The Militia Proposal


The Raven King
Mar 6, 2014
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
I have a proposal that follows this and its implications:
1. Require every single male not guilty of past felonies ages 18 to 45 to serve in the Militia.
2. Require large businesses to give their employees Sunday off.
3. Require small businesses to pick one Sunday a month to automatically give their employees the day off.
4. Require everyone in the Militia to train at least one Sunday per month.
5. Allow businesses to have longer working days.
6. Give control of certain taxes to the State government to fund the training of the Militia.
7. Place the new Militia under the direct control of the Governor and the State Legislature.
8. Require all Constitutional Militias to disband in their capacity as executors of the Constitution and require them to serve in the State Militia.
9. Disband the National Guard and place all National Guard Armories Bases, etc. under the control of the State Government.
10. Place limitations on the capacity to which said Militia can be used. For example, a state can't use it to invade other states, attack the Federal Government while carrying out its Constitutional duties.
Any comments or suggestions?
1. Allow those with felonies to join with waivers, if time served is honorable allow past conviction file to be hidden or suppressed.
By US law every man aged 17 to 46 is already a member of the Militia.

The Federal Government can not dictate to the Individual States what their State militias are They federalized the old State militias into the national Guard and made that a direct part of the US Army. That is all that the federal Government can do.

Anything more requires an amendment to the Constitution.

Every State is already allowed to form, maintain, train and drill their militias as they see fit. Almost every State chooses not to do so. A few have militias but they are voluntary and seldom actually train.

There really is no reason for 20 percent of the States male population to be in an active militia, which is probably about the max one could get out of the male population anyway. Further no Government could afford to arm that many people.
By US law every man aged 17 to 46 is already a member of the Militia.

The Federal Government can not dictate to the Individual States what their State militias are They federalized the old State militias into the national Guard and made that a direct part of the US Army. That is all that the federal Government can do.

Anything more requires an amendment to the Constitution.

Every State is already allowed to form, maintain, train and drill their militias as they see fit. Almost every State chooses not to do so. A few have militias but they are voluntary and seldom actually train.

There really is no reason for 20 percent of the States male population to be in an active militia, which is probably about the max one could get out of the male population anyway. Further no Government could afford to arm that many people.

You are unbelievably ignorant of the Constitution.
By US law every man aged 17 to 46 is already a member of the Militia.

The Federal Government can not dictate to the Individual States what their State militias are They federalized the old State militias into the national Guard and made that a direct part of the US Army. That is all that the federal Government can do.

Anything more requires an amendment to the Constitution.

Every State is already allowed to form, maintain, train and drill their militias as they see fit. Almost every State chooses not to do so. A few have militias but they are voluntary and seldom actually train.

There really is no reason for 20 percent of the States male population to be in an active militia, which is probably about the max one could get out of the male population anyway. Further no Government could afford to arm that many people.

You are unbelievably ignorant of the Constitution.

Actually you seem to be, it is left to the States to form and maintain their militias and only a portion may be federalized and requires an act of Congress to do so, which at present is the National Guard. The federal Government may not federalize the entire militia of a State. While it is true the Government could require a bigger bite from the States there is little chance they would get it under an all volunteer format.

Each State is still free to form a separate militia from the National Guard as a State only militia and several States do so. But they are also all volunteer and seldom if ever train. North Carolina has one as a matter of fact.

The Federal Government has the authority to dictate training schedules to the States but since the late 1800's that has been only the National Guard. And to change that would require an act of Congress to change.
By US law every man aged 17 to 46 is already a member of the Militia.

The Federal Government can not dictate to the Individual States what their State militias are They federalized the old State militias into the national Guard and made that a direct part of the US Army. That is all that the federal Government can do.

Anything more requires an amendment to the Constitution.

Every State is already allowed to form, maintain, train and drill their militias as they see fit. Almost every State chooses not to do so. A few have militias but they are voluntary and seldom actually train.

There really is no reason for 20 percent of the States male population to be in an active militia, which is probably about the max one could get out of the male population anyway. Further no Government could afford to arm that many people.

You are unbelievably ignorant of the Constitution.

Actually you seem to be, it is left to the States to form and maintain their militias and only a portion may be federalized and requires an act of Congress to do so, which at present is the National Guard. The federal Government may not federalize the entire militia of a State. While it is true the Government could require a bigger bite from the States there is little chance they would get it under an all volunteer format.

Each State is still free to form a separate militia from the National Guard as a State only militia and several States do so. But they are also all volunteer and seldom if ever train. North Carolina has one as a matter of fact.

The Federal Government has the authority to dictate training schedules to the States but since the late 1800's that has been only the National Guard. And to change that would require an act of Congress to change.

Point to where the constitution says that?

Because I can point to the EXACT opposite.

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Your turn.

Find the verbiage that supports your contention.

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
I have a proposal that follows this and its implications:
1. Require every single male not guilty of past felonies ages 18 to 45 to serve in the Militia.
2. Require large businesses to give their employees Sunday off.
3. Require small businesses to pick one Sunday a month to automatically give their employees the day off.
4. Require everyone in the Militia to train at least one Sunday per month.
5. Allow businesses to have longer working days.
6. Give control of certain taxes to the State government to fund the training of the Militia.
7. Place the new Militia under the direct control of the Governor and the State Legislature.
8. Require all Constitutional Militias to disband in their capacity as executors of the Constitution and require them to serve in the State Militia.
9. Disband the National Guard and place all National Guard Armories Bases, etc. under the control of the State Government.
10. Place limitations on the capacity to which said Militia can be used. For example, a state can't use it to invade other states, attack the Federal Government while carrying out its Constitutional duties.
Any comments or suggestions?

What's the point of all this?
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
I have a proposal that follows this and its implications:
1. Require every single male not guilty of past felonies ages 18 to 45 to serve in the Militia.
2. Require large businesses to give their employees Sunday off.
3. Require small businesses to pick one Sunday a month to automatically give their employees the day off.
4. Require everyone in the Militia to train at least one Sunday per month.
5. Allow businesses to have longer working days.
6. Give control of certain taxes to the State government to fund the training of the Militia.
7. Place the new Militia under the direct control of the Governor and the State Legislature.
8. Require all Constitutional Militias to disband in their capacity as executors of the Constitution and require them to serve in the State Militia.
9. Disband the National Guard and place all National Guard Armories Bases, etc. under the control of the State Government.
10. Place limitations on the capacity to which said Militia can be used. For example, a state can't use it to invade other states, attack the Federal Government while carrying out its Constitutional duties.
Any comments or suggestions?

What's the point of all this?

Break up of the United of your folks, Bri.
For a group of people with an ideology that hates the government forcing people or business to do sure propose a lot of forcing of people and business to do stuff.
You are unbelievably ignorant of the Constitution.

Actually you seem to be, it is left to the States to form and maintain their militias and only a portion may be federalized and requires an act of Congress to do so, which at present is the National Guard. The federal Government may not federalize the entire militia of a State. While it is true the Government could require a bigger bite from the States there is little chance they would get it under an all volunteer format.

Each State is still free to form a separate militia from the National Guard as a State only militia and several States do so. But they are also all volunteer and seldom if ever train. North Carolina has one as a matter of fact.

The Federal Government has the authority to dictate training schedules to the States but since the late 1800's that has been only the National Guard. And to change that would require an act of Congress to change.

Point to where the constitution says that?

Because I can point to the EXACT opposite.

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Your turn.

Find the verbiage that supports your contention.


Perpich v. DOD

Congress has provided by statute that, in addition to its National Guard, a State may provide and maintain at its own expense a defense force that is exempt from being drafted into the Armed Forces of the United States. See 32 U.S.C. § 109(c). As long as that provision remains in effect, there is no basis for an argument that the federal statutory scheme deprives Minnesota of any constitutional entitlement to a separate militia of its own. [Footnote 25]
Page 496 U. S. 353

Perpich v. DOD - 496 U.S. 334 (1990) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
I have a proposal that follows this and its implications:
1. Require every single male not guilty of past felonies ages 18 to 45 to serve in the Militia.
2. Require large businesses to give their employees Sunday off.
3. Require small businesses to pick one Sunday a month to automatically give their employees the day off.
4. Require everyone in the Militia to train at least one Sunday per month.
5. Allow businesses to have longer working days.
6. Give control of certain taxes to the State government to fund the training of the Militia.
7. Place the new Militia under the direct control of the Governor and the State Legislature.
8. Require all Constitutional Militias to disband in their capacity as executors of the Constitution and require them to serve in the State Militia.
9. Disband the National Guard and place all National Guard Armories Bases, etc. under the control of the State Government.
10. Place limitations on the capacity to which said Militia can be used. For example, a state can't use it to invade other states, attack the Federal Government while carrying out its Constitutional duties.
Any comments or suggestions?

What's the point of all this?

The nutter's innate desire for drama. Dude wants someone like Rick Scott or Chris Christie to have more power and control over citizens.....just so he can keep a personal arsenal in his basement.
"Every State is already allowed to form, maintain, train and drill their militias as they see fit."

Only the state can appoint officers and call out the militia for official use.

The militia can unofficially train all it wants.

It has no statutory authority to legally oppose state and federal forces.
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
I have a proposal that follows this and its implications:
1. Require every single male not guilty of past felonies ages 18 to 45 to serve in the Militia.
2. Require large businesses to give their employees Sunday off.
3. Require small businesses to pick one Sunday a month to automatically give their employees the day off.
4. Require everyone in the Militia to train at least one Sunday per month.
5. Allow businesses to have longer working days.
6. Give control of certain taxes to the State government to fund the training of the Militia.
7. Place the new Militia under the direct control of the Governor and the State Legislature.
8. Require all Constitutional Militias to disband in their capacity as executors of the Constitution and require them to serve in the State Militia.
9. Disband the National Guard and place all National Guard Armories Bases, etc. under the control of the State Government.
10. Place limitations on the capacity to which said Militia can be used. For example, a state can't use it to invade other states, attack the Federal Government while carrying out its Constitutional duties.
Any comments or suggestions?

What's the point of all this?

Break up of the United of your folks, Bri.

Quite the contrary. The reunification of the United States would be the end game.

Also, did you catch the bit about dissolving Constitutional Militias and taking away their Constitutional basis? Figures nobody noticed that.
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Actually you seem to be, it is left to the States to form and maintain their militias and only a portion may be federalized and requires an act of Congress to do so, which at present is the National Guard. The federal Government may not federalize the entire militia of a State. While it is true the Government could require a bigger bite from the States there is little chance they would get it under an all volunteer format.

Each State is still free to form a separate militia from the National Guard as a State only militia and several States do so. But they are also all volunteer and seldom if ever train. North Carolina has one as a matter of fact.

The Federal Government has the authority to dictate training schedules to the States but since the late 1800's that has been only the National Guard. And to change that would require an act of Congress to change.

Point to where the constitution says that?

Because I can point to the EXACT opposite.

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Your turn.

Find the verbiage that supports your contention.


Perpich v. DOD

Congress has provided by statute that, in addition to its National Guard, a State may provide and maintain at its own expense a defense force that is exempt from being drafted into the Armed Forces of the United States. See 32 U.S.C. § 109(c). As long as that provision remains in effect, there is no basis for an argument that the federal statutory scheme deprives Minnesota of any constitutional entitlement to a separate militia of its own. [Footnote 25]
Page 496 U. S. 353

Perpich v. DOD - 496 U.S. 334 (1990) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center

Case law, buddy.

Not the Constitution.

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