Lib Fran Leibowitz suggests Biden “dissolve” the SCOTUS

Democrats are extremely INTOLERANT of any opinions other than their own. If someone or some group is not spouting the Dem talking points they want to SILENCE them.
Yes. If you are spouting unsupported conspiracy theory crap, you should STFU.
That just slides her statement into a different color of ignorance.

There was no such ruling - each of you are dumb.

Why do libs, like you, lie continuously? That's not what it said,
That is exactly what Trump said they ruled in this filing.


So what? He’s not a lawyer. And he is mistaken about that.

It may be immunity but it isn’t absolute.

And it comes with some significant preconditions.

You, croc, just aren’t bright enough to understand. That’s all.

Go play in traffic, now.
Lol. The GOP leading candidate filed a motion that said exactly what Fran said he thinks the ruling means. It’s in his own lawyers filings and he is running with that understanding and said as much on the campaign trail multiple times.
Lol. The GOP leading candidate filed a motion that said exactly what Fran said he thinks the ruling means.
False. You idiot. He doesn’t file motions. And he never said that any President could dissolve the SCOTUS.
It’s in his own lawyers filings

And what you claim Trump said, he didn’t say.
and he is running with that understanding and said as much on the campaign trail multiple times.
It is not how you misinterpret what was said by SCOTUS that matters. It is what the SCOTUS actually said that matters.

Maybe you can gfy and troll post elsewhere.
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False. You idiot. He doesn’t file motions. And he never said that any President could dissolve the SCOTUS.

And what you claim Trump said, he didn’t say. .

It is not how you misinterpret what was said by SCOTUS that matters. It is what the SCOTUS actually said that matters.

Maybe you can gfy and troll post elsewhere.
Trump filed a motion in court through his lawyers dipshit that said exactly what Fran said. EXACTLY what she said. That is why she said it dipshit. Go fuck off you disingenuous twit.
Trump filed a motion in court through his lawyers dipshit that said exactly what Fran said. EXACTLY what she said

That’s an outright lie you piece of shit
That is why she said it dipshit.

No, it isn’t, cock gobbler.
Go fuck off you disingenuous twit.
Go suck another old bag of decomposing diseased dick, you asshole.

What the President (BY COUNSEL) actually argued is spelled out very well by those lawyers.

To be clear (since you’re obviously retarded as well as fully dishonest), every time that brief made any reference to the Trump position, the brief UNAMBIGUOUSLY referenced absolute immunity for the President’s OFFICIAL acts.

That is not yours to gloss over and it is absolutely not what the idiot Fran nutbag Liebowotz claimed.


“for his official acts.”

I realize you’re a dishonest ignorant dumbass, but you shouldn’t be quite so stupid as to believe that this would allow Biden (ie, the Potato) to “dissolve” the SCOTUS. NO SUCH AUTHORITY is granted to any President under the Constitution.

Your fail is complete, you moron.
Trump filed a motion in court through his lawyers dipshit that said exactly what Fran said. EXACTLY what she said. That is why she said it dipshit. Go fuck off you disingenuous twit.
False. Repeating your idiotic and utterly baseless lies doesn’t convince anybody of anything, you scumbag cock gobbler.
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Lol. The GOP leading candidate filed a motion that said exactly what Fran said he thinks the ruling means. It’s in his own lawyers filings and he is running with that understanding and said as much on the campaign trail multiple times.

That's false.

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