The mind works in mysterious ways


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
An interesting piece which touches on the reality of racism that Americans ignore or avoid or pretend does not exist.

'The mind works in mysterious ways: unconscious race bias & Obama'

"...while there is little difference between conservatives’ explicit and unconscious racial biases (both being relatively high), liberals have relatively high unconscious—but low explicit—anti-black biases...."

By Gregory S. Parks & Matthew W. Hughey

"For over the past quarter century, psychologists have found that people make automatic associations between black and white racial categories, and negative and positive words, respectively. Even where individuals appear to harbor explicit, racially egalitarian attitudes, their unconscious racial attitudes may be wholly inconsistent. Numerous studies find that anywhere from 75-90% of whites, roughly 65% of Asian and Latino/a Americans, and from 35-65% of blacks harbor these automatic, unconscious, pro-white/anti-black biases. Not only do college first-year students—the typical participants of university-based psychological studies—harbor these biases; studies show that judges, lawyers, physicians, black professionals, and a broad swath of the American public hold these biases as well. These biases are important because the influence judgment, decision-making, and behavior." OUPblog » Blog Archive » The mind works in mysterious ways: unconscious race bias & Obama

"We all decry prejudice, yet are all prejudiced." Herbert Spencer
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.

Your understanding of evolution appears to be more along it's social application than it's biological implications, which are more pertinent than anything else considering that Darwin was a biologist. How can we take a biolgist as an expert on sociology? His training does not address social issues, and thus he cannot be taken to be an expert on social issues. While Darwin's theory may explain why your ancestors, who were originally black, became white, it does not explain why your ancestors have practiced such an aggressive diplomatic philosophy against the world's non-white people. Your ideology is pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form. Unless of course, you can prove otherwise.
We elected a President in 2008 based on his skin color alone. Maybe this time we won't do that.
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.

Your understanding of evolution appears to be more along it's social application than it's biological implications, which are more pertinent than anything else considering that Darwin was a biologist. How can we take a biolgist as an expert on sociology? His training does not address social issues, and thus he cannot be taken to be an expert on social issues. While Darwin's theory may explain why your ancestors, who were originally black, became white, it does not explain why your ancestors have practiced such an aggressive diplomatic philosophy against the world's non-white people. Your ideology is pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form. Unless of course, you can prove otherwise.
So, me staying out of a Black neighborhood at night because I don't wanna' be killed is "pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form" eh?

Idiots who deny their basic self preservation instincts (like you) are bound to die out just as William Joyce says.
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.

Your understanding of evolution appears to be more along it's social application than it's biological implications, which are more pertinent than anything else considering that Darwin was a biologist. How can we take a biolgist as an expert on sociology? His training does not address social issues, and thus he cannot be taken to be an expert on social issues. While Darwin's theory may explain why your ancestors, who were originally black, became white, it does not explain why your ancestors have practiced such an aggressive diplomatic philosophy against the world's non-white people. Your ideology is pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form. Unless of course, you can prove otherwise.
So, me staying out of a Black neighborhood at night because I don't wanna' be killed is "pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form" eh?

Idiots who deny their basic self preservation instincts (like you) are bound to die out just as William Joyce says.

No, you staying out of a black neighborhood at night because you "don't wanna' be killed" is karma. Especially when you consider all the blacks throughout America's history that had the exact same fear concerning being caught in a white neighborhood after dark. Oh the irony!!!
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.

Your understanding of evolution appears to be more along it's social application than it's biological implications, which are more pertinent than anything else considering that Darwin was a biologist. How can we take a biolgist as an expert on sociology? His training does not address social issues, and thus he cannot be taken to be an expert on social issues. While Darwin's theory may explain why your ancestors, who were originally black, became white, it does not explain why your ancestors have practiced such an aggressive diplomatic philosophy against the world's non-white people. Your ideology is pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form. Unless of course, you can prove otherwise.

there is more to understanding evolution than Darwin

[ame=] Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition (9780674002357): Edward O. Wilson: Books[/ame]

Evolutionary Psychology
We elected a President in 2008 based on his skin color alone. Maybe this time we won't do that.

So President Obama won the election because whites, who are the overwhelming majority, voted for a candidate just because he was black? Why?
Liberal White Guilt. "Oh I'll show Blacks that I like them by voting for this Black guy, then they'll all know I'm not a racist! Oh I'm sooooo sorry for slavery that happened 150 years ago even though all the people involved in that are all dead now."

I never owned slaves. No one I know ever was a slave. I have no guilt about it AND I don't let it color (pun intended) my reasoning.
Your understanding of evolution appears to be more along it's social application than it's biological implications, which are more pertinent than anything else considering that Darwin was a biologist. How can we take a biolgist as an expert on sociology? His training does not address social issues, and thus he cannot be taken to be an expert on social issues. While Darwin's theory may explain why your ancestors, who were originally black, became white, it does not explain why your ancestors have practiced such an aggressive diplomatic philosophy against the world's non-white people. Your ideology is pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form. Unless of course, you can prove otherwise.
So, me staying out of a Black neighborhood at night because I don't wanna' be killed is "pseudo-scientific at best, and cannot be shown to be scientifically valid in any way, shape, or form" eh?

Idiots who deny their basic self preservation instincts (like you) are bound to die out just as William Joyce says.

No, you staying out of a black neighborhood at night because you "don't wanna' be killed" is karma. Especially when you consider all the blacks throughout America's history that had the exact same fear concerning being caught in a white neighborhood after dark. Oh the irony!!!
Wrong. I went to school at Long Beach Poly in Southern California, a predominately Black school and neighborhood. What I learned there is that any ethnicity can be racist if they have the numbers, meaning if they're the majority.

Plus, the Liberals I see supporting Obama act the same as the wimpy white guys who sucked up to the bully blacks in my H.S. thinking that would save them from being targeted in the future.
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.

you assert that racism is an adaptive trait, but i can't believe that you really believe that. . . . .

racism is defined as a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

doesn't sound much like survival of the fittest to me!

racism, simply and plainly is the sum total of the measures enacted and enforced by the white community against their black/brown brothers and sisters in order to maintain control of the land/kingdoms/peoples that they usurped around the world.

these measures includes a certain amount of self-deludement on the part of the oppressor in order to erase from him any feelings of accountability or immorality for the evils he has wrought upon our mother earth and her children.

there is nothing glamorous in bigotry and nothing to be admired about self-hatred.

and it is self-hatred because anyone who had even an inkling of proper understanding of Creation and the laws of our Universe would know that ultimately these differences are to be transcended and that we all find a commonality in the All. . . .

perhaps it should be argued that certain evolutionary traits/changes will foster in one a detachment and dissociation from his purpose in life and his role in his global environment/community.
Yet there's no evidence that negative associations with blacks are necessarily wrong. If you see a group of blacks coming at you on the street late at night, your "unconscious bias" might just save your white ass.

The more we understand about evolution, the more we come to see "racism" as a fiercely adaptive trait. The racists survive, the marshmallows die off.

you assert that racism is an adaptive trait, but i can't believe that you really believe that. . . . .
Typical condescending behavior from a Liberal. "Even thought you said it I know you don't believe it because I'm so smart and know everything!"

He fucking said it and you have no comeback except to say he didn't mean it. Idiot.
"But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?" Robert F. Kennedy

I always laugh when I hear evolution used as an explanation of racist attitudes. If natural selection is right and I think it is, you wacky racists better have ten or fifteen kids as my Puerto Rican father did with his Austrian/German sweetheart. LOL

Count back ten or twenty generations and we are all related. Sorry folks but life is life and it adapts. Consider that man and woman, this weak creature has dominance over all other life, and you must realize something other than dumb strength is at work. Or the dinosaurs would kick your puny 'white' asses. PS my ass is white too, darn genetics gave me mom's fair skin.

While it is stupid debating evolutionary theory with birdbrains, no offense meant to the last remaining dinosaurs, Edge and the books below are fascinating reads.


[ame=] The Pony Fish's Glow: And Other Clues To Plan And Purpose In Nature (9780465072835): George C. Williams: Books[/ame]

[ame=] The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (9780199216819): Richard Dawkins: Books[/ame]

[ame=] Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (P.S.) (9780060894085): Matt Ridley: Books[/ame]

"...t is widely recognized that sexual reproduction helps to keep a population going. Sexual reproduction is a complicated process that is occasionally lost, thereby simplifying the reproductive process. As a general rule, though, in both plants and animals, once a line of descent loses the sexual process, nothing new ever comes of it. It won't branch into several new species the way a sexual species might. So asexual reproduction exclusively in any line of descent appears to be a dead end. If there has ever been a mammal that reproduced asexually, it is not around any more and has no descendants." George C. Williams
"But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?" Robert F. Kennedy
God created man in his own image, so why wouldn't He be Black? Or Asian? Or White?

I figger, once our souls leave this earth all that racism, political correctness and other superficial B.S. just gets left behind and we receive total peace. Whatever that may be and whatever form it may take.
you assert that racism is an adaptive trait, but i can't believe that you really believe that. . . . .

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. - Newsweek

[ame=] Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition (9780674002357): Edward O. Wilson: Books[/ame]

It all has to do with the ingroup
racism, simply and plainly is the sum total of the measures enacted and enforced by the white community
Right... only White people can be racist :cuckoo:

We know now that you are the real racist here
An interesting piece which touches on the reality of racism that Americans ignore or avoid or pretend does not exist.

'The mind works in mysterious ways: unconscious race bias & Obama'

"...while there is little difference between conservatives’ explicit and unconscious racial biases (both being relatively high), liberals have relatively high unconscious—but low explicit—anti-black biases...."

By Gregory S. Parks & Matthew W. Hughey

"For over the past quarter century, psychologists have found that people make automatic associations between black and white racial categories, and negative and positive words, respectively. Even where individuals appear to harbor explicit, racially egalitarian attitudes, their unconscious racial attitudes may be wholly inconsistent. Numerous studies find that anywhere from 75-90% of whites, roughly 65% of Asian and Latino/a Americans, and from 35-65% of blacks harbor these automatic, unconscious, pro-white/anti-black biases. Not only do college first-year students—the typical participants of university-based psychological studies—harbor these biases; studies show that judges, lawyers, physicians, black professionals, and a broad swath of the American public hold these biases as well. These biases are important because the influence judgment, decision-making, and behavior." OUPblog » Blog Archive » The mind works in mysterious ways: unconscious race bias & Obama

"We all decry prejudice, yet are all prejudiced." Herbert Spencer
As long as racism and talk of racism are shoved in everyone faces everyday, it will never go away.
you assert that racism is an adaptive trait, but i can't believe that you really believe that. . . . .

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. - Newsweek

[ame=] Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition (9780674002357): Edward O. Wilson: Books[/ame]

It all has to do with the ingroup
racism, simply and plainly is the sum total of the measures enacted and enforced by the white community
Right... only White people can be racist :cuckoo:

We know now that you are the real racist here

Damn jbeukema I actually agree with you for a change. Maybe the sky is really falling.

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