The Most Publicized Honour Killing in History.

Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Romans used the method of crucifixion. Not the Jews. So what is your point, Seal?

Why is Islam the only religion that murders their own daughters over their supposed honor when muslims claim it isn't part of Islam?
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Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Romans used the method of crucifixion. Not the Jews. So what is your point, Seal?

Why is Islam the only religion that murders their own daughters over their supposed honor when muslims claim it isn't part of Islam?

i think my point is summed up in my opening post. it seems pretty self explanatory.
You would have probably tried and get him drunk
Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Romans used the method of crucifixion. Not the Jews. So what is your point, Seal?

Why is Islam the only religion that murders their own daughters over their supposed honor when muslims claim it isn't part of Islam?
It was the decision of the crowd consisting of Jews asked by Pontius Pilates whether Jesus or Barabbas should be released. The other guy would not escape his punishment to which he was issued with a final sentence already. Both Jesus and Barabbas were revolutionists against Roman occupation. Jesus was even that powerful that the Romans offered him to beset the position of both King and first pontiff but he rejected.

The difference between Jesus and Barabbas was that Jesus also fought the Jewish elite. Remember, he rampaged around to get the traders and moneychangers out of the Jewish temple. For that, Jesus was not a threat to the Roman occupants only but also to the native upper class, which decided not to release Jesus but Barabbas.
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You would have probably tried and get him drunk

i rarely drink. that is just some old stereotype that people like to apply to the irish.

i don't have anything against drinking though and have tipped a few now and again. nor do i have anything against people who drink or get drunk, as long as they don't hurt people or drive.

i wouldn't mind tippin' a few with jesus. i bet he would really impress women with his party tricks and he would be my go to guy on bar bets.

" say hey, jaysus H, who had the shortest major league career?" i sez...

and god would reply "man, you paddys drink way too much if ya can't figure larry yount. it's a no brainer, mike dude...but hey, i like your peeps company. at least ya pay for the drinks."
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Why is Islam the only religion that murders their own daughters over their supposed honor when muslims claim it isn't part of Islam?
Islam doesn't honor kill women.

People with ingrained tribal and cultural mindsets engage in honor killing.

Just ask the Hindus, the worlds leaders in honor killings. .. :cool:
Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Romans used the method of crucifixion. Not the Jews. So what is your point, Seal?

Why is Islam the only religion that murders their own daughters over their supposed honor when muslims claim it isn't part of Islam?

We are not speaking about the Crucifixion or the Jews who killed Jesus.WE are talking about that woman caught in the act of adultuery the Jews were wanting to carry out an honor killing of. AND Islam does not sanction honor killings, stop lying.
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Actually, the premise this thread is based on is faulty because it wasn't an honor killing.

The woman was caught breaking Jewish Law and thus was a criminal.

And was to be punished according to the law of the land for her crime. .. :cool:
You would have probably tried and get him drunk

i rarely drink. that is just some old stereotype that people like to apply to the irish.

i don't have anything against drinking though and have tipped a few now and again. nor do i have anything against people who drink or get drunk, as long as they don't hurt people or drive.

i wouldn't mind tippin' a few with jesus. i bet he would really impress women with his party tricks and he would be my go to guy on bar bets.

" say hey, jaysus H, who had the shortest major league career?" i sez...

and god would reply "man, you paddys drink way too much if ya can't figure larry yount. it's a no brainer, mike dude...but hey, i like your peeps company. at least ya pay for the drinks."


Actually, the premise this thread is based on is faulty because it wasn't an honor killing.

The woman was caught breaking Jewish Law and thus was a criminal.

And was to be punished according to the law of the land for her crime. .. :cool:

And what Jewish law did she break, Sunni?


And there were no civil jewish courts mentioned in those gospels, either.

She was condemned by the religious authorities for a sin and her punishment was death by stoning.
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Actually, the premise this thread is based on is faulty because it wasn't an honor killing.

The woman was caught breaking Jewish Law and thus was a criminal.

And was to be punished according to the law of the land for her crime. .. :cool:

And what Jewish law did she break, Sunni?


And there were no civil jewish courts mentioned in those gospels, either.

She was condemned by the religious authorities for a sin and her punishment was death by stoning.
According to the Levitical Laws which were taken straight from the Torah of the Jews. And was the de facto law of the land.

Adultery is a capitol offense and the punishment is death by stoning. .. :cool:
Why is Islam the only religion that murders their own daughters over their supposed honor when muslims claim it isn't part of Islam?
Islam doesn't honor kill women.

People with ingrained tribal and cultural mindsets engage in honor killing.

Just ask the Hindus, the worlds leaders in honor killings. .. :cool:

Could you please provide a link for Hindus lead world in honor killings? I was under the impression Muslims commited honor killings and have never heard of a Hindu honor killing his daughter. I need a link for that and the statistics that prove Hindus honor kill more than Muslims. I think you are wrong. If you are not wrong please provide the evidence ( links ) Thanks.
Could you please provide a link for Hindus lead world in honor killings? I was under the impression Muslims commited honor killings and have never heard of a Hindu honor killing his daughter. I need a link for that and the statistics that prove Hindus honor kill more than Muslims. I think you are wrong. If you are not wrong please provide the evidence ( links ) Thanks.
In a submission to India's Supreme Court, leaders of caste councils made a plea for greater understanding of those who kill their children for 'honour' but denied encouraging them.

According to campaigners there are up to 10,000 'honour killings' in India every year.

Most of the victims are young women killed by their fathers and brothers over 'forbidden' relationships or for insisting on marrying a man they love.
Many of those killed were in India's northern states where councils have issued stern warnings against men and women from the same sub-caste marrying each other. Caste elders regard the practice as akin to incest even though the individuals are not related.

Caste leaders have now made a submission to the Supreme Court spelling out demands for new marriage laws banning those in the same sub-castes from marrying one another.

"The honour killings are carried out by law abiding, educated and respectable people, who fear the society and always try to guard their reputation. They always care about their esteem and public image and do not want any harm to their public standing," he told The Daily Telegraph.

"We have many cases of honour killings, where the families were peace loving and law abiding and were liberal towards their children. They later on went to kill their children to save their honour in the society."

Indian caste councils praise families that carry out 'honour killings' - Telegraph
"let he who is without sin cast the first stone."


in the parable---no one dies. It is a parable---not history. In jewish law
at that time the ONLY court that could pass a death penalty----was the
sanhedrin in Jerusalem ----and during that time----simply did not condemn
any people to death-----they avoided it -----a pharasaical custom---
even murders were construed as manslaughters Most people know that
Jesus was tried at the Sanhedrin----the statement "we have no law to
execute him" was typical of the time---even CAIAPHAS the roman
shill could not overcome it. read the book ---it is very intersting---but
you can understand it only if you have some background information.

In any case---if the lady had been executed ----it would not have been
an "honor" killing-------even in the USA----as our laws were originally
put together---ADULTERY was----believe it or not----a FELONY---they
probably hanged women for it in Ireland----I am not sure---don't
quote me

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