The long shot winner from yesterday........objective truth.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.
The truly disturbing thing is that Trump now has carte blanche to do whatever he wants regardless of norms and laws.

Remember, he began this Ukraine debacle one day after Mueller's press conference, which HE took as exoneration
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
The truly disturbing thing is that Trump now has carte blanche to do whatever he wants regardless of norms and laws.
Arguably, he has been conducting himself that way since day one of his presidency.
The truly disturbing thing is that Trump now has carte blanche to do whatever he wants regardless of norms and laws.

Remember, he began this Ukraine debacle one day after Mueller's press conference, which HE took as exoneration

He already had carte blanche from what Obama did when he was President or what Bush did or what Clinton did or what Reagan did...

Ukraine should have been a censured and not impeachment and it would have stung more...

Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results and like Schiff knows the 2020 election is all but over already and Trump will win again, so your side went for a Hail Mary but the reciever was the opposition team and intercepted your attempted...

There is no doubt Trump call was imperfect and Senate GOP admit this but the punishment your side was seeking did not fit the crime.

Also let be clear you can not have Obstruction of Congress if you did not exhaust the courts and abuse of power?

Under Obama you had the NSA scandal, IRS hounding Tea Party Gorups and droning of countries we were never at war with and you are upset Trump played dirty with the Ukraine?

Get real!
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
The factual case presented by Schiff and the other House managers is not in dispute by informed people. Didn't you get the memo?
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
The factual case presented by Schiff and the other House managers is not in dispute by informed people. Didn't you get the memo?

I listened to it.

It ranks up there with Sleeping Beauty, and the Little Mermaid.

Full of totally debunked bullshit.
The truly disturbing thing is that Trump now has carte blanche to do whatever he wants regardless of norms and laws.
Arguably, he has been conducting himself that way since day one of his presidency.
If that was even remotely true outside of those active imaginations of yours.
The press would have been shut down, the House and Senate disbanded and you folks would have gotten your free helicopter ride.
You are drama queens.
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.
As per Progs stealing the clothes from others.
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
The factual case presented by Schiff and the other House managers is not in dispute by informed people. Didn't you get the memo?
Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Been watching MSDNC this morning and Mika Scarblower and the rest of the cast are devoting much of their little watched program to the canonization of the great Mitt Romney for his courageous vote...yada, yada, yada.
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
The factual case presented by Schiff and the other House managers is not in dispute by informed people. Didn't you get the memo?

I listened to it.

It ranks up there with Sleeping Beauty, and the Little Mermaid.

Full of totally debunked bullshit.
What's been fully debunked is the sham defense put on by Team Turd.

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