Credit card debt is at an all-time high, BIDENOMICS IS WORKING sez Kamala.

What are families to do when they get to the end of the month and have spent all their monthly pay? Go further into high interest debt so they can put food on the table. WooHoo! Let's hear it for Bidenomics! Oh wait my bad, Kamala is going to punish the EVIL grocery stores for "PRICE GOUGING". Oh yeah that'll fix it!

It's an accurate statement when you understand that the primary goal of the DemoKKKrat party is to create poor people.
I linked the data. You linked an opinion story.
Truth is what I linked to and if you look at your graph the debt began to climb in 2021 when the free money from uncle Sam ran out.... people had to borrow and so they did and they are...
Some people think the rich want to kill half of us. Some thing we give abortion to poor black people for sinister reasons. Meanwhile the other side is banning abortion in America and like I said, doesn't even want to give African's rubbers let alone abortions. Why would they want these poor people having kids?

And we can afford them. We just down want to live in poverty.

Boy, I saw my rich brother raise his two kids compared to his brother/sister in law who are middle class raising two kid. The middle class parents are getting by but man would I hate to be them. They even send their kids to private schools. I wonder if they would have done that if my brother wasn't rich and sending his kids to private schools.

And guess what mom is? A public school teacher. Can you believe that? But they live in Dearborn, MI. I wouldn't send my kid to Dearborn Public Schools either.
/—-/ You want to give rubbers to guys wearing $700 sneakers and carrying $1,000 smart phones?

I can allow you to change your mind, if your latest means the same thing.
You were only pissing in your own nest.

That's a nice story!

And if you don't like being told that you're pissing in your own nest, then how about shooting your toes off?
How am I pissing in my own nest?

A variant of "don't bite the hand that feeds you", 'Don't shit in your own backyard' means don't trash a good thing, take advantage of or ruin a close relationship. If you have a positive situation or loving or giving person in your life, you should be careful to protect it/them.

The rude version is most commonly used as shit in your own nest or shit on your own doorstep.
How am I pissing in my own nest?

A variant of "don't bite the hand that feeds you", 'Don't shit in your own backyard' means don't trash a good thing, take advantage of or ruin a close relationship. If you have a positive situation or loving or giving person in your life, you should be careful to protect it/them.

The rude version is most commonly used as shit in your own nest or shit on your own doorstep.
You'll have to stop changing your talking points. Are you going to live in poverty or is it that you can't afford to have kids?
GEt back to me.

I can allow you to change your mind, if your latest means the same thing.
You were only pissing in your own nest.

That's a nice story!

And if you don't like being told that you're pissing in your own nest, then how about shooting your toes off?

I have a $26,500 pontoon. Paid for it right before covid. Cash. I have a $6500 quad. Paid cash for it. Locally it was $8500 but I drove up to Lansing and got a sweet deal. I pay probably $3000 a year having it stored, brought out to my place, etc. I have a $100 a month gym membership. On top of the 24% of my pay I put into 401K I also save an additional $20,000 every year. I put it in stocks.

I paid off my condo years ago. If I had a kid, I'd still be paying off a 30 year mortgage. Pretending to be middle class. Saving 8% and that would include the 4% match. If I had a boat, which I wouldn't but if I did, it'd be with a 30 year mortgage. So I'd be 54 years old and have 2 mortgages and not have saved to pay for my kids college.

I don't know how you people do it. I easily do it because I'm a SINK but I can't imagine having to pay for everything you breeders have to pay for.

One thing we should do is lower the regulation for child care and pre school. It's too expensive. Let anyone watch your kids. No insurance necessary. Same with senior care. Those place are a fortune. Lower the regulations and liability if something goes wrong. No more suing the place because gramma died. What did you think was going to happen?
You'll have to stop changing your talking points. Are you going to live in poverty or is it that you can't afford to have kids?
GEt back to me.

I consider being in poverty

a. Not being able to afford to retire at 65. If you are going to be a good parent, it's going to cost you a lot of money. Kids are expensive. What if the kid is retared? Now I'm definitely in poverty. Do you know how much help is to take care of a retard?

b. I guess I would live above the poverty line but barely.

c. Who's the woman? Does she work? How much does she make? If she doesn't work, I'm in poverty.

d. It says poverty for a 3 person home is $25,000. Gimme a break. I say you're living in poverty if you make $50K and are supporting 2 other people. Do you agree?

e. In 2022, the middle-income range for a household of three in the United States was about $56,600 to $169,800 annually

So I guess having a kid wouldn't put me into poverty. But it would suck. All my fun money would go to it.
I have a $26,500 pontoon. Paid for it right before covid. Cash. I have a $6500 quad. Paid cash for it. Locally it was $8500 but I drove up to Lansing and got a sweet deal. I pay probably $3000 a year having it stored, brought out to my place, etc. I have a $100 a month gym membership. On top of the 24% of my pay I put into 401K I also save an additional $20,000 every year. I put it in stocks.

I paid off my condo years ago. If I had a kid, I'd still be paying off a 30 year mortgage. Pretending to be middle class. Saving 8% and that would include the 4% match. If I had a boat, which I wouldn't but if I did, it'd be with a 30 year mortgage. So I'd be 54 years old and have 2 mortgages and not have saved to pay for my kids college.

I don't know how you people do it. I easily do it because I'm a SINK but I can't imagine having to pay for everything you breeders have to pay for.

One thing we should do is lower the regulation for child care and pre school. It's too expensive. Let anyone watch your kids. No insurance necessary. Same with senior care. Those place are a fortune. Lower the regulations and liability if something goes wrong. No more suing the place because gramma died. What did you think was going to happen?
So you were just blowing smoke out of your ass about not affording kids, or living in poverty, or whatever? fk off and go play.
So you were just blowing smoke out of your ass about not affording kids, or living in poverty, or whatever? fk off and go play.

I never looked to see what is considered poverty for one guy making $85K with 2 other people to support.

Honestly, it feels like if I had to par a wife and kid, i'd be broke.

Maybe I don't realize how much 20% being taken out of my check means. It's probably a lot every month. So I wouldn't be in poverty but i also wouldn't be saving 24% every year if I had a kid. And being able to retire at 62 is very important to me.

I certainly fall into the average not the median.


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
I'm actually in between right now but i expect to hit $1 million before I reach 60. And if my dad leaves me $400K, provided an assisted living place doesn't get a hold of him, I should have more than the average by he time I hit 60.

Most people are in the median. The rich drive the average way up. So chances are you are in the median number right? And that includes your $200K home? That means you have $100,000 saved. That would be me if I had a wife who didn't work and a kid. Sad.
Whatever gets rid of the lefties faster is fine by me.

Actually, the ones struggling the most lately is Trump supporters. His base.

April 2020

Middle-Aged White Americans Are Dying of Despair​

Even as longevity increases across the rich world, uneducated white Americans are living sicker and dying earlier. Two economists speculate on the reasons why.

Truth is what I linked to and if you look at your graph the debt began to climb in 2021 when the free money from uncle Sam ran out.... people had to borrow and so they did and they are...
You guys know I am way too smart for that BS.

Let me annotate the graph for you. Yellow circle is where the debt dropped in covid and the red line is normal for the last decade and a half which is where it has resettled. I think you are out of your league here.

Only one of us knows how to read a chart and anyone with a triple digit IQ can look at our two posts and conclude who it is.
Dude your chart drops in 2020 and in 2021 its shoots way up... right about the time the people spent the federal handouts and disaster loans... look again....
Dude your chart drops in 2020 and in 2021 its shoots way up... right about the time the people spent the federal handouts and disaster loans... look again....
I’m going to explain it to you S L O W L Y so even you can understand.

2020 numbers are junk numbers because wages were overstated since low wage workers were furloughed and laid off leaving high wage earners disproportionately in the workplace. Once service workers returned to work they brought down the wages to normal levels. That chart compares to wages so you need to THROW OUT THE FUCKING COVID YEAR and compare pre-covid to post covid and you’ll see the debt to wage ratio is very normal if not low.
I’m going to explain it to you S L O W L Y so even you can understand.

2020 numbers are junk numbers because wages were overstated since low wage workers were furloughed and laid off leaving high wage earners disproportionately in the workplace. Once service workers returned to work they brought down the wages to normal levels. That chart compares to wages so you need to THROW OUT THE FUCKING COVID YEAR and compare pre-covid to post covid and you’ll see the debt to wage ratio is very normal if not low.
We are talking about personal unsecured debt right?... its your own graph that shows it going way up suddenly in 2021... right after the handouts and disaster loans were spent....
Biden was president and still kind of is... you do know this right?....
I showed you a link where it proves its still rising...
We are talking about personal unsecured debt right?... its your own graph that shows it going way up suddenly in 2021... right after the handouts and disaster loans were spent....
Biden was president and still kind of is... you do know this right?....
I showed you a link where it proves its still rising...
Compare before covid 2019 to 2024. It’s lower now compared to what you think was a gem of an economy. 2020 is bad data so shut the fuck up about 2020 levels dipshit. Trump never had debt this low in his 2019 economy that you love.

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