Remember the BOTCHED Katrina response by George W. Bush?

The Katrina response in 2005 was botched and it was botched by a Republican - George W Bush.
The Neo-GOP loves eating their old comrades now-a days.

"Could FEMA have ordered the evacuation of New Orleans? Yes, had it waived posse comitatus and invoked the Insurrection Act, which Congress ultimately amended in 2006 to permit deployment of troops in response to natural disasters. That unprecedented action was actually contemplated days after landfall aboard Air Force One—and I advocated for it. After I advised the president to federalize the response, he sat with Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on Air Force One and outlined his plan. We immediately started drafting the federalization documents for the president’s signature, but Governor Blanco requested time to think it over and the president acquiesced. While the governor considered her options, the city became more and more dysfunctional. Blanco ultimately rejected the president’s plan, and political considerations eventually pushed the idea aside.

By the time federalization was seriously considered, the biggest mistake had already been made: evacuation began too late. And even if FEMA had been given the power to order citizens out of New Orleans days earlier, it didn’t own the helicopters, military transport planes and amphibious armored personnel carriers necessary to carry out the evacuation of a major American city.

As the storm neared New Orleans, all I could do—and did do even before the federalization debate got underway—was go on television, radio and any media outlet my press team could find—and encourage people to “literally get your butts out of New Orleans before the storm hits.”
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The Katrina response in 2005 was botched and it was botched by a Republican - George W Bush.

The Helene response is being botched right now by Mr. Magoo and his administration.
You see, the "president" is on vacation again.
Where's Kamala?

Take your accusation of lies and shove it.
Bush did not botch the Katrina storm response. Democrats refuse to hold Biden's feet to the botch this hurricane and that is true.
The Neo-GOP loves eating their old comrades now-a days.

"Could FEMA have ordered the evacuation of New Orleans? Yes, had it waived posse comitatus and invoked the Insurrection Act, which Congress ultimately amended in 2006 to permit deployment of troops in response to natural disasters. That unprecedented action was actually contemplated days after landfall aboard Air Force One—and I advocated for it. After I advised the president to federalize the response, he sat with Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on Air Force One and outlined his plan. We immediately started drafting the federalization documents for the president’s signature, but Governor Blanco requested time to think it over and the president acquiesced. While the governor considered her options, the city became more and more dysfunctional. Blanco ultimately rejected the president’s plan, and political considerations eventually pushed the idea aside.

By the time federalization was seriously considered, the biggest mistake had already been made: evacuation began too late. And even if FEMA had been given the power to order citizens out of New Orleans days earlier, it didn’t own the helicopters, military transport planes and amphibious armored personnel carriers necessary to carry out the evacuation of a major American city.

As the storm neared New Orleans, all I could do—and did do even before the federalization debate got underway—was go on television, radio and any media outlet my press team could find—and encourage people to “literally get your butts out of New Orleans before the storm hits.”
That is the truth about Katrina.
That is the truth about Katrina.
There no truth to the current lies about the current administrations response to Helene.

Brownie continued to outline the real problems with the Katrina response.

"I was concerned FEMA was not ready for genuinely catastrophic disasters so I asked Congress for funding to study several catastrophic scenarios, including the possibility of a Category 5 hurricane hitting New Orleans. The tabletop exercise, which we dubbed “Hurricane Pam,” was held in July 2005, one month before Katrina hit. The results struck fear in everyone involved. Hurricane Pam taught us too late that Louisiana and New Orleans were ill prepared. The state’s emergency manager was under federal indictment, its emergency operations in disarray.

The senator asked why, if we knew from the Hurricane Pam exercises in July, 2005, that New Orleans and Louisiana were ill prepared, why we didn’t make the necessary changes to policies, procedures, statutes and funding, so that the city and state would be prepared for Katrina in August 2005.

Anyone who understands Washington recognizes the stupidity of the question. In less than 30 days I was expected to request and get approval for funding, adopt rules and regulations, disburse grants and have the state and locals hire, adopt, exercise, train and be ready for a disaster they hadn’t been ready for in years?

Since Katrina caused several levees to breach, I also suppose that same U.S. senator expected me to have the levees re-engineered and brought up to standards in 30 days, too. To this day I relish telling that story to people who want to understand how Washington works."
The Katrina response in 2005 was botched and it was botched by a Republican - George W Bush.

The Helene response is being botched right now by Mr. Magoo and his administration.
You see, the "president" is on vacation again.
Where's Kamala?

Take your accusation of lies and shove it.
Ya want Biden to head to disaster areas & toss paper towels to victims like your orange incompetent asshat did in P.R.?
Katrina was a perfect reflection of the total incompetence of democrat-generated socialist sloth.
Ghetto trash who had absolutely no sense of personal responsibility. Five days warning of a looming disaster and no one had the sense to get out of that bowl. Five days and they still acted surprised.
Not everyone had the means or the tools to flee hundreds of miles away from Katrina. Were they supposed to walk? Btw, how far can YOU walk in five days, genius?
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Try using something else besides twitter for your news.
stop reading what people on twitter tell you.

Biden defends monitoring Hurricane Helene crisis from Delaware: ‘It’s called a telephone’​

Biden gets defensive when questioned about Hurricane Helene response, explains why he won't yet visit​

When AOC and Chaney agree someone sucks, they suck.
Or AOC & Cheney are just puppets of globalization interests?

Biden defends monitoring Hurricane Helene crisis from Delaware: ‘It’s called a telephone’​

Biden gets defensive when questioned about Hurricane Helene response, explains why he won't yet visit​

Or AOC & Cheney are just puppets of globalization interests?

More than likely.
Its becoming the new gateway pundit.

They have twitter blocked at the’s quite nice actually.
I have a twitter account but I don't use it. I log in about every 2 weeks to keep it active but I don't waste my time there.
The Neo-GOP loves eating their old comrades now-a days.

"Could FEMA have ordered the evacuation of New Orleans? Yes, had it waived posse comitatus and invoked the Insurrection Act, which Congress ultimately amended in 2006 to permit deployment of troops in response to natural disasters. That unprecedented action was actually contemplated days after landfall aboard Air Force One—and I advocated for it. After I advised the president to federalize the response, he sat with Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on Air Force One and outlined his plan. We immediately started drafting the federalization documents for the president’s signature, but Governor Blanco requested time to think it over and the president acquiesced. While the governor considered her options, the city became more and more dysfunctional. Blanco ultimately rejected the president’s plan, and political considerations eventually pushed the idea aside.

By the time federalization was seriously considered, the biggest mistake had already been made: evacuation began too late. And even if FEMA had been given the power to order citizens out of New Orleans days earlier, it didn’t own the helicopters, military transport planes and amphibious armored personnel carriers necessary to carry out the evacuation of a major American city.

As the storm neared New Orleans, all I could do—and did do even before the federalization debate got underway—was go on television, radio and any media outlet my press team could find—and encourage people to “literally get your butts out of New Orleans before the storm hits.”
Someday they’ll eat Trump alive too.

Its what they do.

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