The leftists aren't political opponents they are mortal enemies...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.

There's always darkness before the light .. sit back and relax for a time, the Democratic Party and their parasitic media are imploding before your very eyes... relax and enjoy the ride...:popcorn:
Years of D&D campaigns and LARP events have clearly given Blackrook a flair the dramatic.
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
They are controlled by evil and they promote evil.
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals.

Kinda like they are doing now.

But for now, while God still has favor upon us, and while we are still here on Earth, it is our duty to fight their lies and hatred.

So, to Liberals I say continue on with your antics. Eventually Judgement Day Comes and puts an end to your reign....forever.

That being said, don't these leftist have someone to call a sub-human racist, and pin the Scarlet "R" on?

It's easier to round us up later, if they can pin a Star of David on our chest or a Nice Bright Red Scarlet "R".

It's what DemNazis do. It's what they have always done.

From the Trail of Tears, to Slavery, To Poll Taxes, to now High Tech Lynchings and their Violent Mobs.

Their Swatikas, their KKK, their Confederate Flags, their ANTIFA, their Symbols and Tactics change.

But they never change.

They never change.
The crazy is strong here...
Let's compare the ANTIFA Flag with The Nazi Flag, shall we?

All you DemNazis did was Rebrand your KKK and create a different kind of Nazi in ANTIFA.


Here is another ANTIFA flag in case you try to say..... "That's Just One Flag"


Oh, and in case you try to deflect and say...."That's just two flags"

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,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?

Democrat party is a bigger treat to America than ISIS.

There is zero chance that ISIS will get the country invaded like the party.
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?

Oh, boy.
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.

You paint an alarming picture of these "leftists". But you need something in there about baby-killing.
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?

Democrat party is a bigger treat to America than ISIS.

There is zero chance that ISIS will get the country invaded like the party.
Antifa and Their Supporters Are Far More Dangerous Than The KKK : SocialJusticeInAction
,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?

Democrat party is a bigger treat to America than ISIS.

There is zero chance that ISIS will get the country invaded like the party.
Antifa and Their Supporters Are Far More Dangerous Than The KKK : SocialJusticeInAction

,,,if they are victorious they will disarm us, murder us or put us in concentration camps, rape our women, and force our children to join youth groups to be brainwashed into leftist ideas.
We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?

Democrat party is a bigger treat to America than ISIS.

There is zero chance that ISIS will get the country invaded like the party.
Antifa and Their Supporters Are Far More Dangerous Than The KKK : SocialJusticeInAction

We all know that as The End times approach, that no matter what good people do, EVIL does prevail and reigns over The Earth for about 7 years.....(probably starts before that) and that people of faith will be hunted down like animals. Kinda like they are doing now.
Thinking of "mortal enemies", the best name I can come up with is ISIS.

Would you guys equate ISIS and the Democratic Party in terms of evil?

Democrat party is a bigger treat to America than ISIS.

There is zero chance that ISIS will get the country invaded like the party.
Antifa and Their Supporters Are Far More Dangerous Than The KKK : SocialJusticeInAction


OMG!!! They are so scary.

We need to give up all our rights to an authoritarian regime right away! It's the only way.
This thread is the result of Kool-aid overdose.
Such easily manipulated minds.


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