The most educated states are all blue

And he isn't an a-hole lying panderer either...dupe.

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Dupes don't even know his plan LOL

Ahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... now that's funny.

I don't think a brainwashed, ignorant GOP IS that funny. Silly me.

The first three words in your post say it all.
I'll compare my BA, MA and MBA with you anytime, asshole.

Of course, you're an idiot with a moniker "No Nukes." :cuckoo: What about No Guns, No Knives, No Rocks, let's not forget No Forks. What about No Stupid People and No Evil People.....that would mean you.

When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.

Educated people are not necessarily smart either.
I have met degreed people who are about the most stupid people created by egg and sperm.
Book smart? Oh yeah.....Ability to think on their feet, think outside the box, improvise overcome adapt or apply abstract solutions? No way.

Republicans are alway arguing against education.
When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.

Educated people are not necessarily smart either.
I have met degreed people who are about the most stupid people created by egg and sperm.
Book smart? Oh yeah.....Ability to think on their feet, think outside the box, improvise overcome adapt or apply abstract solutions? No way.

Republicans are alway arguing against education.

Negged for bald-faced LYING! I'm surprised you've got any rep at all!!
Here are the states' rankings for graduate degree holders:

1. Washington, D.C.: 23.6 percent
2. Massachusetts: 14.5 percent
3. Maryland: 14.1 percent
4. Connecticut: 13.7 percent
5. Virginia: 12.9 percent
6. New York: 12.6 percent
7. Vermont: 12.3 percent
8. Colorado: 11.5 percent
8. New Jersey: 11.5 percent
10. New Mexico: 11.0 percent
11. Illinois: 10.6 percent
12. New Hampshire: 10.5 percent
13. Washington: 10.1 percent
13. California: 10.1 percent
15. Rhode Island: 9.9 percent

See any Red States on the list?

Starsplash: Where are all the educated people

Republicans have an innate distrust for the educated.
In fact, Massachusetts and Virginia officially call themselves "Commonwealths," though that really doesn't mean much...

Massachusetts and Virginia can call themselves whatever the fuck they want, the Constitution regards them as states.

People with college educations TEND to have lean toward more liberal political agendas and support the Dems, that is true.

People with college educations TEND to have lean toward more liberal political agendas and support the Dems, that is true.

The college educated:

They tend to be better critical thinkers. That's why they tend to get better jobs and in general tend to contribute to society more.

BTW - the OP makes the claim about graduate degrees, not college degrees.
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I'll compare my BA, MA and MBA with you anytime, asshole.

Of course, you're an idiot with a moniker "No Nukes." :cuckoo: What about No Guns, No Knives, No Rocks, let's not forget No Forks. What about No Stupid People and No Evil People.....that would mean you.

When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.

Educated people are not necessarily smart either.
I have met degreed people who are about the most stupid people created by egg and sperm.
Book smart? Oh yeah.....Ability to think on their feet, think outside the box, improvise overcome adapt or apply abstract solutions? No way.

President Obama is the proof of that. He can't work with anyone who has any differences in ideology. There is no way that he can move to middle like President Clinton did.
The man has no common sense whatsoever.
His policies sound great on paper but never work in the real world.
When you receive your PhD, speak to me. An educated person does not need to swear resort to name calling.

Educated people are not necessarily smart either.
I have met degreed people who are about the most stupid people created by egg and sperm.
Book smart? Oh yeah.....Ability to think on their feet, think outside the box, improvise overcome adapt or apply abstract solutions? No way.

Republicans are alway arguing against education.

Wanting our children really educated and not indoctrinated is not anti education.
Changing the system is not anti education.
Hey all you poorly educated conservatives, aren't you alarmed that all the grunt work is being outsourced to third-world countries?
We are alarmed that President Obama is turning us into third world banana republic.
Romney's policies brings back the companies , encourages the growth of small business and entrepreneurship, of which Obama is totally against.
We are alarmed that President Obama is turning us into third world banana republic.
Romney's policies brings back the companies , encourages the growth of small business and entrepreneurship, of which Obama is totally against.

How do you figure that Romney's policies bring back the companies? His recipe for success has always been to load up the companies with a lot of debt, cash out early, raid the pensions and then lay off the workers. In the cases where the companies didn't crash and burn, the workers were forced to take a fraction of their previous wage. These are mainly the uneducated worker bees.
We are alarmed that President Obama is turning us into third world banana republic.
Romney's policies brings back the companies , encourages the growth of small business and entrepreneurship, of which Obama is totally against.

How do you figure that Romney's policies bring back the companies? His recipe for success has always been to load up the companies with a lot of debt, cash out early, raid the pensions and then lay off the workers. In the cases where the companies didn't crash and burn, the workers were forced to take a fraction of their previous wage. These are mainly the uneducated worker bees.

That is political spin and is not true.
If that is what you think Bain does, it's against the law. They are still around.
They make a lot more money by keeping the business going, not shutting them down.

Bain is no different that what Obama did with putting taxpayer's money into green companies, that went under. It should be illegal for our government to use taxpayer money. It should be done by the private sector.
Hey all you poorly educated conservatives, aren't you alarmed that all the grunt work is being outsourced to third-world countries?

Doesn't bother me in the least, I never had the ambition to work in a call center, or on a repetitious assembly line myself.
Hey all you poorly educated conservatives, aren't you alarmed that all the grunt work is being outsourced to third-world countries?

Doesn't bother me in the least, I never had the ambition to work in a call center, or on a repetitious assembly line myself.

Trust me, corporations won't stop there. Engineering is on the radar of the company I work for. Wages are about 1/3 of what they are here. Hasn't worked too well so far since it takes them about 3 times as long to produce anything and there's a huge amount of hand holding required but that wage thing is a strong attractor. I can see middle management, office operations, purchasing, CAD and a few other things that don't need to stay here though. I suspect these lines of work might translate a little better than engineering.
We are alarmed that President Obama is turning us into third world banana republic.
Romney's policies brings back the companies , encourages the growth of small business and entrepreneurship, of which Obama is totally against.

How do you figure that Romney's policies bring back the companies? His recipe for success has always been to load up the companies with a lot of debt, cash out early, raid the pensions and then lay off the workers. In the cases where the companies didn't crash and burn, the workers were forced to take a fraction of their previous wage. These are mainly the uneducated worker bees.

That is political spin and is not true.
If that is what you think Bain does, it's against the law. They are still around.
They make a lot more money by keeping the business going, not shutting them down.

Bain is no different that what Obama did with putting taxpayer's money into green companies, that went under. It should be illegal for our government to use taxpayer money. It should be done by the private sector.

They make money either way. The one thing that won't affect their decision making process however, is the welfare of the workers.
I don't know how fucking libtards like you can even look yourselves in the mirror from the shit you spew. It would be interesting to say the least to compare just yours and my intelligence levels. I'm sure I would wipe the floor with you, after all, you're dumb enough to assert that 150 million Americans don't care about education.

If you want to sound intelligent, use proper English.

Fuck you, cockbite! I'll use whatever fucking language I feel like, considering I'm discussing this with a fucking brain-dead sycophant who thinks half the population of this country "doesn't care about education".

Pissant liberal piece of shit!

You sound VERY intelligent. Go back to your meth.
The people to whom you refer may live in those states, but where did they grow up? Perhaps they only moved to those states for employment.

Holy Crap.. After 20 pages of bickering about butchered statistics taken completely out of context a NEWBIE busts in and ACTUALLY contributes logic and reason...

Well done and welcome.. Anyone not cynical about statistics hasn't studied the topic..

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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