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I refered to Genesis in that post regarding the fact;
There is an ambiguity in the original Hebrew text over the word translated here as naked:
eromim means to be naked, without clothes yet arumim means the uncovering of deceptions. Genesis and the rest of the Torah was written using only consonants, with no letters or signs indicating vowels. Thus "eromim" and "arumim" appear the same in the Hebrew text, as rmm.
I was talking about their being uncovered as in naked truth.
SO you brought that to life by "covering up the naked truth" and smokescreening the topic of the Bi sexual Jesus figure.

Did you or did you not, as well as many Christians, accuse Michael Jackson of being
guilty of innapropriste behavior for doing the very same thing Jesus is recorded doing?
Then the split personality and Hypocrit is you. *hands you a mirror so you can introduce yourself to your alter ego*

LOL... I was referring to your repeated boasting about your body (whoop di doo) to which I responded with the Zohan video. It is a rather funny clip and quite appropriate comparison to you, don't you think? You then insinuated that I had some shame about nakedness and then questioned the naked condition of mine as if you wanted to compare penises.

Now you act as if it was all some metaphorical rock hard abs and speedo nonsense about Adam and Eve and go on to further humiliate yourself and expose your own salacious interests, willy nilly, once again, by repeatedly accusing Jesus of sexual molestation, even though you are the same guy who claims that he never existed, and then get into great detail about nakedness in a gospel that you have already reviled as false for your proof.

Metaphorical nakedness. A metaphorical bi sexual Jesus had metaphorical sex with a metaphorically naked Lazarus. Thats what you were really talking about... Yeah right.

Then you have the sanctimonious audacity to suggest something inappropriate about PG nakedness in some videos that I posted to mock the vanity of your messiah complex.

How can anything you say be believed?

Don't you remember the things that you have said when you transfer from one personality to another?

And WTF, no. I never accused Michael Jackson of anything. I never even met the guy.
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So you post naked vids in theology forums, now you talk about private parts like
during the fall of Rubio. You support Michael Jackson sleeping with
Macaulay Culkin,

support Jesus sleeping with Lazarus for donation support,
cuss in theology forums, call people names instead of attacking the subject,
stalk, abuse people you call mentally disabled (kick cripples), revealed as a stasist, detest progress and people becoming all they could and should,
anti Moshiachist, anti temple and the anointed hosts, anti messianic age,
anti bring your own dish parties, anti Shalem.
So make it easy and tell us what has been a good influence from your offshoot beliefs and what is it you offer here besides destructive behavior, bitter, and poison (wormwood) that the fallen star left you?
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Should we be surprised that people who make up and change what the Bible says should also make up and change what our posts here say? =evidence of the nature and tendancy to lie and stage what they want things to say and be instead of what things say and are. Because they fall, they want others in the crab bucket to fall back down with them. The ole; "if I can't escape the crab bucket, nobody can!"
A 3 and a half year ministry, and He has sold more books than anyone else in all of history.

Just 3 and a half years, and it's still going strong 2 millennia later.

Rev. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Quit brainwashing innocent young children! That's the only reason anybody still believes that 2000 year old ghost story:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary)

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding"
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter written to John Adams)
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So make it easy and tell us what has been a good influence from your offshoot beliefs and what is it you offer here besides destructive behavior, bitter, and poison (wormwood) that the fallen star left you?

The keys to the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven that unlock the hidden door to the innermost chamber within the sanctuary of God, power over death, a place in the world to come, and immunity to your venom.

What has claiming that Jesus never existed only to accuse him of having sex with Lazarus done for you?

What has fretting over meals according to the most ignorant and superficial literal interpretation of the divine commands possible left you? Dreaming about the glory of slaughtering animals as a temple priest while you waste your life sleeping only to feel stupid if ever you awaken??

I hate to break the news to you but you don't seem to be winning over any Gentile converts here in spite of your many charms.

If you really think that you are the Jewish messiah, you should probably be trying to get Jews to back your plans to bring animal sacrifice back into practice under an isis style theocracy and compulsory observance of a literal interpretation of Mosaic Law.

Good luck with that..
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Hobe: Ahhh so now you see getting to the historical figures fitting which stories is important, for which figure was Judas saying lead a sex cult?

Tinynascarfan Quote:
"Just 3 and a half years, and it's still going strong 2 millennia later."

Satan would have exactly 3 1/2 years to strut his stuff says the NT, and you are exactly the 1/3 it says would fall with him.
Congratulations, you admit humanity 2000 years later still falls for Santa Claus.
Don't you mean Satan Claws..... Theiving from God , knowing when you are good or bad, cavorting with demons( elves with pointy little ears)able to go down a very very hot chimney without being hurt.etc etc.. Yup are we not taught to beware of strangers bearing gifts esp someone disguised as a jolly old fat man that we trust our kids with.....Well thanks to the Coca Cola company the little fat man dressed in red has fooled as many people as the Romans have with their Jesus scam....
Hey I'm originally from Philly, we took care of Santa Claus and pelted him real good.
Hobe: Ahhh so now you see getting to the historical figures fitting which stories is important, for which figure was Judas saying lead a sex cult?

A sex cult? Ugh...What in hell are you talking about? How does anything that you just said relate to anything that I posted?

Listen, I'm sure that at some level you are a nice guy. You probably started off sincerely seeking understanding and doing your best to fulfill and conform to what you had been taught since birth was what God expected of you as an observant Jew.

At some point your mind snapped, probably as a consequence of burying the doubts and rational questions that had arisen in your own brain, out of fear or conformity, about the value of certain professed beliefs and doing some of the irrational things that you were taught were commandments from God like strapping a box to your head, avoiding cheeseburgers as if it was a matter of life and death, or circumcising the flesh of the foreskins of infants.

You have exchanged the individuality and sanctity of your own mind and what it can perceive and understand by itself, standing alone, for the defilement of a self negating multiplicity that sees and comprehends nothing, even as a legion... a we.

In the same way that Christians are manipulated into murdering any questions or doubts in their heads about the irrational things that they were taught to believe and the degrading practices they were taught to imitate as if they were a demonic attack, you too have been programed to despise and deny in yourself the very questions that could lead you back to life from the dead for the very same reasons. You have become too much of a wimp to challenge the establishment and are terrified of being shunned by your so called orthodox community as an apostate which are not very messianic or redemptive qualities.

You need redemption as much as anyone else does that you disparage for believing in the teachings of the Jesus, however misguided they may be, who you despise for having the faith that you lack to believe in what he could see with his own eyes, hear with his own ears, and comprehend with his own mind..
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ad hominem avoidance post quote:
"You need redemption(HaShev) as much as anyone else does"

You know what they say about people repeating themselves, you already told me to go "f" myself, why repeat the sentiment?

Still no Teshuva, all though the underhanded compliment was almost there. Be happy I'm busting your chops, would the Pope do the same for you?
ad hominem avoidance post quote:
"You need redemption(HaShev) as much as anyone else does"

How is that ad hominem? Are you claiming that you don't need redemption? Oh yeah, right, you are the Zohan himself.. lol.... Who am I to even suggest that you are less than perfect, even if a little obsessed with the sexual practices of first century Jews living under Roman rule.

Please forgive my impertinence, your majesty. you have already declared checkmate. :happy-1: May I bring you some tea?

Now maybe people, who brought their own plates, can begin to understand the subject and wisdom in the command to slaughter a he-goat 'without blemish' for the expiation of sin.

Well done!
If you turn on the TV right now you will catch the Gospel Of Judas on the
National Geographic TV channel. *L*
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