The Mitt App

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Now you can get an app for your iPad that allows you to take a photo and superimpose the words "A Better Amercia" over it.

Yep, that's how Mittens spells America.

I spoke they'll correct it but, damn, ya gotta love how every single move Mittens makes is another screwup. And, he would use this same talent if he were prez.
Well dang, the reviews all complain that they were too late to get the "Amercia" version.

Yep, it's been corrected.
5th thread.

Unlike you and the rest of the rw sheeples, I don't spend every minute of every day counting threads.

Mea culpa and all that shit.

You also might want to review your own OP.... mocking someone for a spelling mistake is fine... but you make yourself look an idiot if you make a spelling mistake when you're mocking the spelling mistake of others. Idiot.

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