So where was the MSM when Obama actually tells Russians: After my election I have more flexibility,"

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of progressives....
Rustic, tell us just what Obama meant by that comment, and what effect did it have during his last 4 years in office?
Who knows, there was a reason why he was trying to hide it… your messiah is not flawless. Barry is just another fucked up career politician like the rest of them…
What effect did that comment have on US-Russian relations during his final 4 years in office?
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
It seems the dumbest members of the echo chamber have taken the bait and acted with their usual hysteria.

Fact, Obama was POTUS.
Fact, it was during a campaign.
Fact, Romney was tough on Russia.
Fact, Obama not so much but obviously didn't want it in the open.
Fact, that's why he said after the campaign.
Fact, you've been duped.
What effect did this comment have on our country- NONE, ZERO
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of progressives....
Rustic, tell us just what Obama meant by that comment, and what effect did it have during his last 4 years in office?
Who knows, there was a reason why he was trying to hide it… your messiah is not flawless. Barry is just another fucked up career politician like the rest of them…
What effect did that comment have on US-Russian relations during his final 4 years in office?
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
Did it affect US- Russian relations? Once again you have taken a few words out of total context. The end result was nothing
Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of progressives....
Rustic, tell us just what Obama meant by that comment, and what effect did it have during his last 4 years in office?
Who knows, there was a reason why he was trying to hide it… your messiah is not flawless. Barry is just another fucked up career politician like the rest of them…
What effect did that comment have on US-Russian relations during his final 4 years in office?
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
Did it affect US- Russian relations? Once again you have taken a few words out of total context. The end result was nothing
Trusting a career politician like Obama… How stupid are you? Obviously whatever he did with them was not good for the country. He certainly isn't gonna tell anybody
Rustic, tell us just what Obama meant by that comment, and what effect did it have during his last 4 years in office?
Who knows, there was a reason why he was trying to hide it… your messiah is not flawless. Barry is just another fucked up career politician like the rest of them…
What effect did that comment have on US-Russian relations during his final 4 years in office?
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
Did it affect US- Russian relations? Once again you have taken a few words out of total context. The end result was nothing
Trusting a career politician like Obama… How stupid are you? Obviously whatever I did with them was not good for the country. He certainly isn't gonna tell anybody
I would think if something was not good for the country, after 4 years we would know all about it.
Did Obama lie before Congress?
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time -
"particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure.

The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

So here is what a Google search shows as how the MSM handled that campaign comment to the Russians!

View attachment 115195
No matter what dialog, Obama had with Russia, he never degraded this country, he never praised Putin while putting down judges, women, the handicap, minorities, etc...and and and, one single comment vs every gotdamned body in the Trump circle???? Really? Stop trying to equate Obama with this lying good for nothing Trump circus that I pray to God crumbles soon along with the idiots, like you who support this bitch!!
Obama couldn't tell the truth, if his life depended on it.

And to PROVE your statement about Obama telling the truth... HE told us he was a congenital liar...

From Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day,
a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..

[This is Obama BLAMING Law enforcement for doing their job and excusing Pablo! Disgusting"]
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck...
I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.

[Remember Obama is a teen ager explaining to his MOM!! how pompous and arrogant!]
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry,

[what a smart-ass condescending spoiled brat!]
I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.

[Folks do you understand? This is how Obama has acted as President! "Tricks..tactics"!]
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

He has ALWAYS been an angry, lying, deceitful black man... he just hasn't grown up!!!
Who knows, there was a reason why he was trying to hide it… your messiah is not flawless. Barry is just another fucked up career politician like the rest of them…
What effect did that comment have on US-Russian relations during his final 4 years in office?
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
Did it affect US- Russian relations? Once again you have taken a few words out of total context. The end result was nothing
Trusting a career politician like Obama… How stupid are you? Obviously whatever I did with them was not good for the country. He certainly isn't gonna tell anybody
I would think if something was not good for the country, after 4 years we would know all about it.
Did Obama lie before Congress?
… Even under sniper fire and in all 57 states
What effect did that comment have on US-Russian relations during his final 4 years in office?
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
Did it affect US- Russian relations? Once again you have taken a few words out of total context. The end result was nothing
Trusting a career politician like Obama… How stupid are you? Obviously whatever I did with them was not good for the country. He certainly isn't gonna tell anybody
I would think if something was not good for the country, after 4 years we would know all about it.
Did Obama lie before Congress?
… Even under sniper fire and in all 57 states
While keeping your doctor and your insurance…
Obviously we don't know, obviously the media was covering for him...
There's never been a less transparent administration as the obama menstruation....
Did it affect US- Russian relations? Once again you have taken a few words out of total context. The end result was nothing
Trusting a career politician like Obama… How stupid are you? Obviously whatever I did with them was not good for the country. He certainly isn't gonna tell anybody
I would think if something was not good for the country, after 4 years we would know all about it.
Did Obama lie before Congress?
… Even under sniper fire and in all 57 states
While keeping your doctor and your insurance…
But one thing is for sure he is one hell of a gun salesman…

Only a fool would think that's just nothing…

Well Einstein, what was it?

OK, what was that conversation about...
Golfing? Fanboys like yourself are pitiful…

Try reading the entire conversation and maybe you will know, but after 4 years, who cares. Obama left office with a 60% approval rating. Lets see if Rump can do 1/2 of that

Only reason we have Trump is because of Obama… Elections have consequences
You snipped out why, you little maggot.

Because it made no sense. I thought I was doing you a favor. And that's the thanks I get.

"Why mention the election if it wasn't relevant? Of course it was. Romney was running an anti-Russia campaign."

So? You've just confirmed Obama was telling the truth. So why did you lie by claiming he was not honest?

You're getting all twisted up in your own lies. That's one reason why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't have to obey a party that orders us to lie, so we don't ever get confused, trying to form some weird narrative based on lies.
You a smug idiot, nothing more. You repeat lies and expect them to become reality. I said why Obama mentioned it in private and you are too stupid to understand.

"Obama mentioned it in private" MEANS nothing! The intent is the point as everyone understands. What purpose did it serve for Obama to say
"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility"
Why did he tell the Russians this? Wasn't he looking for Russia to influence HIS re-election by NOT doing anything until "AFTER MY ELECTION"???

Only a fool would think that's just nothing…

Well Einstein, what was it?

OK, what was that conversation about...
Golfing? Fanboys like yourself are pitiful…

Try reading the entire conversation and maybe you will know, but after 4 years, who cares. Obama left office with a 60% approval rating. Lets see if Rump can do 1/2 of that

Only reason we have Trump is because of Obama… Elections have consequences

President Obama did a fine job. What was Bush's approval when he left office? In fact, what was Rumps approval when he entered office?
Know what "hope and change" resulted in…


Only a fool would think that's just nothing…

Hmmm...given that you are a fool, proved many times over, I needed to consider your comment. After a moments reflection, you comment is once again foolish. At least you are consistent.
You snipped out why, you little maggot.

Because it made no sense. I thought I was doing you a favor. And that's the thanks I get.

"Why mention the election if it wasn't relevant? Of course it was. Romney was running an anti-Russia campaign."

So? You've just confirmed Obama was telling the truth. So why did you lie by claiming he was not honest?

You're getting all twisted up in your own lies. That's one reason why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't have to obey a party that orders us to lie, so we don't ever get confused, trying to form some weird narrative based on lies.
You a smug idiot, nothing more. You repeat lies and expect them to become reality. I said why Obama mentioned it in private and you are too stupid to understand.

"Obama mentioned it in private" MEANS nothing! The intent is the point as everyone understands. What purpose did it serve for Obama to say
"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility"
Why did he tell the Russians this? Wasn't he looking for Russia to influence HIS re-election by NOT doing anything until "AFTER MY ELECTION"???
You will never know the answer, but we do know that no one in his administration ever left office in disgrace

Only a fool would think that's just nothing…

Well Einstein, what was it?

OK, what was that conversation about...
Golfing? Fanboys like yourself are pitiful…

Try reading the entire conversation and maybe you will know, but after 4 years, who cares. Obama left office with a 60% approval rating. Lets see if Rump can do 1/2 of that

Only reason we have Trump is because of Obama… Elections have consequences

President Obama did a fine job. What was Bush's approval when he left office? In fact, what was Rumps approval when he entered office?

Like a said there would be no trump there was not an Obama… Elections have consequences. The American people seeing that hope and change was a load of shit…

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