The Lord is Non Partisan

Just because someone goes to war in god's name does not mean that God actually approved of that war or the atrocities that happened in it. The above atrocities and more are disapproved of by God.
That theory applies to EVERYONE but the thing is that we don't really know for sure. If God disapproves of such atrocities then are the authors of the Bible lying? I mean, YOU say "God disapproves". But who are you anyway?
You are absurd. You just said exactly nothing. Science proves the bible is bull shit. THAT is plenty! So, either you apologize and stop pretending you don't understand what is being debated or ......... it is you who is the joke. Actually, you are a joke. It is up to you now to redeem yourself.

No answer huh? Hit a nerve did I? Oh well
You wrote a lot of nonsense. I called you out on it ("gave you an answer") and this is your response? :auiqs.jpg:You have been caught in your own BS. Fair and square.

I wrote that scientists are clueless about much of the universe and the origin of the universe, which is true.

He is born--Merry Christmas
I wrote that scientists are clueless about much of the universe and the origin of the universe, which is true.
First of all, that is untrue and secondly, it has nothing to do with what I said. You are intentional avoiding responding to my statement because you know I'm right. Just to put in your face here it is for the third time: Science proves that the bible is bullshit, which is true.

Do you have anything to say about that? No? I didn't think so. :45:
The words are from Jesus. They speak for themselves.

Matthew 6:1
"Be careful not to perform your righteous acts before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:2
So when you give to the needy, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward.

Matthew 6:16
When you fast, do not be somber like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward.

Matthew 23:5
All their deeds are done for men to see. They broaden their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.

Luke 6:24
But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.

Does your ideology meet these requirements?
Not a requirement. Not only is the " Lord " non-partisan, " he's " totally indifferent.
I wrote that scientists are clueless about much of the universe and the origin of the universe, which is true.

He is born--Merry Christmas
In your belief system god created this entire universe out of nothing. I do not know if that's true or not, I forgot to ask that question. " He " could just be an interloper to this universe for all I know. The mere fact " He " could punch a hole into this universe and gain access to it is remarkable in and of itself. Our humanity is testament to that fact.
No one knows, but the facts show that it's increasingly, extremely unlikely.
I should have used to word " truth ". Few people know the truth of this world and even fewer willing to speak of it.
I should have used to word " truth ". Few people know the truth of this world and even fewer willing to speak of it.
No, I disagree with you completely. Scientists, historians and geologists have come a very long way in knowing the truth of this world (and consequently debunking the religious view by default) but there is no indication that ANYONE knows the truth of this world with regards its meaning. You say "few" know, I say "apparently none".
No, I disagree with you completely. Scientists, historians and geologists have come a very long way in knowing the truth of this world (and consequently debunking the religious view by default) but there is no indication that ANYONE knows the truth of this world with regards its meaning. You say "few" know, I say "apparently none".
I completely agree with the scientist about the geology and even the universe from The Big bang till now. But they can't tell us why it occurred. The truth of that is cyclical in nature, on a much grander scale then we can even imagine. The parallel universe the universe of light is in part responsible.
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I completely agree with the scientist about the geology and even the universe from The Big bang till now. But they can't tell us why it occurred. .....
That's what I said ... > > >
..... there is no indication that ANYONE knows the truth of this world with regards its meaning.
It is only the religious who claim they know, not the scientists. Scientists share the facts with us as they reveal themselves, nothing more. Bible bashers claim they know EVERYTHING without the slightest basis other than superstition and a book that was written neither by "God" nor by Jesus.
Not a requirement. Not only is the " Lord " non-partisan, " he's " totally indifferent.
I don't know about indifferent but he does say that there are things we are rquired to do in order to reach the kingdom of heaven.
liberals do all those things for praise. libs dont believe in God. you can def tell by the way they live. Its ok. All will answer to Him. esp for abortion and homosexuality.
The only people who will answer for homosexuality and abortion are people who had abortions and practiced homosexuality. Adulterers will answer, thieves will answer, a whole lot will get answered for. It is the right who does things for praise. Liberals aren't running around bragging about how godly they are and think that the only 2 sins are being gay and having abortions.
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Its render unto Caesar, but Obama was never an emperor.

When Jesus said render unto Ceasar he ment render your taxes to the government. And

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