The moment furious Dagen McDowell releases the Kraken on Juan Williams

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Fox News Dagen McDowell blew up on fellow network contributor Juan Williams this Friday after Williams tried to dismiss Attorney General Bill Barr’s otherwise valid and necessary investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion investigation.

The fiery outburst occurred during a discussion on FNC’s “The Five” about Barr’s claim that the Democrats are purposefully trying to discredit him and his investigation because they fear what the investigation might ultimately uncover about the Obama administration.

The goofy old bat should read Mueller's report. A Midol probably would help her too.
Juan was right, Barr is just trying to take attention away from Trump with these bogus ass investigations. When are we going to get a real AG instead of someone who is playing the role of Trump's personal attorney.
It is never not cool to say ...

Poor Juanita, exposed for the pathetic partisan hack he is.

Juan served the purpose he was hired for. He;s a punching bag on that show. His total purpose is to state half of a point so the rest can interrupt him and rant.
Dagen McDowell needs to ease up on her meth, speed, diet pills or whatever is making her go over the edge. She should probably switch over to weed.

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