The mormonism takeover of Utah

Actually, I love when the Mormon boys come to my door. It is like the mission field coming to my house. I get out my Bible. I read them verses of scripture. I tell them why I am a Christian. I invite them to visit my church and they leave confused....:eusa_angel:

Nope, they confuse you, which angers you.
They tried it once. Then they moved to Mexico. Then they moved back. That's when real welfare started by the way.

You can blame the Mormons. :lol:

In case in your ignorance you bash Mormons without knowing one of their basic goals - Mormons do not believe state welfare!!!!!

They have their own Bishop's warehouses and farms to support their own. They only ask that you WORK at one of their facilities to help pay your own way.

Shameful, isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

That doesn't change the history.

When Mormons came back from Mexico, during the Mexican revolution, they went, hat in hand to ask the government for welfare.

Which is pretty shameful in itself. Because they were the ones that left.

By the way..they worm their way out of serving in the US military as well.

Just ask the Romneys.

Multiple generations of Romney men, NEVER served in the US military.
"When Mormons came back from Mexico, during the Mexican revolution, they went, hat in hand to ask the government for welfare." Absolute lie.

"they worm their way out of serving in the US military as well." I served with hundreds of Mormon boys before and after their missions.

A hasty generalization by someone applied to a category is very foolish argumentation.
That is a silly theory. Why would they succeed from the union? They would lose a LOT of things and gain almost nothing.

Anyway, Mormons already own most of Utah and who cares. It is just a bunch of people believing what they want to and practicing the way they want to. Good for them.

Most people tend to congregate with others that feel the same way they do, it gives them something to talk about with shared interests.

If you didn't think it was silly, I would have made fun of you
I do think its weird how they could have sent her somewhere where they need missionaries
Not the Mormon capitol of the world lol
They want the WHOLE state!
Mormon takeover!
They want everyone to be Mormon so they can succeed and have their own laws!
Mormia law lol (sharia)

Actually, I love when the Mormon boys come to my door. It is like the mission field coming to my house. I get out my Bible. I read them verses of scripture. I tell them why I am a Christian. I invite them to visit my church and they leave confused....:eusa_angel:

All I do is wear leather thongs when I answer the door, and they leave confused.
If you didn't think it was silly, I would have made fun of you
I do think its weird how they could have sent her somewhere where they need missionaries
Not the Mormon capitol of the world lol
They want the WHOLE state!
Mormon takeover!
They want everyone to be Mormon so they can succeed and have their own laws!
Mormia law lol (sharia)

Actually, I love when the Mormon boys come to my door. It is like the mission field coming to my house. I get out my Bible. I read them verses of scripture. I tell them why I am a Christian. I invite them to visit my church and they leave confused....:eusa_angel:

All I do is wear leather thongs when I answer the door, and they leave confused.

My old GF was a Wiccan – altar and all. You have never seen a missionary move faster than after she opened the door with her alter in plain view. Most of the books she had would have been thought satanic on first glance by a religious missionary that knew nothing about pagan symbolism. It was always HILARIOUS.
when they succeed, and they come upon hard times, Obama will just bail them out

Why would they need a bailout if they succeed? It would seem to me only people who fail would need a bailout.

Succeed - "Achieve what one aims or wants to"

Secede - "Withdraw formally from membership in a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization."

Education is good
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Lot of trolls and people with no sense of humor here
When mittens was running, they sent them to the south to get votes.

On one hand, I really do think mormonism is like any other cult. Let them believe whatever they want. Just keep them off my front porch.
The most important question here is,

You actually let a morm babysit your kids?

Yes, I'm kidding. After all, I have a pentecostal cat sitter.
Mormons are good people. So are Baptists. I just won't go to church with either of them.
Mormons mean well
They just believe in crazy stuff like any other religion
She is a good person, and so is her family

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