The liberal "kill switch"

Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.

Not all phones can do that, that's the point. 113 cellular phones are lost or stolen every single minute and the cellular phone industry isn't really doing much about it. Almost half of all thefts in San Francisco last year were of cellular phones.

Do you think they might be stolen less frequently if the thief knew they'd be stealing a brick?

The government does not need to mandate anything.

All it takes is a call to your service provider or a visit to a their web site to deactivate a stolen phone.

If people can't do that it's their problem not the government's.

Tell me do you want government mandated government controlled kill switches on all cars too?

Bottom line: You need the feds telling you what to do at all times and digging in all of your orifices. They're the smart ones who run up trillions of debt, spy on their own country, create worthless laws that make our lives worse, engage in never ending wars, and social engineer.
Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.

Not all phones can do that, that's the point. 113 cellular phones are lost or stolen every single minute and the cellular phone industry isn't really doing much about it. Almost half of all thefts in San Francisco last year were of cellular phones.

Do you think they might be stolen less frequently if the thief knew they'd be stealing a brick?

The government does not need to mandate anything.

All it takes is a call to your service provider or a visit to a their web site to deactivate a stolen phone.

If people can't do that it's their problem not the government's.

Tell me do you want government mandated government controlled kill switches on all cars too?

I'm not advocating it,but a kill switch on cars could save lives by preventing high speed chases. If the cops want to pull someone over they only need to wait until the vehicle is stopped at a light or in a safe place and kill the engine. Unfortunately, I am certain it would be abused by the government and eventually thieves would acquire the technology.and use it for other sinister dealings.
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I think it is sickening how they pitch it to their ignorant useful idiots as something to "protect" them. What does it say that they have to lie to the American people about the intent of their policies and bills?

It's hilarious to watch you stew in your own paranoia.

You really think that the government wants to kill the internet to keep you from posting your bile on USMB?

What an inflated opinion you have of yourself, Poodle.

It's comical watching the useful idiots like Joseph in action.

Barack Obama: I demand a kill switch

JoeB: Fools, nobody wants a "kill switch"

Barack Obama: Actually, I do. I just demanded a kill switch

JoeB: You wing-nuts are so paranoid

Barack Obama: Hey dude - I can't say this any clearer. I demand a kill switch for the internet.

JoeB: Can you believe these Republicans Barack? They actually think you want a kill switch.

Barack Obama: Yeah moron - I do. I've made that very clear. What is wrong with you?

JoeB: Oh Barack - you crack me up. Like you would actually want a kill switch

Barack Obama: Secret Service - please remove this whack-job from my presence.

Yes folks - he really is this stupid. Even when his side of the aisle loudly and proudly declares something, he inexplicably tries to deny it.

Man, you got us. barry and I were rappin' and he was talking about how you were personally exposing his entire Muslim Plot to impose Socialism on America by making sure that your Health Inusrance company can't cut you off in the middle of your Chemotherapy, and he totally needed a kill switch to shut you up.

And I was telling Barry, "no, man, nobody makes Republicans look more like total batshit crazy loons more than Poodle does, you need to let him keep talking."

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