always gradually been going down hill but it's really taken a nosedive the past 5 or 6 years.

And of course racism. That's the rallying cry of Democrats anymore. The funniest one being in Virginia when the white Democrat governor was in charge everything was fine and dandy, then when he loses to a white Republican all the sudden democrats called it a racist election. It was fine when their white guy was in charge, but it was racist when a white guy from the other party beat him.

And of course if a black dude robs a store all cracked out and then pulls a weapon on the cops and they shoot him then to him the cops were racist.

Their racism ranting is way out of control.
SF allows non-citizens to vote in school board elections. The VAST majority of non-citizens in SF are Asian and hispanic. What does this say? The radical progreSSive DemoKKKrats don't have nearly the influence over hispanics and Asians that they think they have. Not prosecuting all the hate crimes against Asians in that shithole city isn't a winning strategy after all, is it?

Just recently SF let out on bail a black person who they said was responsible for at least half of the hate crimes against Asians. Guess they felt he was not a danger to the public. Then they wonder why crime is increasing. Hooray to them for finally ousting these school board members.
California needs to go back to a red state. It's been festering away since the late 80s when democrats brought in illegals then let them vote. It's always gradually been going down hill but it's really taken a nosedive the past 5 or 6 years.

And of course racism. That's the rallying cry of Democrats anymore. The funniest one being in Virginia when the white Democrat governor was in charge everything was fine and dandy, then when he loses to a white Republican all the sudden democrats called it a racist election. It was fine when their white guy was in charge, but it was racist when a white guy from the other party beat him.

And of course if a black dude robs a store all cracked out and then pulls a weapon on the cops and they shoot him then to him the cops were racist.

Their racism ranting is way out of control.
The last recall may have actually worked if they had put up a moderate Republican instead of someone from the far right.
The last recall may have actually worked if they had put up a moderate Republican instead of someone from the far right.

I'm not so sure any Republicans would have gotten in. Democrats fiercely fight for California, it's been blue for like 40 years or something I think. It's a keystone for them as rules made in California effect the rest of the country. Plus Hollywood is based out it primarily. They need to hold it too badly to let it be taken from them.

That's why when the recall election came around despite the shit going on that needed attention Biden, Harris and even Obama dropped what they were doing and went out there to campaign for newsom.

I don't think the current administration will let California be lost to them. They need it to maintain control and push their agendas too badly like they do in new York. If they lose one of those they are up shit creek. And they will play dirty pool to keep them.
California needs to go back to a red state. It's been festering away since the late 80s when democrats brought in illegals then let them vote. It's always gradually been going down hill but it's really taken a nosedive the past 5 or 6 years.

And of course racism. That's the rallying cry of Democrats anymore. The funniest one being in Virginia when the white Democrat governor was in charge everything was fine and dandy, then when he loses to a white Republican all the sudden democrats called it a racist election. It was fine when their white guy was in charge, but it was racist when a white guy from the other party beat him.

And of course if a black dude robs a store all cracked out and then pulls a weapon on the cops and they shoot him then to him the cops were racist.

Their racism ranting is way out of control.
they let illegals vote back then?.....i must have missed that one.....
they let illegals vote back then?.....i must have missed that one.....

Well it started with something called prop 187 I think it was that would remove public services from illegals and would make employers report illegal employees. That stirred up the hornets some. And at some point the Mexicans got upset which were primarily democrat and they ended up doing what they are trying to do now in new York, letting non us citizens vote in elections. Well in came the illegals that were granted something or another and allowed to vote.

They couldn't vote for federal elections like the president, but they could vote for local and state officials like governor. After a bit California turned blue and stayed that way.

Me just saying letting illegals vote was the cliff notes version of it, but effectively the same thing.

That's why there is the bid to do in new York right now where they want to allow like I think 800,000 non us citizens vote. They want to repeat what happened in California, and I'm guessing nationwide as well since Biden seems to be letting illegals just waltz across the border in droves.
Well it started with something called prop 187 I think it was that would remove public services from illegals and would make employers report illegal employees. That stirred up the hornets some. And at some point the Mexicans got upset which were primarily democrat and they ended up doing what they are trying to do now in new York, letting non us citizens vote in elections. Well in came the illegals that were granted something or another and allowed to vote.

They couldn't vote for federal elections like the president, but they could vote for local and state officials like governor. After a bit California turned blue and stayed that way.

Me just saying letting illegals vote was the cliff notes version of it, but effectively the same thing.

That's why there is the bid to do in new York right now where they want to allow like I think 800,000 non us citizens vote. They want to repeat what happened in California, and I'm guessing nationwide as well since Biden seems to be letting illegals just waltz across the border in droves.
when did you live in California?....because i lived there for 50 years including the 80's and 90's and illegals never voted in local elections...
The left practice projection. Among other things, the left reject the beds they make for themselves only to blame others for it. Why?

Emotionally Led + Dependent + Intellectually Dishonest + Mental Laziness = Leftist

Right leftists? CORRECT
when did you live in California?....because i lived there for 50 years including the 80's and 90's and illegals never voted in local elections...

Then go read about the prop I mentioned then. And read about non us citizens they are trying to let vote in new York right now in the same fashion.

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