The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who ...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015

This sums Harris-Walz to a 'T'.

The more one sees, the less one likes.

And I have said that Walz seems light in his loafers.

Men are grossed out by Kamala-Tim because there is nothing to hook them. The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who projects a deep hatred of masculine men.

Both couples seem like platonic relationships at best, and possibly one beard situation.

Trump-Vance, on the other hand, are red-blooded hetero males with a healthy appreciation for biological women. Their wives are lovely and poised. It's a much more authentic, relatable ticket.

Harris-Walz appeals to oddballs blitzed on mood enhancers and sterilized by longterm birth control and gender studies PhDs.


This sums Harris-Walz to a 'T'.

The more one sees, the less one likes.

And I have said that Walz seems light in his loafers.

Men are grossed out by Kamala-Tim because there is nothing to hook them. The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who projects a deep hatred of masculine men.
Both couples seem like platonic relationships at best, and possibly one beard situation.
Trump-Vance, on the other hand, are red-blooded hetero males with a healthy appreciation for biological women. Their wives are lovely and poised. It's a much more authentic, relatable ticket.
Harris-Walz appeals to oddballs blitzed on mood enhancers and sterilized by longterm birth control and gender studies PhDs.


This sums Harris-Walz to a 'T'.

The more one sees, the less one likes.

And I have said that Walz seems light in his loafers.

Men are grossed out by Kamala-Tim because there is nothing to hook them. The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who projects a deep hatred of masculine men.
Both couples seem like platonic relationships at best, and possibly one beard situation.
Trump-Vance, on the other hand, are red-blooded hetero males with a healthy appreciation for biological women. Their wives are lovely and poised. It's a much more authentic, relatable ticket.
Harris-Walz appeals to oddballs blitzed on mood enhancers and sterilized by longterm birth control and gender studies PhDs.

This is the DemoKKKrats' great white hope:


This sums Harris-Walz to a 'T'.

The more one sees, the less one likes.

And I have said that Walz seems light in his loafers.

Men are grossed out by Kamala-Tim because there is nothing to hook them. The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who projects a deep hatred of masculine men.
Both couples seem like platonic relationships at best, and possibly one beard situation.
Trump-Vance, on the other hand, are red-blooded hetero males with a healthy appreciation for biological women. Their wives are lovely and poised. It's a much more authentic, relatable ticket.
Harris-Walz appeals to oddballs blitzed on mood enhancers and sterilized by longterm birth control and gender studies PhDs.

Wait, is Harris "sexless" or did she "sleep her way to the top"?

And Coach Walz is more man than any tRump-sucking republican.
Walz looks like he would be right at home on a sex offender list.
clearly the truest exemplar of pure, testosterone-laden studliness is a deranged, saggy-assed prick who takes four hours every morning having his ridiculous comb-over touched up and cemented into place, another hour having his bronzer troweled on, would finish eleventh in a ten-man beard growing contest, and needs at least a C-cup to contain his man boobs.

This sums Harris-Walz to a 'T'.

The more one sees, the less one likes.

And I have said that Walz seems light in his loafers.

Men are grossed out by Kamala-Tim because there is nothing to hook them. The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who projects a deep hatred of masculine men.
Both couples seem like platonic relationships at best, and possibly one beard situation.
Trump-Vance, on the other hand, are red-blooded hetero males with a healthy appreciation for biological women. Their wives are lovely and poised. It's a much more authentic, relatable ticket.
Harris-Walz appeals to oddballs blitzed on mood enhancers and sterilized by longterm birth control and gender studies PhDs.

you people need to make up your minds....if Harris a sexless HR boss or is she a hoe that slept her way to the top.

It cannot be both.

This sums Harris-Walz to a 'T'.

The more one sees, the less one likes.

And I have said that Walz seems light in his loafers.

Men are grossed out by Kamala-Tim because there is nothing to hook them. The "man" on the ticket is a weird little troll-like creep with bilateral limp wrists, and the female is a sexless, vapid HR boss who projects a deep hatred of masculine men.
Both couples seem like platonic relationships at best, and possibly one beard situation.
Trump-Vance, on the other hand, are red-blooded hetero males with a healthy appreciation for biological women. Their wives are lovely and poised. It's a much more authentic, relatable ticket.
Harris-Walz appeals to oddballs blitzed on mood enhancers and sterilized by longterm birth control and gender studies PhDs.

Just come out of the closet already.
They are the democrat ticket. Personality is irrelevant.
Their job is to do the bidding and speaking for the demmunist party, whose objective is to destroy and reform the US into a Marxist/globalist state.
You need to see a psychiatrist. Notice I did not say therapist. You are beyond that.

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