The Magical Transformation of Turning MAGAT...

OMG, you twisted fuck. None of the GOP women are wearing a plastic hair helmet made out of some kind of toxic petroleum product. Age doesn't matter - Mad Max has been trying to look white for the better part of a century. And I'm happy that it will NEVER, EVER fucking happen. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You sure that's a wig? The republicans hos injected bacteria into their faces and lips. Watters has never tried looking white.
OMG, this is the prettiest woman you got, dumbfuck. But her beauty couldn't keep her son from killing himself in her basement. That's Mommy-of-the-Year stuff there! Way to go mommy! So pretty AND maternal.... what a package. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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And I'd be remiss if I didn't include this obsolete farm equipment in a thread about pretty women. That's a fucking beauty.... hmm?
I get it, that hideous wig looks like something that was shot out of a tree and worth 3 times the 'woman', but beauty is beauty.

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Are you just triggered like this all day every day or only on this forum?
Are you just triggered like this all day every day or only on this forum?
That's your default factory setting? Do you realize how fucking stupid you look all 50,000 times you post that each day?

Say something dumbfuck.... I dare you.

"Are you triggered?"

OMG, you lazy, silly fuck.
I'm nearly 60 and still love my tattoos. Just got some work done last week too.
i'm ok woth it. my ol' lady is a "natural" 70 yo, but i'm not looking at anything else.,but it is embarrassing enough getting undressed in front of her.
These pics are fake, but the botox/filler trend is not. Really disturbing that young women in their 20s are getting this and ruining their faces so young
Images are not fake.



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Images are not fake.

that is uncanny,

these impossible standards of "beauty" seem almost cult like. does this compare at all with the girls who go "barbie?"

the elvis impersonators?

or to a less extent the various "influencers" and "supermodels?"
that is uncanny,

these impossible standards of "beauty" seem almost cult like. does this compare at all with the girls who go "barbie?"

the elvis impersonators?

or to a less extent the various "influencers" and "supermodels?"

and the ironic part of it all is that normally they are more attractive in the before pics than the after

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