The Most Devastating Result Of The Federal Government Shutdown

Oh no? Congress's approval-ratings are at an all time low... 10%. Thanks for playing though..
interesting with your rep power your concern over what people's opinion is...

the 10% though includes people like me who are libertarian and think the Republicans spend and waste too much money. disagreeing with congress doesn't mean people agree with the democrats. Almost every republican is dissatisfied with republican spending, but those of us dissatisfied with republican spending aren't voting for the democrats, who are worse.
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I'm still looking for any downside of the shutdown personally...
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What happened so far? Did we default on our bills? Did we get over-run by the Russians or the Chinese? Did our children have to stay home from school? Did police get fired? Did fire engines run out of gas?

What happened?

Gotcha! Suckers! We wanted this GOP gov't shutdown more than you guys. Have you not read the polls? Obama played the Tea Party for the fools that they are. Thanks for playing guys! :lol:

Wait, weren't the Dems screaming just like yesterday that shutting the gov't down was irresponsible and would create terrible hardships and the Republicans were irresponsible meanies for even suggesting it? And now that basically not much has happened, it was all the Democrat plan all along?

I'll bet you believe Obama played Putin too.
Democrats just had to agree to delay Obamacare for a year

Oh? is that all? :eusa_eh:

Obama opted to delay it for a year for the biggest companies. Funny how the liberals are suddenly okay with the so-called 1% getting a break while the little people get screwed.

Obamacare is the worst piece of legislation to ever get shoved through. I still think it's illegal the way they did it, but that is another issue.

There is so little in the bill regarding affordable health care and it's mostly about transferring power from the people to the government and that is unconstitutional. Obama must fancy himself as a dictator already because this legislation is pure commie shit that will trample on our rights. Healthcare quality will go down, get doled out and cost more, at least to those of us who actually pay our own way. Only a royal flunkie would support this. Hey, I know some are just thrilled to get another freebie and could care less how their laziness will ruin the country.
No one even cared about the sequester. It didn't even affect anything.

Oh no? Congress's approval-ratings are at an all time low... 10%. Thanks for playing though.

You do realize at least half of Congress are Democrats, right? Because otherwise, your posts looks really stupid.
Libtards are not good with numbers or English or labor. Who am I kidding, if it wasn't for sucking the hind tit of their anointed leaders they wouldn't be good at anything.
Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism

October 1, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


The United States of America (1787-2013) came to a swift and sudden end last night as the government shut down. The nation which had survived Pearl Harbor, the War of 1812 and Jimmy Carter ceased to exist.

The savage population, which had only been kept in line through a policy of rigorous gun confiscations, food stamps and Green Energy programs unleashed its pent up rage in a spree of riots, looting and mass murder that had only previously been encountered in Somalia.

“The government shut down! We can do anything we like,” shouted Sam Hasbley of Grassley, Iowa, while tearing the tag off a mattress despite an explicit warning label forbidding such a dangerous course of action. “Tear yours off. The government is shut down. It can’t stop you.”


Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism | FrontPage Magazine
Honestly and sincerely. Thanks to the mania here and on the news, there is so much I don't give a fuck going on here you would not believe it. Not to mention everyone has got their eyes so far off the other balls Obammy's kicking them into the distance like a giddy school girl.
What are some of the effects of the government shutdown? Well, for one, the FDA is no longer working and the inspections they provide to our food are no longer able to be done. Remember all the various salmonella outbreaks that we've had? Well, guess what......there are no longer inspectors to catch it before it gets to your dinner table.

What's another one? Well..............all the government workers that usually supplement the military (and there are a LOT of them) have been furloughed and can no longer come into work, leaving the burden of keeping the base running to the military alone. Not a problem you say? Considering that around 2/3'rds of the workers on a base are civilians, it's gonna be a major headache for those in the military who still have to work. I know, because I was at PSD Newport RI when the last one happened in 93 and saw my workload triple because even though the civilians were no longer working, we still had to make sure that the paperwork happened, and that people still were able to report in and transfer (and considering that Newport RI is a student base, that's a LOT of work). During that time we also had to wonder when we would get paid again, because our pay stopped. Granted, they passed legislation to keep the military paid, but what is going to happen to the military retirees (like myself)?

NASA is 97 percent shut down, the only people still working are those who support the ISS. BTW, anyone remember how many NEO's (Near Earth Orbit asteroids) that have come dangerously close to the planet as of late? Now, if there is something coming at us, nobody is going to know about it.

How about all those people who applied for small business loans? They're going to have to wait for them now.

And that's just for starters. Granted, a lot of people won't be very concerned about the government shutting down because they don't know what the government actually does for them.

However.........................what are we going to do if there is another food borne illness outbreak? Are you going to say that it doesn't matter?
What are some of the effects of the government shutdown? Well, for one, the FDA is no longer working and the inspections they provide to our food are no longer able to be done. Remember all the various salmonella outbreaks that we've had? Well, guess what......there are no longer inspectors to catch it before it gets to your dinner table.

What's another one? Well..............all the government workers that usually supplement the military (and there are a LOT of them) have been furloughed and can no longer come into work, leaving the burden of keeping the base running to the military alone. Not a problem you say? Considering that around 2/3'rds of the workers on a base are civilians, it's gonna be a major headache for those in the military who still have to work. I know, because I was at PSD Newport RI when the last one happened in 93 and saw my workload triple because even though the civilians were no longer working, we still had to make sure that the paperwork happened, and that people still were able to report in and transfer (and considering that Newport RI is a student base, that's a LOT of work). During that time we also had to wonder when we would get paid again, because our pay stopped. Granted, they passed legislation to keep the military paid, but what is going to happen to the military retirees (like myself)?

NASA is 97 percent shut down, the only people still working are those who support the ISS. BTW, anyone remember how many NEO's (Near Earth Orbit asteroids) that have come dangerously close to the planet as of late? Now, if there is something coming at us, nobody is going to know about it.

How about all those people who applied for small business loans? They're going to have to wait for them now.

And that's just for starters. Granted, a lot of people won't be very concerned about the government shutting down because they don't know what the government actually does for them.

However.........................what are we going to do if there is another food borne illness outbreak? Are you going to say that it doesn't matter?

ZOMG! We're ALL GONNA DIE! Those mean food companies will be slipping in salmonella and who knows what else in our foods with the FDA off the job! Asteroids will destroy us without NASA looking out for us. Grunts will have to clean latrines. Is there no end to the madness??

In the real world the biggest damage will be to Democrats, who have peddled such nonsense for years. People will see that most of what the gov't does is irrelevant, if not downright harmful.

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