The media only has itself to blame


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Maybe if they had been fair and balanced people would trust them more. They can thank their basis for obama.

In a recent Gallup poll a record 60 percent of respondents replied “not very much” or “not at all” when asked how much they trusted the news media to tell the truth fully and fairly.
Americans Turn on MSM: What Does It Mean? | Via Meadia
Anyone who watches Fox News should obviously expect that it will be presented from a conservative perspective...but reasonably fair. (not speaking about the opinion shows...the nightly news).
Same with should expect the nightly news show to be from a more liberal perspective....but reasonably fair.
Today...CBS, NBC and ABC have moved so far left that they are no better than MSNBC which is the worst of any network period..they don't even pretend to be anything but spoon-fed nonsense.
I watched CBS News the other night and a full 1/3 of the show was the Romney gotcha video...a full third...and if that wasn't enough...towards the end of the broadcast was another 5 minute opinion spin from other correspondents. Half of the show was devoted to the video...and no more than about 40 seconds talked about the Libya incident...worthless.

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