The Meaning of Tolerance for Dearborn Police

These Christian activists went to this festival to intentionally incite these people and insult their religious beliefs and we're supposed to be upset that they had shit thrown at them? Gee, can't imagine why it happened

Gee, some "Americans" seem to forget a little thing called the 1st Amendment. We're NOT supposed to be upset when the Police don't protect a citizens most basic civil rights? This nation is populated by too many dumbasses like you who don't seem to give a crap about the Constitution or the protections it offers it's citizens.
Christians stoned by American Muslims in Dearborn as police watch - National Social Issues |

A disturbing video posted Tuesday by The United West shows a small group of sign-carrying Christians attacked and stoned at the 2012 Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan.

Worse yet, the police took no action against the attackers, telling the Christians they were the problem, instead of the mob who engaged in numerous acts of assault and battery.

The 22-minute video shows a number of attacks made against the Christians by adults and children repeatedly hurling profanities in addition to rocks, garbage, water bottles and crates.

This is the new America, at least since 2012 since the video was taken.

Christians, wake the hell up and prep to defend yourselves. Things are only going to get worse.

Just take a look at the Coptics in Egypt. That is where we are headed to if we don't start to do something.

I just got through watching a show on Discovery about various people from overseas that were taking the oath of citizenship.One of the locations featured was Dearborn.
Those interviewed stated how much they loved America and being American.
What a bunch of bullshit.
The cops that watched the crime take place should be fired and their pensions denied. This is gross misconduct.

The cops that stood by and watched should be charged as accomplices!
You sound just like the ass-wipes that defend bigots attacking gays and lesbians for being provocative by holding hands in public.

There is nothing provocative about hearing another person express their religious views. It is only considered provocative under Sharia law that criminalizes Christian preaching to Muslims.

You idiot leftards are going to regret letting the Muslim Jihadists dominate the areas that they do end up controlling before this runs its course.

And you brought it on yourselves.

Taz are you being an idiot "leftard" again?.....last week were you not called an idiot "rightard" by the lefty who did not like what you said?....some of these people disagree with them and you are automatically what they are not....what else can you be?....

Because only a rightwing Ku Kluxer could possibly think that spreading the Gospel is message can be anything but a provocation of the most compelling sort that would justify people physically assaulting you.

Fucktards abound it seems.

so it seems.....
These Christian activists went to this festival to intentionally incite these people and insult their religious beliefs and we're supposed to be upset that they had shit thrown at them? Gee, can't imagine why it happened

Those muslims did exactly what many people want to do to the Westboro Baptist Church people when they protest at funerals.

They ARE guilty of having no restraint tho. They fell for the taunting.
Islam and freedom of speech cannot co-exist. Liberals are happy to turn a blind eye to any wrong-doing towards Christians, their number one enemy, even if that means siding with the real religious right-wingers: Muslims.

I don't think that is true. During the Middle Ages, the Arab Muslim world was the most sophisticated and advanced and free of all the civilizations of the time.

Averroes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Averroës (/əˈvɛroʊ.iːz/; April 14, 1126 – December 10, 1198), was a Spanish Andalusian Muslim polymath, a master of Aristotelian philosophy, Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology, Maliki law and jurisprudence, logic, psychology, politics and Arabic music theory, and the sciences of medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics and celestial mechanics. Averroes was born in Córdoba, Al Andalus, present-day Spain, and died in Marrakesh, present-day Morocco. He was interred in his family tomb at Córdoba.[5] The 13th-century philosophical movement based on Averroes' work is called Averroism.

Averroes was a defender of Aristotelian philosophy against Ash'ari theologians led by Al-Ghazali. Averroes' philosophy was considered controversial in Muslim circles.[6] Averroes had a greater impact on Western European circles and he has been described as the "founding father of secular thought in Western Europe".[6][7][8] The detailed commentaries on Aristotle earned Averroes the title "The Commentator" in Europe. Latin translations of Averroes' work led the way to the popularization of Aristotle and were responsible for the development of scholasticism in medieval Europe.[9]

This guy was Jewish but lived in Muslim Spain.
Maimonides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bahya ibn Paquda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solomon ibn Gabirol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We should no more judge all of Islam by the Islamacists than one should judge all of Christianity based on Baptists (not that that is a bad thing necesarily).
I used to knock around the Dearborn area back in the day. Most of the muslims there are Iraqi refugees and most are peaceful. I think the guys in the video probably had outstanding warrants out for them. :lol: Fact of the matter is, these arabs moved into a desolate part of the city, fixed up abandonded store-fronts, and started businesses. The Detroit area needs all the help it can get. Will this end in a looting/shooting jihad against Royal Oak one day? Nah. Remember the "underwear bomber"? He was trying to bounce that airliner into metro-Detroit....not something al-Qaida would do to a like-minded community.
Ruban Israel, pillock of the first order, went to an Arabic festival and started an argument.
He seems to have that problem with a lot of people; in fact, pretty much everywhere he preaches.

Faith and Freedom Network Blog: Homosexuals "Beat-Up" Preacher In Seattle

When he isn't upsetting people, he's being beaten up by them or arrested by the police for being a daft git.

This one makes ten that I could find on a quicky search.

Preacher Arrested for Breaking Preaching Ban in Bourbon Street - JD Journal | JD Journal

He loves to have a go at Mormons and has turned up at bikers' events to tell them what a bunch of bastards they are.

I think he should do that more often and, with a bit of luck, he'll disappear into a shallow grave at the hands of a few very big lads.
While its true that the first amendment gives them the right, and I abhor violence in all forms, it's pathetic to claim that these "missionaries" were there for any other reason than to agitate and "martyr" themselves.

They are no better than Fred Phelps and his clan.

Lol, right, because when a person expresses their religious faith, that cant be for any other purpose than to provoke non-believers, right?

lol, you are an ignorant wretch.

I'd bet you good money that that's exactly how Fred Phelps would describe what he does.

When you're forcibly "expressing your faith" to a bunch of people who disagree and don't want to hear it, then you're right in there with the Westboro guys.

Then you do agree that its appropriate for gay couples expressing themselves to a bunch of people who don't agree to be beaten up right along with the Westboro guys!
Another libtard take on free speech rights for Christians:
Arab International Festival in Dearborn is canceled in wake of religious tensions | Detroit Free Press |

After growing religious tensions between some Christian missionaries and local Muslims, the annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn has been canceled for this year, organizers said Friday.

The announcement left many disappointed that a small number of aggressive extremists could ruin what had become a tradition in the eastern section of Dearborn, which has a significant number of Arab Americans.

The city and organizers were facing increased insurance and liability costs because of the tensions and lawsuits over the festival. Last month, the City of Dearborn had proposed moving the festival to a park instead of the traditional location on Warren Avenue in order to decrease conflict....“It’s unfortunate there are groups who are seeking to create problems and incite people in a community where people are trying to build bridges of diversity,” said Suehaila Amen, 34, of Dearborn. “This festival was about creating a family atmosphere during Father’s Day weekend. And yet, there are those who do not wish to see people enjoy their life.”

Yeah, throwing rocks at people is so diverse, yo know its the heart and sole of diversity to these libtards.

If you want people to read what you post and take you seriously, you should quit using the term 'libtard'.

lol, go fuck yourself
Ruban Israel, pillock of the first order, went to an Arabic festival and started an argument.
He seems to have that problem with a lot of people; in fact, pretty much everywhere he preaches.

Faith and Freedom Network Blog: Homosexuals "Beat-Up" Preacher In Seattle

When he isn't upsetting people, he's being beaten up by them or arrested by the police for being a daft git.

This one makes ten that I could find on a quicky search.

Preacher Arrested for Breaking Preaching Ban in Bourbon Street - JD Journal | JD Journal

He loves to have a go at Mormons and has turned up at bikers' events to tell them what a bunch of bastards they are.

I think he should do that more often and, with a bit of luck, he'll disappear into a shallow grave at the hands of a few very big lads.

Yeah, Southern racist whites used to say that about Martin Luther King Jr all the time. 'Whats the common denominator here, whenever that guy shows up anywhere, he draws a mob or gets thrown in jail. MLK is the real problem!'

So, lemme essplain this to you in simple terms since you are obviously a dumbfuck; some people when they sense that their group is being targeted for exceptional treatment, these people get pissed off and they pursue it, to stress the system, to show it for what it is.

That does not prove or indicate that they are causing the problem. The people that think the preacher shouldn't be allowed to express his beliefs are the problem, you fucking fascist tool.
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I used to knock around the Dearborn area back in the day. Most of the muslims there are Iraqi refugees and most are peaceful. I think the guys in the video probably had outstanding warrants out for them. :lol: Fact of the matter is, these arabs moved into a desolate part of the city, fixed up abandonded store-fronts, and started businesses. The Detroit area needs all the help it can get. Will this end in a looting/shooting jihad against Royal Oak one day? Nah. Remember the "underwear bomber"? He was trying to bounce that airliner into metro-Detroit....not something al-Qaida would do to a like-minded community.

Yep, I have no doubt that the vast majority of Muslims in America are good solid people who are ashamed of the thugs in the video. The people who took the video have posted the full video somewhere I cant find right now and there were Muslim adults who tried to defend these Christians. Those are good solid honorable people.

But the AUTHORITIES who are supposed to protect the public from physical attacks, who would bust anyone toting a gun for self-protection (cuz the cops are SUPPOSED to do that, right?) the city officials who tried to press charges against the victims for just being there, these are the people that are complete scum and I hope get driven into the gutter with all this.

But the common everyday decent American citizen who loves freedom because they have experienced life without it? They are good folk.

This video isn't about them though. ITs about Deearborn becoming Americas first No-Go Zone of Islamacized Sharia law wack jobs.
These Christian activists went to this festival to intentionally incite these people and insult their religious beliefs and we're supposed to be upset that they had shit thrown at them? Gee, can't imagine why it happened

Those muslims did exactly what many people want to do to the Westboro Baptist Church people when they protest at funerals.

They ARE guilty of having no restraint tho. They fell for the taunting.

Yeah because anyone who would preach the Gospel to nonChristians JUST MUST be Westborro Baptist types, right?

You are such a bigoted piece of shyte, Boddickia
Dearborn might turn into America's Egypt yet.

That is more ethnic specific than needful.

I don't care if it turns into Little Egypt, Little Iraq or Little ___________.

America has long had ethnic enclaves and assimilated them over time.

But the problem here is that the Dearborn authorities PROTECTED the rock throwing little bastards, and then pressed charges on the Christian preachers for being so rude as to say provocative things to people.

This is how the No-Go zones start. The perps target the cops first, purging those that would enforce the law as written, then they come out of the closet and attack anyone that gets in their way.
These Christian activists went to this festival to intentionally incite these people and insult their religious beliefs and we're supposed to be upset that they had shit thrown at them? Gee, can't imagine why it happened

Ya cause after all we do not have a Constitutional right to free speech, or gathering together, or protesting either.

Sure you do. That doesn't mean if you use that right to intentionally antagonize people there won't be consequences for it.
Because only a rightwing Ku Kluxer could possibly think that spreading the Gospel is message can be anything but a provocation of the most compelling sort that would justify people physically assaulting you.

Fucktards abound it seems.

The bulk of those people at the Arab festival are Muslim, so they aren't interested in hearing the Christian Gospel or the Torah, or anything else. Those Christian activists going there and preaching their religious beliefs sends a clear message that they believe their religion is superior to the majority of Muslims who were there at the festival. It was insulting and offensive to the people in attendance not to mention xenophobic, but you already knew that.

If a bunch of Muslims want to cluster together and live in Dearborn, Michigan who fucking cares? Ethnic groups have done that throughout American history. Do you have a problem with Chinatown and Little Italy? It's none of your business nor is it the activists'.

If everyone would just live and let live we'd have so many less conflicts in the world
These Christian activists went to this festival to intentionally incite these people and insult their religious beliefs and we're supposed to be upset that they had shit thrown at them? Gee, can't imagine why it happened

Ya cause after all we do not have a Constitutional right to free speech, or gathering together, or protesting either.

Sure you do. That doesn't mean if you use that right to intentionally antagonize people there won't be consequences for it.

You don't get it YET, you stupid shit.

What is being posted about here is not that others disagreed and voiced that disagreement.

The point under discussion in the OP is that acceptable 'disagreement' does not include throwing rocks at people. This is something fascists like you cannot ever understand; disagree but don't harm. The funny thing is every time some asswipe like you is ever one-on-one with someone, all pretense to your getting physical flees with the piss running down your pants.

Second, the cops were wrong to not protect these people as the lawsuit's resolution shows even the towns political thugs admit.

But stupid fucking fascists pricks like you will never get it. roflmao
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Because only a rightwing Ku Kluxer could possibly think that spreading the Gospel is message can be anything but a provocation of the most compelling sort that would justify people physically assaulting you.

Fucktards abound it seems.

The bulk of those people at the Arab festival are Muslim, so they aren't interested in hearing the Christian Gospel or the Torah, or anything else.

Lol, so that means they can beat the shit out of the preachers? hahahahahaha

Those Christian activists going there and preaching their religious beliefs sends a clear message that they believe their religion is superior to the majority of Muslims who were there at the festival.

So fucking what? Mmost people think that their religion is superior to others in some respect or they wouldn't bother, fucking fool.

It was insulting and offensive to the people in attendance not to mention xenophobic, but you already knew that.

No they weren't insulting, but I *am* being insulting, dick-face.

Get the diff yet? No, didn't think so...

If a bunch of Muslims want to cluster together and live in Dearborn, Michigan who fucking cares?

Exactly nobody, but that's not the topic, doofus.

Ethnic groups have done that throughout American history. Do you have a problem with Chinatown and Little Italy? It's none of your business nor is it the activists'.

You do not get to decide if it is or is not anyone's business, you fascist pig.

If everyone would just live and let live we'd have so many less conflicts in the world

We do as long as fucktards like the pricks throwing rocks don't get violent and idiot libtards like you don't defend them just because they are 'other than' white western males, shit head.
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Dearborn might turn into America's Egypt yet.

Give it a rest will ya? The guys in the video were mimicking black rappers not Osama....Dearborn was at one time the racist citadel of the Detroit area...Google Orville Hubbard who was the mayor there for years....his son was a 5th dan Judokai who used to walk into area taverns and footsweep drunks over the top of the bar...laugh and walk out. Dearborn is still mostly white and uptight and if the muzzies start acting out they'll get the message real quick....The cops didn't mess with the crowd in the video because they were outnumbered 20-1 and nobody got hit from what I saw. When they run like the LA cops did at the beginning of the Rodney King riots, then you'll have something to chew on.
Dearborn might turn into America's Egypt yet.

Give it a rest will ya? The guys in the video were mimicking black rappers not Osama....Dearborn was at one time the racist citadel of the Detroit area...Google Orville Hubbard who was the mayor there for years....his son was a 5th dan Judokai who used to walk into area taverns and footsweep drunks over the top of the bar...laugh and walk out. Dearborn is still mostly white and uptight and if the muzzies start acting out they'll get the message real quick....The cops didn't mess with the crowd in the video because they were outnumbered 20-1 and nobody got hit from what I saw. When they run like the LA cops did at the beginning of the Rodney King riots, then you'll have something to chew on.

Lol, dude, yes people did get hit and it doesn't fucking matter what the numbers were the fucking cops should have called in support, helos and NG if they had to.

It is amazing how quickly some will excuse the use of force to shut down someone elses free speech, roflmmfao.

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