The list of names of all 51 intelligence “experts” who claimed Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian/Putin fake

It’s his laptop. And it has been through MANY hands and various hard drive copies are out there. At least one copy has had files ADDED after Biden no longer had possession of it

The FBI has the original laptop, and they have certified what's on it as being authentic.

I know this is hard for you, but your president's son is a whoremongering crackhead who committed several felony gun crimes.

I'd better never hear you bitch about needing more gun control laws again, two-faced asshole.

Yet, it is being used in a Federal firearms case.

So these 51 people must have apologized, right?

What terrible liars….and zero contrition. It is like they lied intentionally to help Biden in the 2020 election.

  1. Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN
  2. Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit
  3. Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary
  4. John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
  5. Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University
  6. Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank
  7. John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University

  8. Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University
  9. Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems
  10. Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico
  11. Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
  12. Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director
  13. Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director
  14. John Moseman, former CIA chief of staf
  15. Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group
  16. Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
  17. Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff
  18. Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel
  19. David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager
  20. Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis
  21. Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer
  22. Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer
  23. John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  24. David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer
  25. Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard
  26. David Buckley, former CIA inspector general
  27. Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute
  28. Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  29. James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office

  30. David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst
  31. Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer
  32. Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer
  33. Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst
  34. Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  35. Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer:
  36. Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  37. Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer
  38. Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC
  39. Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis
  40. Ron Marks, former CIA officer
  41. Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum

  42. Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico
  43. Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer
  44. Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director
  45. John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer
  46. Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs
  47. Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues
  48. Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director
  49. David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman
  50. Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
  51. Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis
Shouldn’t the federal government bring charges against these people for willfully advancing lies and cover-ups to interfere with an election?
In reality this is the part of their statement that proves the Neo-GOP was born to lie.

"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case. If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this elec8on, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this."
Doesn't matter, they LIED to interfere with the election.
No, they expressed an opinion that a laptop found in a computer store run by a blind owner, right before an election, looked like the kind of thing that Russians would pull.

Do you know what I am STILL not hearing 4 years later... anyone who has tracked down the serial number of this computer and traced it back to a purchase by Biden or his company.
Shouldn’t the federal government bring charges against these people for willfully advancing lies and cover-ups to interfere with an election?
It is the Neo-GOP propagandist that are lying about what they said. Be that as it may, the 1st Amendment covers most of Benedict Donald's propaganda parrots.

"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement"
The FBI has the original laptop, and they have certified what's on it as being authentic.

I know this is hard for you, but your president's son is a whoremongering crackhead who committed several felony gun crimes.

I'd better never hear you bitch about needing more gun control laws again, two-faced asshole.
Post a link to that
That's called moving the goalposts, oxygen thief.

FOAD. (after your progeny)

They lie for the sake of lying.

They think mincing words is a win….while they know they lie.

It is a mental illness.

Just like people who claim to be Libertarian when they are just a run of the mill Democrat. Why lie? To conceal their true motives.
No, they expressed an opinion that a laptop found in a computer store run by a blind owner, right before an election, looked like the kind of thing that Russians would pull.

Do you know what I am STILL not hearing 4 years later... anyone who has tracked down the serial number of this computer and traced it back to a purchase by Biden or his company.
🥨 🥨 🥨
Moving the goalposts your ass. If anything on it has been manipulated then all of it is suspect

Bullshit. the claims of manipulation came about when it was shown it was his device. It's just the next step on the goalpost move, you fucking embarrassment to the human race.
Bullshit. the claims of manipulation came about when it was shown it was his device. It's just the next step on the goalpost move, you fucking embarrassment to the human race.
It’s a FACT that files have been added
They are using it as evidence. Are you saying the DOJ is suborning perjury?
I think Weiss is a partisan hack trying to justify his existence.

This is why we need to stop creating IC's... they always abuse their authority.

This is something that should have been resolved with a plea and a fine.

As for the laptop itself, the FBI confirmed that SOME of the data on it corresponds to information on Hunter's Cloud account. That's kind of meaningless, anyone could have hacked his cloud account.

Yet, it is being used in a Federal firearms case.

So these 51 people must have apologized, right?

What terrible liars….and zero contrition. It is like they lied intentionally to help Biden in the 2020 election.

  1. Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN
  2. Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit
  3. Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary
  4. John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
  5. Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University
  6. Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank
  7. John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University

  8. Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University
  9. Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems
  10. Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico
  11. Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
  12. Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director
  13. Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director
  14. John Moseman, former CIA chief of staf
  15. Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group
  16. Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
  17. Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff
  18. Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel
  19. David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager
  20. Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis
  21. Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer
  22. Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer
  23. John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  24. David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer
  25. Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard
  26. David Buckley, former CIA inspector general
  27. Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute
  28. Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  29. James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office

  30. David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst
  31. Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer
  32. Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer
  33. Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst
  34. Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  35. Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer:
  36. Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer
  37. Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer
  38. Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC
  39. Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis
  40. Ron Marks, former CIA officer
  41. Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum

  42. Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico
  43. Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer
  44. Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director
  45. John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer
  46. Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs
  47. Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues
  48. Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director
  49. David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman
  50. Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
  51. Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis
Now watch as Trump puts them all in his administration, should he win again. lol.

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