For Biden, the only good pipeline is a Putin pipeline

I never said you posted that we imported zero barrels of oil from Russia.

Fucking liar.

Oh, and You have to click the link - you fucking retard - despite being on the board for 10 years, you still can't grasp the whole post reference mechanism
But, I did post that we had been doing so for decades and you called me a liar. Why did you call me a liar if you knew what I said was true?

Oh, because you are a dishonest POS, that is why.

Sleazy Nazi liar
Fucking liar.

Oh, and You have to click the link - you fucking retard - despite being on the board for 10 years, you still can't grasp the whole post reference mechanism


Sleazy Nazi liar

From that very same thread ....

There I am saying that US importing oil from Russia had been going on for decades and did not start under Biden and there you are calling me a liar.

You make this far too each.

From that very same thread ....

There I am saying that US importing oil from Russia had been going on for decades and did not start under Biden and there you are calling me a liar.

You make this far too each.

View attachment 605438


You're a fucking liar.

I never made any such claim.

You think lying makes you clever. All you fucking Nazis do.

With you it lie, get caught, insult, repeat lie, insult, claim you never told the lie, insult, repeat lie.

You're a fucking liar.

I never made any such claim.

You think lying makes you clever. All you fucking Nazis do.

With you it lie, get caught, insult, repeat lie, insult, claim you never told the lie, insult, repeat lie.

I provide the picture of you calling me a liar for something that was true and you still just spin it and pretend like you never did it.

You are not even worth the time any longer.

Good bye
I provide the picture of you calling me a liar for something that was true and you still just spin it and pretend like you never did it.

You are not even worth the time any longer.

Good bye

No, you didn't.

You got caught lying and told another lie to try and weasel out of it.

Anyone who has ever dealt with you knows you have no integrity.

You lied - we both know it and no one else cares.

Crawl off to your sewer now, you're defeated scumbag.
You're a liar, that pipeline would help us out.

Hezbollah Hannah is indeed a liar.

China - who owns Quid Pro - is the big winner in shutting down Keystone and the reason Biden betrayed the nation.

With the pipeline shut down, Canada IMMEDIATELY sold right to tar sand distribution to China - which was the plan from the start with Biden and Trudeau (both Soros minions).

The biggest beneficiary was Berkshire Hathway - which funded the Biden appointment. BNSF picking up what would have been moved through the pipelines at a fraction of the cost.

Did I mention Warren Buffett massively bribed Quid Pro and financed the steal?

The relative environmental cost of transport has a clear winner. Railway transport – many times cheaper than trucking – costs $1,000 per million barrel-miles compared to $500 by pipeline. Pipelines also represent the safest method for transport. The odds of a spill are much lower than that of truck or rail according to a U.S. Department of Transportation study. Furthermore, satellite-based monitoring and high-tech controls systems on today’s pipelines mean less severe spills when they do occur, and much lower risk of loss of life. A Quebec oil car derailment in 2013 killed 47 people, whereas North America’s worst pipeline disaster in the past decade killed two.

Without the Keystone XL pipeline, the U.S. will continue to set record import levels from Canada – over 3.8 million barrels per day. Current expansions are slated to add an additional 950,000 bpd before 2025.}

Just more of the Biden helping out Putin thing that he's been doing for a year now. Who's Putin's puppet? Hell, Joe said Putin could do a little incursion into Ukraine a day ago.

Joe Biden has withdrawn U.S. support for a pipeline project designed to deliver Israeli natural gas to Europe. Biden thereby reverses a decision made by the Trump administration.

The Biden administration tried to justify the reversal of U.S. policy on the basis of its interest in “renewable energy.” But the obvious effect of the decision is to strengthen the stranglehold Russia has on Europe’s energy supply.

In this regard, it’s worth noting, as we often have, that Biden supports the Nord Stream 2 pipeline system that stretches from the Baltic Sea to Germany. David Harsanyi reminds us that Biden waived sanctions on companies behind the project, including one run by Putin ally and former Stasi agent Matthias Warnig. No focus on renewable energy when it comes to defying Putin’s interests.

This decision, too, reversed Trump administration policy. Yet, Democrats, their media allies, and various dupes insisted that Trump was a tool of Russia. If any recent president fits that description, it’s Joe Biden, who yesterday essentially invited a Russian incursion into Ukraine. The runner-up administration is Barack Obama’s, which nixed a missile defense system to protect Eastern Europe from Russia and promised to be even more “flexible” after the 2012 election.

And let’s not forget about Senate Democrats. Last week, as Harsanyi points out, they resorted to the “racist” filibuster to sink a bill by Ted Cruz bill that would have sanctioned companies associated with the building of Nord Stream 2.

To be fair, Biden’s decision on the Israel-to-Europe pipeline doesn’t just help Putin. It also greatly benefits Turkey and its thuggish, anti-West president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He had been complaining that the pipeline bypasses Turkey.
Biden thus puts the interests of Putin and Erdoğan ahead of those of Israel and Greece, among other friendly nations.

Israel can build their own pipeline.
It would've pumped 400,000 gallons a day. That would help everyone out.

To a Free trade zone.. and shipped abroad so the Chinese could make a profit. None of that could be sold in the US. Do you know what a Free trade zone is?
Where our strategic oil went?

😂 Nope. This is is tarsands sludge owned by the Chinese. It sells for $29 a barrel.

Registered buyers in the US bid on the SPR.. it sells to the highest bidder. Has NOTHING to do with tarsands or the Free trade zone.
😂 Nope. This is is tarsands sludge owned by the Chinese. It sells for $29 a barrel.

Registered buyers in the US bid on the SPR.. it sells to the highest bidder. Has NOTHING to do with tarsands or the Free trade zone.
It's oil on the market.

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