The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode

Again, the votes Hillary lost were lost to people who were more radical than she was...


Yes. You're catching on. Radical in the opposite direction.

People (voters) generally defect from their own ranks (middle dems) and run to a more extreme conservative platform when the platform on the left is EVEN MORE INSANE than Donald Trump. As bad as Donald Trump is, the democrat voters chose him instead of the democrat (who this time just happened to be Hillary Clinton). And they rejected down-ticket dems too for the same reason: flagrant insanity beyond the pale dictating often from from a singular judge's bench....or five Justices. The election was a referendum on the United States Supreme Court and the federal court system in general.

No need to ask yourself why...
Yes. You're catching on. Radical in the opposite direction.

People (voters) generally defect from their own ranks (middle dems) and run to a more extreme conservative platform when the platform on the left is EVEN MORE INSANE than Donald Trump. As bad as Donald Trump is, the democrat voters chose him instead of the democrat (who this time just happened to be Hillary Clinton).

Um... no.

This was not a big issue in 2016. The only people who cared about it were the homophobes and transphobes, and they were voting Republican regardless.

Hillary lost to the radicals in the Green Party because 1) She treated Bernie and his followers badly and 2) She was seen as being in the pocket of big banks.

Oh, yeah, and she was as corrupt as shit and no one really trusted her.

And they rejected down-ticket dems too for the same reason:

Down ticket, the Dems picked up two Senate Seats and seven house seats... next argument.

flagrant insanity beyond the pale dictating often from from a singular judge's bench....or five Justices. The election was a referendum on the United States Supreme Court and the federal court system in general.

No, it really wasn't. If it was, then the majority voted for supporting gay rights...

one more time... The Republicans lost Senate Seats in IL and NH.

It was not a good night for them.
Overall dems got a drubbing. But you knew that.

Your spin stops here. Dems lost their asses in 2016 because democrats crossed lines and voted republican up and down ticket. That was a platform issue. Not a Russian issue. Not a Hillary issue.

It was a Mook Mafia issue....
Overall dems got a drubbing. But you knew that.

Not really... Not even close. Frankly, I don't think you know what a drubbing looks like.

A drubbing is something like 1994 or 2006, where you lose both houses.

Not doing as well as you thought due to gerrymandering isn't really a drubbing.

Your spin stops here. Dems lost their asses in 2016 because democrats crossed lines and voted republican up and down ticket.

Except that there's no evidence that happened. The same people who voted Republican in 2010 and 2012 and 2014 voted for them again... except maybe slightly less.

Frankly, 2016 should have been a route for the Republicans, for no other reason that historically, when a party has held the presidency for 8 years, people want change.

But in this case, they didn't want it that bad, but were stuck with it due to bad candidates and a bad system.
Frankly, 2016 should have been a route for the Republicans, for no other reason that historically, when a party has held the presidency for 8 years, people want change.

But in this case, they didn't want it that bad, but were stuck with it due to bad candidates and a bad system.
Yeah anything but Obama's "deranged boys in girls school bathrooms/showers...or else..." mandate issued mid-2016. ANYTHING but that.

According to you, that unheard of proposition-turned-mandate-overnight, the acme of foolishness and insanity institutionalized in people's daughter's schools 'didn't even register on voters' radar'.

Just asserting THAT shows how gigantic of a liar you are. You are the Colossus of liars. The Titanic of liars. Your spin is worse than the spin on the Emperors New Clothes.
Yeah anything but Obama's "deranged boys in girls school bathrooms/showers...or else..." mandate issued mid-2016. ANYTHING but that.

Again, wasn't an issue if no one actually talked about it...

Not one Democrat lost his seat because of it.

Not one Republican gained a seat running on it.
Again, you lost on Homophobia as an issue.

You will lose on Transphobia as an issue, too.
Says the losing party of 2016..because of the deranged male (tranny) issuevin female-only hygiene areas. You think women middle dems don't vote? :popcorn:
You had a lot more than two. Down-ticket dems were rejected by middle dems too for canditates with more conservative platforms.

Um... no. In fact, the Democrats picked up seats in the House and Senate... Here in IL, we kicked Mark Kirk to the curb, and good riddance.

What on the left was driving them away? The Russians?

Except you haven't made that case. In fact, if anything, it's quite the opposite. In SC, the governor who try to make a big deal about trannies LOST.
wow your wanker vet beat a stroke victim. LOL.
The people in the Rust Belt didn't care about the economy, jobs, and, national security during the last presidential election. Trannies in bathrooms and homos getting hitched were the biggest issues of my region. Who cares about putting food on the table when the fag couple down the street can married?!
The people in the Rust Belt didn't care about the economy, jobs, and, national security during the last presidential election. Trannies in bathrooms and homos getting hitched were the biggest issues of my region. Who cares about putting food on the table when the fag couple down the street can married?!
The issue wasn't two men playing mom and dad to children. Well it was, but we'll leave that for say 2020's USSC to work out. What WAS front and center in everyone's mind was that in public schools, little girls suddenly were forced by democrats to share their intimate bathrooms and showers with deranged boys. And this courtesy of the affirmative-action president who had a rainbow light display set up to shine on the Whitehouse a day or two in advance of the "impartial Obergefell decision"...

People can see fascism when it bitch-slaps them upside the head. Corrupting the Judiciary was the final straw. 2016 was a referendum on the USSC more than anything. And yes, you can thank the affirmative action president and his Mook Mafia operatives for showing the voters of this nation that the brand of the democratic party was as tarnished by a deviant cult as it could possibly be. Only made worse by them retaining power and the passage of more time and more bizarre escalating "edicts from the throne" (you know, replacing democracy, state powers and free speech.....)

So (middle dem) voters in 2016 saw the elephant in the living room and said "yeah, fuck that" and voted accordingly. The Mook Mafia is going to be the death of the democratic party which used to stand for some cool stuff. Hillary knew this. It's why she attacked Robby Mook specifically on election night 2016 when she learned of the spanking up and down ticket that the dems took as a whole.
The people in the Rust Belt didn't care about the economy, jobs, and, national security during the last presidential election. Trannies in bathrooms and homos getting hitched were the biggest issues of my region. Who cares about putting food on the table when the fag couple down the street can married?!
The issue wasn't two men playing mom and dad to children. Well it was, but we'll leave that for say 2020's USSC to work out. What WAS front and center in everyone's mind was that in public schools, little girls suddenly were forced by democrats to share their intimate bathrooms and showers with deranged boys. And this courtesy of the affirmative-action president who had a rainbow light display set up to shine on the Whitehouse a day or two in advance of the "impartial Obergefell decision"...

People can see fascism when it bitch-slaps them upside the head. Corrupting the Judiciary was the final straw. 2016 was a referendum on the USSC more than anything. And yes, you can thank the affirmative action president and his Mook Mafia operatives for showing the voters of this nation that the brand of the democratic party was as tarnished by a deviant cult as it could possibly be. Only made worse by them retaining power and the passage of more time and more bizarre escalating "edicts from the throne" (you know, replacing democracy, state powers and free speech.....)

So (middle dem) voters in 2016 saw the elephant in the living room and said "yeah, fuck that" and voted accordingly.

As always, you’re projecting your personal obsessions on the rest of the electorate. I understand why, though. Your whole world would come crashing down unless gay marriage and trannies were a major factor in the last election. You have to believe that or your constant whining here and life’s crusade would all be for nothing. That’s why you craft these comforting lies and why this thread is just mostly you talking to yourself and Joe.
As always, you’re projecting your personal obsessions on the rest of the electorate. I understand why, though. Your whole world would come crashing down unless gay marriage and trannies were a major factor in the last election. You have to believe that or your constant whining here and life’s crusade would all be for nothing. That’s why you craft these comforting lies and why this thread is just mostly you talking to yourself and Joe.

As always your favorite default-deflection (ad hominem) serves to attempt to foil readers into forgetting that you haven't spoken to the points I just made...
As always, you’re projecting your personal obsessions on the rest of the electorate. I understand why, though. Your whole world would come crashing down unless gay marriage and trannies were a major factor in the last election. You have to believe that or your constant whining here and life’s crusade would all be for nothing. That’s why you craft these comforting lies and why this thread is just mostly you talking to yourself and Joe.

As always your favorite default-deflection (ad hominem) serves to attempt to foil readers into forgetting that you haven't spoken to the points I just made...

It's the same point you make in almost every post of yours regardless of the topic: Faggots and trannies are too blame. You haven't offered any evidence to support your assertions. Just some nonsense about people in the Rust Belt being too afraid to voice their opinions and assurances from you that these issues weighed heavily on them in the private voting booth. You can't prove either, so you're forced to citing your imagination...again.
Another thread by Silhouette.

Another thread of her spewing her hatred towards gays and their children and encouraging others to do likewise.

Uh oh...need another diversion. ^^ Quick, send in reinforcements to derail the topic!

Is the left being spun by operatives to believe that the 2016 election losses for them was about anything but the bizarre and escalating perversion cult forcing its edicts on people using the unilateral power (and partial activism) from the Executive and Judicial Branches of government circa 2015-2016?
Uh oh...need another diversion. ^^ Quick, send in reinforcements to derail the topic!

Is the left being spun by operatives to believe that the 2016 election losses for them was about anything but the bizarre and escalating perversion cult forcing its edicts on people using the unilateral power (and partial activism) from the Executive and Judicial Branches of government circa 2015-2016?

Your sex perversion cult has nothing to do with the 2016 election- no matter how much you want to think you did.

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