The Compiling of Christs and Biblical Characters

It is interesting that today in our times there is such an outcry about " fake news" and people today are thirsting for news that is truthful and they can trust instead of what the people in charge spoonfeed us.... The New Testament which is based on self testimony and on nothing concrete is indeed " fake news" any with an open mind and a sharp intellect could figure this out on their own but because they BELIEVE in what they were TOLD as little children they cannot let go even though it truly has no power over them once they have freed themselves from its grip . It is humorous reading some of the comments here when faced with the evidence. I especially find it humorous reading " literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction" Isn't that the same symbol that adorns McDonalds that says Billions and Billions served .. Yup McDonalds has served Billions and Billions of HAM burgers and people have eaten them down but nowhere do they advertise whether the food they SERVE is good for you and yours and yet they gladly take your money and continue in their service and you and yours keep coming back for more even though in the back of most of your minds I am sure there is a nagging doubt that this FOOD is not really good for me or mine just like I am sure those Billions Served have the same reservations about the " good news" in the New Testament but are still throwing away good money after bad and are eating down the Food they serve which is not really helping them but fills an empty void somewhere whenever they HUNGER for some truth...
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
This is an Argument based on Ignorance. You claim since you can find no historical data that satisfies your criteria or meets your standards, no such person exists, or you imply it.

That you cannot find said historical facts while literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction, only means that you are a poor investigator.
Is it my imagination or is the OP being willfully mendacious? His OP has been thoroughly discredited, he resorts to personal attacks and does not provide any source for his statements. What am I missing here? Who does that?
It is interesting that today in our times there is such an outcry about " fake news" and people today are thirsting for news that is truthful and they can trust instead of what the people in charge spoonfeed us.... The New Testament which is based on self testimony and on nothing concrete is indeed " fake news" any with an open mind and a sharp intellect could figure this out on their own but because they BELIEVE in what they were TOLD as little children they cannot let go even though it truly has no power over them once they have freed themselves from its grip . It is humorous reading some of the comments here when faced with the evidence. I especially find it humorous reading " literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction" Isn't that the same symbol that adorns McDonalds that says Billions and Billions served .. Yup McDonalds has served Billions and Billions of HAM burgers and people have eaten them down but nowhere do they advertise whether the food they SERVE is good for you and yours and yet they gladly take your money and continue in their service and you and yours keep coming back for more even though in the back of most of your minds I am sure there is a nagging doubt that this FOOD is not really good for me or mine just like I am sure those Billions Served have the same reservations about the " good news" in the New Testament but are still throwing away good money after bad and are eating down the Food they serve which is not really helping them but fills an empty void somewhere whenever they HUNGER for some truth...
What evidence? You guys have not provided any evidence. Do you have a source or am I just supposed to take your word, because from where I stand this whole thread is a troll thread. This should be in the flame thrown. Not because of the topic but because the OP is telling jokes. At least then I could sling some Jewish jokes to even out the comedy. Because that's what this OP is... comedy.
Ding you are so humourous every single thread here you Troll.. You constantly post but have very little concrete to say.. You should place that mirror up in your own face and not accuse others of what you yourself are quilty of...
I SAID KING HEROD, you are claiming his son as one in the same I'm discussing proving my points about being historically illiterate and lying.
Herod Antipas was the son of the Jewish King Herod the Great.
You lied like a 4th or 5th time, because you denied that you were wrong anput Caesar and now about the 1 point out of many=ad hominem excuse response.
You are like a habitual liar.
Fact: my post was about EWTN not knowing historical chronology and EWTN says
"Julius Caesar" when discussing Pilate, an impossibility as they are from different eras as are all the converged christs accounts.
I keep letting you dig yourself further in the hole as you "make my points". :)

In other words you were mistaken or lying purposefully when you stated:
"Your whole OP was based upon the error 'that the Bible' was referring to Julius Caesar."
That's not true and you know it=a lie
If you don't know it's not true, then that proves your comprehension is skewed.
Which is it?
I am not mistaken and I am not lying. You are accusing me of what you are doing. Yes, the linchpin of your OP was that the Bible was referring to Julius Caesar. I have provided links showing you who the Bible refers to. You are flat out wrong. Your OP is flat out wrong. The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius. Pīlātus was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36. He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. Herod Antipater, known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch" and "King Herod" in the New Testament although he never held the title of king. He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

Tiberius - Wikipedia

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

Why lie about your excessive lying unless you are protecting a lie. Truth needs no lies, it can hold it's own merit which is why I never lose a battle and never need a weapon.
Your claim proves my point about EWTN which is my OP point then you claim you proved me wrong by adressing one of 10 points which I then proced your 1 point wrong as Caesar was not a term for emporer until around 70ad therefore it's impossible to be about Tiberius because he would have said Tiberius not Caesar at that ckaimed era you place the idol in. Proving your lack of chronological knowledge of history distorts your ability to form an accurate commentary especially in calling people wrong.
I already proved more then a few times you don't know what you are talking about.
Confusing the word Caesar and King Herod is just a few of your blunders.
Your copy and pasted info had no context of this OP discussion, but you listed it anyway and tried to sell it and I made you look foolish in doing so and now you have to lie to protect your lies.
This is why Jesus is called "the scarab"
because scarab is a dung beetle, and they push the dung ball rolling it to bigger piles of dung as it rolls it grows bigger and bigger a pile of BS just like your forum posts.
This is why you relate well with "the scarab" and worship in the house made of dung (BS).
-Daniel 2:5
Also Lord of flies or dung; Beelzebub is mentioned in 2 Kings 1:1-16

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I SAID KING HEROD, you are claiming his son as one in the same I'm discussing proving my points about being historically illiterate and lying.
Herod Antipas was the son of the Jewish King Herod the Great.
You lied like a 4th or 5th time, because you denied that you were wrong anput Caesar and now about the 1 point out of many=ad hominem excuse response.
You are like a habitual liar.
Fact: my post was about EWTN not knowing historical chronology and EWTN says
"Julius Caesar" when discussing Pilate, an impossibility as they are from different eras as are all the converged christs accounts.
I keep letting you dig yourself further in the hole as you "make my points". :)

In other words you were mistaken or lying purposefully when you stated:
"Your whole OP was based upon the error 'that the Bible' was referring to Julius Caesar."
That's not true and you know it=a lie
If you don't know it's not true, then that proves your comprehension is skewed.
Which is it?
I am not mistaken and I am not lying. You are accusing me of what you are doing. Yes, the linchpin of your OP was that the Bible was referring to Julius Caesar. I have provided links showing you who the Bible refers to. You are flat out wrong. Your OP is flat out wrong. The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius. Pīlātus was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36. He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. Herod Antipater, known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch" and "King Herod" in the New Testament although he never held the title of king. He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

Tiberius - Wikipedia

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

Why lie about your excessive lying unless you are protecting a lie. Truth needs no lies, it can hold it's own merit which is why I never lose a battle and never need a weapon.
Your claim proves my point about EWTN which is my OP point then you claim you proved me wrong by adressing one of 10 points which I then proced your 1 point wrong as Caesar was not a term for emporer until around 70ad therefore it's impossible to be about Tiberius because he would have said Tiberius not Caesar at that ckaimed era you place the idol in. Proving your lack of chronological knowledge of history distorts your ability to form an accurate commentary especially in calling people wrong.
I already proved more then a few times you don't know what you are talking about.
Confusing the word Caesar and King Herod is just a few of your blunders.
Your copy and pasted info had no context of this OP discussion, but you listed it anyway and tried to sell it and I made you look foolish in doing so and now you have to lie to protect your lies.
This is why Jesus is called "the scarab"
because scarab is a dung beetle, and they push the dung ball rolling it to bigger piles of dung as it rolls it grows bigger and bigger a pile of BS just like your forum posts.
This is why you relate well with "the scarab" and worship in the house made of dung (BS).
-Daniel 2:5
Also Lord of flies or dung; Beelzebub is mentioned in 2 Kings 1:1-16
Do you have a link to your EWTN source?
Ding you are so humourous every single thread here you Troll.. You constantly post but have very little concrete to say.. You should place that mirror up in your own face and not accuse others of what you yourself are quilty of...
I provided sources. The trolls are the one's who can't provide a source. Do you have a source? Do you have a link? It is a simple question.
Go to McDonalds eat a Ham burger and look at the SIGN the big golden Arch hanging over their restaurant that is all the proof you need unless you need to verify it with Ronald or you local In the meantime look carefully in the mirror that has been placed in front of your face...
The source for EWTN was a EWTN broadcast not a web site. And you just tripped up again because ypu ignore the Wikipedia spurce on Caesar proving upu wrong and the Websters source which shows you worship Lucifer.
This comnent is funny:
ding quote:" You guys have not provided any evidence."
He just called sourcing everything including Websters, Encyclopedia, Bibles, historians, his own posts, his own idol's claimed words, his own faith's teachings, university theology professors, ancient artifacts like tablets as not evidence therefore he disproved his own faith trying to trash talk us. *LOL*
Ding admits Christianity has no evidence.
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
This is an Argument based on Ignorance. You claim since you can find no historical data that satisfies your criteria or meets your standards, no such person exists, or you imply it.

That you cannot find said historical facts while literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction, only means that you are a poor investigator.
Is it my imagination or is the OP being willfully mendacious? His OP has been thoroughly discredited, he resorts to personal attacks and does not provide any source for his statements. What am I missing here? Who does that?
Who does that? The exact opposite of what he pretends to be, the Messiah, the closest living being ever in existence next to God.
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
This is an Argument based on Ignorance. You claim since you can find no historical data that satisfies your criteria or meets your standards, no such person exists, or you imply it.

That you cannot find said historical facts while literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction, only means that you are a poor investigator.
Is it my imagination or is the OP being willfully mendacious? His OP has been thoroughly discredited, he resorts to personal attacks and does not provide any source for his statements. What am I missing here? Who does that?
Who does that? The exact opposite of what he pretends to be, the Messiah, the closest living being ever in existence next to God.
I know. He thinks he is the top angel. He even has a disciple.
The source for EWTN was a EWTN broadcast not a web site. And you just tripped up again because ypu ignore the Wikipedia spurce on Caesar proving upu wrong and the Websters source which shows you worship Lucifer.
This comnent is funny:
ding quote:" You guys have not provided any evidence."
He just called sourcing everything including Websters, Encyclopedia, Bibles, historians, his own posts, his own idol's claimed words, his own faith's teachings, university theology professors, ancient artifacts like tablets as not evidence therefore he disproved his own faith trying to trash talk us. *LOL*
Ding admits Christianity has no evidence.
View attachment 114305
Can you provide the exact link? You are the one who has seen it or read it, right?
See you proved our points, you can't read and you are trolling. I already said a TV broadcast has no link, and I posted just after seeing the broadcast so do your own research and call the station, but don't forget to tell them they are wrong (agreeing with my post).

It wasn't these 2 priests
Catholic priest, ex-EWTN TV host, fathered child; he's now in custody fight, accused of abuse

Fr. Corapi announces he is leaving the priesthood :: EWTN News

Sore loser resources:
6 ways to help a sore loser - Today's Parent

How Being A Sore Loser Can Make You Rich (Or Crazy)

See you proved our points, you can't read and you are trolling. I already said a TV broadcast has no link, and I posted just after seeing the broadcast so do your own research and call the station, but don't forget to tell them they are wrong (agreeing with my post).

It wasn't these 2 priests
Catholic priest, ex-EWTN TV host, fathered child; he's now in custody fight, accused of abuse

Fr. Corapi announces he is leaving the priesthood :: EWTN News

Sore loser resources:
6 ways to help a sore loser - Today's Parent

How Being A Sore Loser Can Make You Rich (Or Crazy)

View attachment 114317
So you want me to take your word? Is posting four unrelated links supposed to mean something?
See you proved our points, you can't read and you are trolling. I already said a TV broadcast has no link, and I posted just after seeing the broadcast so do your own research and call the station, but don't forget to tell them they are wrong (agreeing with my post).

It wasn't these 2 priests
Catholic priest, ex-EWTN TV host, fathered child; he's now in custody fight, accused of abuse

Fr. Corapi announces he is leaving the priesthood :: EWTN News

Sore loser resources:
6 ways to help a sore loser - Today's Parent

How Being A Sore Loser Can Make You Rich (Or Crazy)

View attachment 114317
So you want me to take your word? Is posting four unrelated links supposed to mean something?

Busted by your own excuses.
"hey Jesus, do you want us to take you by your word?"
Nt: No any self testimony is false testimony.
That includes the NT itself that is self testified.

"Hey Constantine and Eusebius, you want me to take your word?"

"Hey preacher you want me to take your word?"

"Hey Christianity, you want me to take your word?"

Officer speaking: "sir you were speeding"
Ding replying: "do you have a link for that officer or do you want me to take your word?"
See you proved our points, you can't read and you are trolling. I already said a TV broadcast has no link, and I posted just after seeing the broadcast so do your own research and call the station, but don't forget to tell them they are wrong (agreeing with my post).

It wasn't these 2 priests
Catholic priest, ex-EWTN TV host, fathered child; he's now in custody fight, accused of abuse

Fr. Corapi announces he is leaving the priesthood :: EWTN News

Sore loser resources:
6 ways to help a sore loser - Today's Parent

How Being A Sore Loser Can Make You Rich (Or Crazy)

View attachment 114317
So you want me to take your word? Is posting four unrelated links supposed to mean something?

Busted by your own excuses.
"hey Jesus, do you want us to take you by your word?"
Nt: No any self testimony is false testimony.
That includes the NT itself that is self testified.

"Hey Constantine and Eusebius, you want me to take your word?"

"Hey preacher you want me to take your word?"

"Hey Christianity, you want me to take your word?"

Officer speaking: "sir you were speeding"
Ding replying: "do you have a link for that officer or do you want me to take your word?"
So you have nothing to back up your statement? That is how I know it was your error. Your OP is toast. Flawed. Finished. Kaput.
You called your NT and founding church nothing. I rest my case, you agree with me.
I see that a 30 million dollar lawsuit brought against CNN for reckless and unreliable reporting of " News" was upheld by a judge... lol... Hmm how much of a law suit could we come up for with the pedlars of the " Good News" in the form of the New and no I will not post a link for Ding Ding Ding he should not be so lazy and look it up for himself like most people who honestly search for the truth do....
I know. He thinks he is the top angel. He even has a disciple.
Jesus thought he was the top angel(messenger), he even had 12 disciples the same number as Mithra and Lucifer (hence the satanic 13).

I can't help if you aren't very observant,
I've left Easter Eggs all over these forums and you didn't pick up even a single one & we proved your reading comprehension and reasoning skills are flawed and your human ego and affiliation pride creates your rebellion against truth.
Example missed Easter Egg:
I posted the mounds of Tara picture so many times =(coronation of kings area) Lia Fail.
I recently right before the discovery of the Sheva(7) habitable planets posted the picture of the 7 planet solar system that is found at Tara, literally secreting the stone (pulling the truth sword out of the stone).

Saint Columba was an Irish abbot and missionary WHO declared that this Lia Fail (Jacobs head rest stone) found at Tara would involve "THE MICHAEL who will HaShev (return) to his inheritance" as King.
Celtic Arthurian legends are basically
Judaic in nature matching the Shiloh accts of the Bible.
Everyone misses the underlining message in the tale that these stories of various kingship destiny stones mirror Biblical prophecy on the
"returning" king.
sWORD and (Foundation) stones.
Start with the other Stone.
In the wrestling match with the angel (messenger) the stone Jacob laid his head on became known as the "stone of destiny"
(LIAth Fail).
While Jacob was battling for his life, the sense of his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up before him, to shut him out from God. But in his terrible extremity he remembered God's promises, and his whole heart went out in entreaty for His mercy.
It was "the Angel of the covenant," who had revealed Himself to Jacob. Now using this standard that an angel is Battling with Jacob is a word refering to changing Jacob's heart through use of his guilt then in Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the Lord and redeemer (HaSheva in Hebrew) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
The stone that Jacob rested on was the one he had the dream of the ladder to heaven. The stone of the covenant he anointed represents the anointing of the true corner stone and is supposed to be the key to secreting Moshiach which is why those old English tales always told of a knight pulling the sword from the stone- (the proof of the rightful kings lineage=coming back to his inheritance)
This tale represented the pulling out the Truth or Word from the stone (foundation of all things).
Note: The Foundation Stone is the name of the rock at the heart of the Dome of the Rock in YeruShalem.
In other words secreting HOW Things Are. Daniel's Revelation of the "Stone" (Cornerstone & one of destiny) who strikes the (Beast's) Kingdoms & turns them to dust, is basically the mirror story of Michael removing the controlling power of the beast, but also as the scrolls says revealing the secret wisdom of the name of God(4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4)
which reveals the wisdom of the Essence in that name and which shares his name. ("The Name"[HaShem]of God will be in his name-EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5). Hence truth out of the foundation stone revealing himself King (returning to inheritence) at the place that holds his name and legend of this overturning that even Islam prophesies.
The actual anointed Stone of the Covenant became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). It was used as a seat to thrones which was always anointed (as Jacob did) at the anointing of new Kings.
The Columbian (or Columba's*) tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term ones who’s right it is refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts and the term ‘Clouds’ which depicted their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds)
Coincidentally 'Night of the long knives' is connected with this arthurian saga, this is represented of the truth (sword) being pulled out of the stone (foundation of all things) at least according to the Grail or Holy Order of Knights (Ritters) The one Knight pulls the Sword (truth) from the Stone (Foundation of all things) and is found the worthy one who as well slays the dragon. these legends are all imagery describing the same Biblical stories of Michael slaying the dragon and being called in Dan 10:21 the one who best knows these truths.
Another Clue According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "Saint Michael was the patron saint of knights." The prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael." This Stone is believed to be the original Pillar that Jacob dedicated to God after his all-night wrestling vigil with an angel. From all references, this stone represents the House of David that went into oblivion after the wicked king Zedekiah was dethroned by our Father and later blinded then killed along with his sons. Jacob's Pillar (The Stone of Destiny) was believed to have been subsequently carried by Jeremiah - along with Zedekiah's two daughters - to Ireland. Later, it went to Scotland, then England.
Some scholars think that these three moves are associated with Ezekiel 21:27: 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come 'whose right it is' ('Shiloh'); and I will give it him.' Dead Sea Scrolls commentary on Ezekiel pronounces the Shiloh of Ezekiel as being archangel (top prophet messenger) Michael. In Ezekiel it's clearly showing the overturning of the first wicked prince with that of the one who's actual right it is as top prince (arch Malakh=head of the congregation[hosts]).
If you don't get it, this means overturning the imposter head and his hosts in the imposter temple siting in Rome with the actual head of the actual Biblical Hosts mentioned in YeruShalem.
This is why Daniel says son of man would come with or out of 'clouds' (gathering of hosts). Therefore coming up to the clouds to see the Moshiach means coming up to the Temple in Mount Zion to hear and see Moshiach and meet him with the hosts at his temple. Where is that temple not in Rome but in YeruShalem thus there has to be an overturning of the authority according to these descriptions back to the ONES WHOSE RIGHT IT IS.
So here we have the MIKdash in his name in the holy city in his name (Shalem in it's original Canaanite transliteration holds the name of the coming king.)
Biblical sources on Shalem being the name:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, ; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Is that enough sources?
Or maybe you'd like to ask the Muslims who mimick the circles on the stone by circling that meteorite during Ramadan, Sheva (7) times given to them by the archangel Michael to reveal the mystery at the proper time.

Now see if you can find an Easter Egg on your own to disprove you having poor reading skills & being very unobservant in noticing simple things.



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I know. He thinks he is the top angel. He even has a disciple.
Jesus thought he was the top angel(messenger), he even had 12 disciples the same number as Mithra and Lucifer (hence the satanic 13).

I can't help if you aren't very observant,
I've left Easter Eggs all over these forums and you didn't pick up even a single one & we proved your reading comprehension and reasoning skills are flawed and your human ego and affiliation pride creates your rebellion against truth.
Example missed Easter Egg:
I posted the mounds of Tara picture so many times =(coronation of kings area) Lia Fail.
I recently right before the discovery of the Sheva(7) habitable planets posted the picture of the 7 planet solar system that is found at Tara, literally secreting the stone (pulling the truth sword out of the stone).

Saint Columba was an Irish abbot and missionary WHO declared that this Lia Fail (Jacobs head rest stone) found at Tara would involve "THE MICHAEL who will HaShev (return) to his inheritance" as King.
Celtic Arthurian legends are basically
Judaic in nature matching the Shiloh accts of the Bible.
Everyone misses the underlining message in the tale that these stories of various kingship destiny stones mirror Biblical prophecy on the
"returning" king.
sWORD and (Foundation) stones.
Start with the other Stone.
In the wrestling match with the angel (messenger) the stone Jacob laid his head on became known as the "stone of destiny"
(LIAth Fail).
While Jacob was battling for his life, the sense of his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up before him, to shut him out from God. But in his terrible extremity he remembered God's promises, and his whole heart went out in entreaty for His mercy.
It was "the Angel of the covenant," who had revealed Himself to Jacob. Now using this standard that an angel is Battling with Jacob is a word refering to changing Jacob's heart through use of his guilt then in Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the Lord and redeemer (HaSheva in Hebrew) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
The stone that Jacob rested on was the one he had the dream of the ladder to heaven. The stone of the covenant he anointed represents the anointing of the true corner stone and is supposed to be the key to secreting Moshiach which is why those old English tales always told of a knight pulling the sword from the stone- (the proof of the rightful kings lineage=coming back to his inheritance)
This tale represented the pulling out the Truth or Word from the stone (foundation of all things).
Note: The Foundation Stone is the name of the rock at the heart of the Dome of the Rock in YeruShalem.
In other words secreting HOW Things Are. Daniel's Revelation of the "Stone" (Cornerstone & one of destiny) who strikes the (Beast's) Kingdoms & turns them to dust, is basically the mirror story of Michael removing the controlling power of the beast, but also as the scrolls says revealing the secret wisdom of the name of God(4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4)
which reveals the wisdom of the Essence in that name and which shares his name. ("The Name"[HaShem]of God will be in his name-EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5). Hence truth out of the foundation stone revealing himself King (returning to inheritence) at the place that holds his name and legend of this overturning that even Islam prophesies.
The actual anointed Stone of the Covenant became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). It was used as a seat to thrones which was always anointed (as Jacob did) at the anointing of new Kings.
The Columbian (or Columba's*) tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term ones who’s right it is refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts and the term ‘Clouds’ which depicted their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds)
Coincidentally 'Night of the long knives' is connected with this arthurian saga, this is represented of the truth (sword) being pulled out of the stone (foundation of all things) at least according to the Grail or Holy Order of Knights (Ritters) The one Knight pulls the Sword (truth) from the Stone (Foundation of all things) and is found the worthy one who as well slays the dragon. these legends are all imagery describing the same Biblical stories of Michael slaying the dragon and being called in Dan 10:21 the one who best knows these truths.
Another Clue According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "Saint Michael was the patron saint of knights." The prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael." This Stone is believed to be the original Pillar that Jacob dedicated to God after his all-night wrestling vigil with an angel. From all references, this stone represents the House of David that went into oblivion after the wicked king Zedekiah was dethroned by our Father and later blinded then killed along with his sons. Jacob's Pillar (The Stone of Destiny) was believed to have been subsequently carried by Jeremiah - along with Zedekiah's two daughters - to Ireland. Later, it went to Scotland, then England.
Some scholars think that these three moves are associated with Ezekiel 21:27: 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come 'whose right it is' ('Shiloh'); and I will give it him.' Dead Sea Scrolls commentary on Ezekiel pronounces the Shiloh of Ezekiel as being archangel (top prophet messenger) Michael. In Ezekiel it's clearly showing the overturning of the first wicked prince with that of the one who's actual right it is as top prince (arch Malakh=head of the congregation[hosts]).
If you don't get it, this means overturning the imposter head and his hosts in the imposter temple siting in Rome with the actual head of the actual Biblical Hosts mentioned in YeruShalem.
This is why Daniel says son of man would come with or out of 'clouds' (gathering of hosts). Therefore coming up to the clouds to see the Moshiach means coming up to the Temple in Mount Zion to hear and see Moshiach and meet him with the hosts at his temple. Where is that temple not in Rome but in YeruShalem thus there has to be an overturning of the authority according to these descriptions back to the ONES WHOSE RIGHT IT IS.
So here we have the MIKdash in his name in the holy city in his name (Shalem in it's original Canaanite transliteration holds the name of the coming king.)
Biblical sources on Shalem being the name:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, ; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Is that enough sources?
Or maybe you'd like to ask the Muslims who mimick the circles on the stone by circling that meteorite during Ramadan, Sheva (7) times given to them by the archangel Michael to reveal the mystery at the proper time.

Now see if you can find an Easter Egg on your own to disprove you having poor reading skills & being very unobservant in noticing simple things.
View attachment 114343
View attachment 114344
Do you or do you not believe you are God's top messenger? God's top angel? It's Ok, you can tell us.

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