the lesser of two evils is still evil.

I don't see how anyone who can oppose Romney on the issues could possibly support Newt. Newt has also the same problems Romney plus a million more ethical problems.

Compare Romney's time at Bain creating jobs, vs Newts time at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Look at Romney's support for the Individual mandate in MA vs. Newt's long time support of one at the Federal level.
Look at Newt's love with the Roosevelts and Woodrow Wilson.
Look at Romney's family life vs. Newts.

There is no contest that Romney is the superior candidate.
Romney is the democrat fav because they have so much ammunition already against him. If he doesn't run, they wasted it all.
Romney is the democrat fav because they have so much ammunition already against him. If he doesn't run, they wasted it all.

The gunpowder that can be used against Newt is a mountain next to Romney's molehill.

And it is dry.
Romney is the democrat fav because they have so much ammunition already against him. If he doesn't run, they wasted it all.

What ammunition? His biggest weakness is Romneycare. Do you honestly think they will attack him for that?

What else are they going to attack? His time at Bain creating jobs? not going to go well for them except to the kool aid drinkers who have no freaking clue what a venture capitalist can do and honestly, they wont be voting for anyone but Obama anyway.

Or do you mean the Mormon thing? Because I dont think it will be a factor.
Yeah we heard that old cliche a hundred or is it a thousand times and it still as ignorant today as it always was.

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