The most educated states are all blue

Here are the states' rankings for graduate degree holders:

1. Washington, D.C.: 23.6 percent
2. Massachusetts: 14.5 percent
3. Maryland: 14.1 percent
4. Connecticut: 13.7 percent
5. Virginia: 12.9 percent
6. New York: 12.6 percent
7. Vermont: 12.3 percent
8. Colorado: 11.5 percent
8. New Jersey: 11.5 percent
10. New Mexico: 11.0 percent
11. Illinois: 10.6 percent
12. New Hampshire: 10.5 percent
13. Washington: 10.1 percent
13. California: 10.1 percent
15. Rhode Island: 9.9 percent

See any Red States on the list?

Starsplash: Where are all the educated people

Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

I don't know how fucking libtards like you can even look yourselves in the mirror from the shit you spew. It would be interesting to say the least to compare just yours and my intelligence levels. I'm sure I would wipe the floor with you, after all, you're dumb enough to assert that 150 million Americans don't care about education.

If you want to sound intelligent, use proper English.
Mr Obama isn't rich.

And he isn't an a-hole lying panderer either...dupe.

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Dupes don't even know his plan LOL

Ahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... now that's funny.

I don't think a brainwashed, ignorant GOP IS that funny. Silly me.
I'll compare my BA, MA and MBA with you anytime, asshole.

Of course, you're an idiot with a moniker "No Nukes." :cuckoo: What about No Guns, No Knives, No Rocks, let's not forget No Forks. What about No Stupid People and No Evil People.....that would mean you.

Here are the states' rankings for graduate degree holders:

1. Washington, D.C.: 23.6 percent
2. Massachusetts: 14.5 percent
3. Maryland: 14.1 percent
4. Connecticut: 13.7 percent
5. Virginia: 12.9 percent
6. New York: 12.6 percent
7. Vermont: 12.3 percent
8. Colorado: 11.5 percent
8. New Jersey: 11.5 percent
10. New Mexico: 11.0 percent
11. Illinois: 10.6 percent
12. New Hampshire: 10.5 percent
13. Washington: 10.1 percent
13. California: 10.1 percent
15. Rhode Island: 9.9 percent

See any Red States on the list?

Starsplash: Where are all the educated people

Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.
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I'll compare my BA, MA and MBA with you anytime, asshole.

Of course, you're an idiot with a moniker "No Nukes." :cuckoo: What about No Guns, No Knives, No Rocks, let's not forget No Forks. What about No Stupid People and No Evil People.....that would mean you.

Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

When you receive your PhD, speak to me.

As IF it says anything of common sense...and when YOU garner any? Give me a ring, will you?

So you're for cutting taxes on the rich and destroying Medicare? You dupes don't seem to be able to argue your candidates plans...because you don't know them, just Pubcrappe. See sig pp3. Change the channel.

OBAMA cut Medicare by $500BN to PAY for ObamaCare...DOLT.:cuckoo:

That's the same 500 billion that the Ryan plan and Romney want to cut. It's a cut from Medicare PLUS, a pub/health industry scam that isn't necessary AND WAY overpriced. You're a total Pub/Fox/Rush etc dupe..

Change the channel, chump.
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I'll compare my BA, MA and MBA with you anytime, asshole.

Of course, you're an idiot with a moniker "No Nukes." :cuckoo: What about No Guns, No Knives, No Rocks, let's not forget No Forks. What about No Stupid People and No Evil People.....that would mean you.

Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.

You have a PhD? In what? Druid philosophy?


This is a recycled thread. This has been posted before and Chris got creamed then too.

What's his problem ? Can't he come up with threads that show how good a job Obama has done ?

I guess I can see why he recycles.

Next...who cares.

Is this somehow supposed to correlate to something ?

Mass. gave us Ted Kennedy (or as I say "So glad he's dead, Ted"). That tells you all you need to know.
That's the same 300 billion that the Ryan plan and Romney want to cut. It's a cut from Medicare PLUS, a pub/health industry scam that isn't necessary AND WAY overpriced. You're a total Pub/Fox/Rush etc dupe..

Change the channel, chump.

So you're for cutting taxes on the rich and destroying Medicare? You dupes don't seem to be able to argue your candidates plans...because you don't know them, just Pubcrappe. See sig pp3. Change the channel.

OBAMA cut Medicare by $500BN to PAY for ObamaCare...DOLT.:cuckoo:

That's the same 300 billion that the Ryan plan and Romney want to cut. It's a cut from Medicare PLUS, a pub/health industry scam that isn't necessary AND WAY overpriced. You're a total Pub/Fox/Rush etc dupe..

Change the channel, chump.

Chump? Really?

WHY does Gubmint need to provide YOU anything?
Did you notice your argument about the 500 billion was just destroyed with fact, dupe?

Engineers are GOP my azz...The GOP are salesmen who sell Pubcrappe to you appear to know nothing about EVERYTHING. Pub dupes!!
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Have you noticed a lot of the alleged well educated blue state people end up moving to the red states so they can make a decent living?

Those are our losers, but I can see how you might think that LOL.I know all the dupe talk about NY losing population is BS....

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Nah, I'm saying there are about twenty or so threads throwing around the stat that only 6% of scientists/doctors/whatever are Republicans.

Just ask rdean, he'll tell ya...


Is that the PEW poll? Yeah, the people who quote that poll are morons. Well maybe its not fair to say they are morons. You see the first line in my signature. The one about doing research? Yeah, that applies to all of the mor... err lazy people who use that quote. That poll was taken exclusively from the AAAAS. Here is their website: AAAS - The World's Largest General Scientific Society it is a political organization to advance the study of things like climate change and carbon emissions. ALL of the contacts supplied for the study came from that organization. That is kind of like saying "Attention everyone, liberal scientists belong to liberal organizations!!! Yes, we actually studied that".

It is nothing more than an idiot finding a slightly bigger megaphone.


Good catch Mike.. I posted the "poll" background as a separate thread some time ago. Because like you -- the Bull detector just went nuts..

Turns out that only about 15% of the responding readership were from industry with the vast majority being university professors..

You can find the background here ::

Didn't phase the guy at all. Happy to repeat his little fantasy OVER and OVER ad nauseum. I've developed my own special RDean filter.. Would NEVER put him on ignore. He's a reminder of why I will never vote for the candidates or issues that he pimps for..
My opinion of polls has been that they are pretty much nonsense.
Most polls ..MOST are conducted by a polling outfit which is commissioned by a group with a bias to one ideology or the other. Depending upon who pays for the poll, or the bias of the pollster, the results are usually predetermined.
Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

I don't know how fucking libtards like you can even look yourselves in the mirror from the shit you spew. It would be interesting to say the least to compare just yours and my intelligence levels. I'm sure I would wipe the floor with you, after all, you're dumb enough to assert that 150 million Americans don't care about education.

If you want to sound intelligent, use proper English.
YOU use proper English....
The poster Wrote his response. He did not speak. Therefore no "sound"...
When one picks on a particular issue outside the subject matter of a discussion, it usually indicates that person has a weak argument.
The Pubs are rich a-holes like Romney, the dupes live in trailer parks a lot.... see sig last line. But they are duped, and by definition dumb. Change the channel and read something- and not drivel like Liberal Fascism or the Washington Times or a Murdoch rag.

Mr Obama isn't rich.

And he isn't an a-hole lying panderer either...dupe.

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Dupes don't even know his plan LOL
I'm not an a-hole.
I'm not a "pub" (I'm much more conservative than most republicans).
Guess if I'm rich and want to pay fewer in taxes. :D
I'll compare my BA, MA and MBA with you anytime, asshole.

Of course, you're an idiot with a moniker "No Nukes." :cuckoo: What about No Guns, No Knives, No Rocks, let's not forget No Forks. What about No Stupid People and No Evil People.....that would mean you.

Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.

Educated people are not necessarily smart either.
I have met degreed people who are about the most stupid people created by egg and sperm.
Book smart? Oh yeah.....Ability to think on their feet, think outside the box, improvise overcome adapt or apply abstract solutions? No way.
Chris, you are preaching to people who do not care about education.

I don't know how fucking libtards like you can even look yourselves in the mirror from the shit you spew. It would be interesting to say the least to compare just yours and my intelligence levels. I'm sure I would wipe the floor with you, after all, you're dumb enough to assert that 150 million Americans don't care about education.

If you want to sound intelligent, use proper English.

Fuck you, cockbite! I'll use whatever fucking language I feel like, considering I'm discussing this with a fucking brain-dead sycophant who thinks half the population of this country "doesn't care about education".

Pissant liberal piece of shit!

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