The Liberal Excuse ."Well,Hillary Was 50 Points Ahead",So What If The Russians Hack The Election.

If you look at the political climate today, you would have to say The Russians if they did anything other than troll message boards like BlindBoo does here, are strictly against President Trump and not for him.

It's either that, or The Left has decided to do the work of our enemies for them.

You don't see this massive Pro Trump Trolling on Facebook, Twitter & message boards like you see every day and have seen for the past two years. All you see is daily is an avalanche of Anti-Trump trolling 24-7 on social media and in the Liberal News Media.

And all the violence and hate is emanating strictly from The Left. So if
"THE RUSSIANS" were out to get us, they are out to "GET TRUMP" and The Left is their accomplice.

But they have always been willing to be "STALIN'S COCK HOLSTER" being the filthy Socialists they are.

The position of "Putin's Cock Holster" has already been filled by none other than "The Orange Grabby One".

A feeble attempt to blame the Left for Team Trumps obvious collusion with Russia.

Putin at least is head of a Democracy. The Left is all about Resisting Democracy, so Stalin's Cock Holster, or Stalin's Dildo, or Stalin's Butt Plug is perfectly applicable to The Left and the Enemies of America, and Democracy.

It is not accurate to say the Left works for Russia, but they are doing the bidding of our enemies, and it is more accurate to say they are Agents of The Kremlin who long for the days of The Soviet Union.

The Cold War Never Ended. The Democrat Party adopted The Soviet Union, it's policies and tactics and brought it to the USA.
If nothing else, you are amusing.


Today, Vladimir Putin presides over an authoritarian government in that same White House, a bulky 20-story skyscraper on the edge of the Moscow River. Occasional demonstrations in favor of democracy are small and largely ignored, except by the police.

Those who defended the White House thought they had changed the course of history, that in standing up so assertively the people had shaken off their Soviet subservience to the state and that the state would begin to serve the people. But today, elections are not fair, courts are not independent, political opposition is not tolerated and the reformers are widely blamed for what has gone wrong.

Russia, once almost a democracy

This is what The Great Grabby One and the GOP have in mind for us.

Let's talk about Elections in Russia. They have voter ID, and a National Voter Database. Each Russian Citizen can only vote once. There is no way to scam the system, and Illegal Immigrants and Foreigners cannot register to vote, unlike in Sanctuary City States in the US.

Lefty is "so concerned" about the integrity of the vote, that he opposes all legislation that would ensure our elections are fair and uncompromised.

So, I have to ask, why do you register illegals to vote, why are you for open borders, and why are you against voter ID? Why did you not protest your party rigging it's own primaries? Why did you not speak out against them stealing debate questions?

Trump definitely grabbed Comey's Pussy, didn't he? He probably grabbed yours too, so that's why you are so butt hurt.

And now he has Lying Loretta "The Hobbit" Lynch by her pubes. It doesn't get any better than that. Can't wait until Rice, and then Obama goes on trial.

When you make up facts, your predictions naturally fail.

In Russia, opposition leaders are routinely jailed on (pardon the pun) Trumped up charges, or worse, killed.
well the russian ladies peeing on Obama's bed didnt help at all,,,Hillary still lost in a massive landslide
Everyone knows what happened on Obama's watch was actually Trump's fault. This is because Trump is a white male Republican, so of course he's held to a much higher standard than a black male Democrat. If Obama was female he'd be the greatest POUS ever.

"When you lose elections you can't blame anyone else - you have only yourself to blame.'

I only heard the audio - I couldn't see if someone was holding a gun to his head, making him say this.


Of course, Schummer was being wiretapped by Obama Bin Spying, so we didn't hear the entirety of his comments, but recently a portion of it was leaked. It's important to keep this stuff in context.


"Unless it's a Democrat losing an election, then you blame Russia."

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