The MAGA smirk: I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut. The world is getting meaner.


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.
As this is no longer a curent event can this thread be moved to the rubber forum that seems far more fitting.
What a bunch of hysterical, pearl clutching pussies the lolberals have turned into!

The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.


So glad you survived a smirkysmirk!
What a bunch of hysterical, pearl clutching pussies the lolberals have turned into!


Dude... You even been up against a vicious smirkysmirk, let alone felt one in your gut?

Why, this man is a friggin hero!
Those Covington boys were expected to do what? They already stood silently and took the abuse. Now they are accused of a face crime! Really, right out of 1984, a face crime.

The day I go about forgiving smirkysmirks is the day I quit calling myself a human being!
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.

I should be ashamed of myself, really.

I myself have experienced a bruised hippocampus and it was no laughing matter! Some unbearable asshole had enough hatred in his heart to point out my shirt was inside out.

If I hadn't of been still half drunk from the party the night before, I may have went to the ER.
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.

I should be ashamed of myself, really.

I myself have experienced a bruised hippocampus and it was no laughing matter! Some unbearable asshole had enough hatred in his heart to point out my shirt was inside out.

If I hadn't of been still half drunk from the party the night before, I may have went to the ER.

Perhaps the shirt was ok and DEANALW was inside out.

DEANALW don't adjust your MAGA hat. The problem is in your head.
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.

I should be ashamed of myself, really.

I myself have experienced a bruised hippocampus and it was no laughing matter! Some unbearable asshole had enough hatred in his heart to point out my shirt was inside out.

If I hadn't of been still half drunk from the party the night before, I may have went to the ER.

Perhaps the shirt was ok and DEANALW was inside out.

DEANALW don't adjust your MAGA hat. The problem is in your head.

I'm not the one wringing my hands and getting shaky ankles out of a fuckin smirk there Mr. Gump
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.

I should be ashamed of myself, really.

I myself have experienced a bruised hippocampus and it was no laughing matter! Some unbearable asshole had enough hatred in his heart to point out my shirt was inside out.

If I hadn't of been still half drunk from the party the night before, I may have went to the ER.

Perhaps the shirt was ok and DEANALW was inside out.

DEANALW don't adjust your MAGA hat. The problem is in your head.

I'm not the one wringing my hands and getting shaky ankles out of a fuckin smirk there Mr. Gump

I suspect you have gripped your ankles with both 'shaky' hands too often.
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.

I should be ashamed of myself, really.

I myself have experienced a bruised hippocampus and it was no laughing matter! Some unbearable asshole had enough hatred in his heart to point out my shirt was inside out.

If I hadn't of been still half drunk from the party the night before, I may have went to the ER.

Perhaps the shirt was ok and DEANALW was inside out.

DEANALW don't adjust your MAGA hat. The problem is in your head.

I'm not the one wringing my hands and getting shaky ankles out of a fuckin smirk there Mr. Gump

I suspect you have gripped your ankles with both 'shaky' hands too often.

Surely you can do better than that.

Come on... That's just pitiful.
The new expression, the MAGA smirk! A Trumpian fascist fashion accessory.

The MAGA smirk made famous by the racist, bigoted, fascist smarmy Trump MAGA army of Bogus Christians from Covington.

It's not necessary to be a bogus Christian like Mike Pence and the Covington smarmy army to wear the smirk as a fascist fashion accessory, but it helps.

The MAGA smirk has made its way into the lexicon of hate. Perhaps the KKK will paint it on their hoods.

"We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs."

The MAGA Teen's Smirk is Indelible in My Hippocampus

I Saw the Smirk With My Eyes, But Felt It in My Gut
The world is getting meaner. The teens on the National Mall are symptoms of a larger ailment.

JAN 23, 2019

I have stared into that Magic Eye picture from last weekend. I have tried to relax my eye muscles just enough for the silently prayerful, tension-diffusing committed Catholic boy to emerge.

And I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.

I still see only a howling horde of kids, Tomahawk-chopping and roaring with laughter at a Native American, one smirking young man in the center. I see the same display of unearned, unexamined, vaguely menacing privilege that I did on Saturday.

In the days since the incident on the National Mall, the revelation which is supposed to have changed everything is that Nathan Phillips approached the group of kids, and not the other way around. Who approached whom is only relevant if one 64-year-old man with a single drum is more menacing than a gang of teenage boys. The kids are still cackling at an elder, still mocking him with war whoops. The behavior, in its most generous interpretation, is dishonorable.

That face is me at that age, joining in the abuse of the gayest kid in class, on the days when I managed to work my way to second-gayest.

The smirk of privilege, framed by MAGA hats and mocking laughter, is all that’s there, despite what the kid in the picture—via the public relations firm his family had the means to retain—says. It is unmistakable, which is why the image was shared as widely as it was. It would not have gone viral if it didn’t resonate, if we hadn’t seen this particular strain of American smirk as long as we’ve had photography.

We’ve seen it on the faces of the white people intimidating black patrons at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, in the pictures of freshly-integrated high schools in Little Rock. We’ve seen it in our own personal histories, if we have ever been that terrifying combination of young and different in any way. We saw that smirk with our eyes, but we felt it in our stomachs.
You clowns are delusional. They were being ASSAULTED by the brown skin minorities. Every day I despise the leftist vermin more and more.

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