The Marines Are Too White For The New York Times


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
One notes there is no mention whether or not there were more qualified candidates.

All things being equal, Col. Anthony Henderson has the military background that the Marine Corps says it prizes in a general: multiple combat tours, leadership experience and the respect of those he commanded and most who commanded him.

Yet three times he has been passed over for brigadier general, a prominent one-star rank that would put Henderson on the path to the top tier of Marine Corps leadership. Last year, the Navy secretary, Richard V. Spencer, even added a handwritten recommendation to Henderson’s candidacy: “Eminently qualified Marine we need now as BG,” he wrote.

As an aside, Spencer was fired by SECDEF Esper last November.

The Few, the Proud, the White: The Marine Corps Balks at Promoting Generals of Color
The Marines are not colorblind

political correctness demands that they promote black officers whenever possible

if they are passing over this guy they must have a damn good reason
How does this article suggest that the Marines are too white for the NYT? That doesn't make any sense.

There are over 600 Marine Colonels vying for advancement. Not all of them can be advanced, obviously. See, it takes not only a stellar record, which Colonel Henderson clearly has, but there also has to be an advancement slot for him. The Marine Corps is permitted a total of 60 Generals, one-star to four star (and only three of those are allowed). If there are no Generals who retire, and their billets aren't vacated, there's no place to put a new General, which makes advancement not possible.

And, sure, Generals can retire, but an O-7 has a base pay rate of just over $100,000 a year. Once you add in common allowances, the pay for an O-7 can range from between $137,000 and $191,000. That's a lot to walk away from by choosing retirement. Generals can hit high-year tenure, but then you're back to the original issue of 600 Colonels fighting for a spare few spots.

Not everything is about race...
There has to be a black Colonel named Sanders that's qualified.
What a cheap freaking shot by the NYT to accuse the venerable USMC of racism. What does NYT reporter Heline Cooper actually know about the Marine Corps except typical left wing hatred for the U.S. Military she probably grew up with? This stuff is insulting and shameful.

The Marines are not colorblind

political correctness demands that they promote black officers whenever possible

if they are passing over this guy they must have a damn good reason
Absolutely a fact for the Army as well.

Back in the 90s I served under a black female CO that should not have been entrusted with an ice cream truck, much less a battalion.

And those promotions make it so much worse for those minorities and females that are promoted on actual it is always assumed to not have been the case.
..typical bullshit
1. they are only 13% of the population
2. they graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college--and they graduate there at lower levels
= there are a LOT LESS qualified for ANY top positions
3. NYTimes = hahahahahhahahaha
4. this is your typical MSM bullshit and lies
5. I've been over the gender dumbshit in other foums:
....''''racism'' is a ''thought process'''....gender is an actual physical ''process'' is undeniable that females generally/mostly cannot come close to doing the physical NEEDS of the military that males can
....I was in the USMC for 8 years

here--typical example of MSM LIES--the MSM is one of the top enemies of the US:
'''''Which is code for ‘he’s too Black, in my opinion'''.
--''code''' ......''opinion''----hahahahhahahahah

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