The Myan prophecy may have been wrong but we were not.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
One scary chart but it is EXACTLY what was predicted if we followed Obama's failed economic policy. We did and here we are. Of course it is all the minority party's fault.


Pct Job Losses In Post-WWII Recessions - Business Insider
Right about? Ha!

Higher taxes

Huge Debt

Stagnant stock exchange

Stagnant unemployment

Credit rating devalued.
Well it's just beginning to unfold. So the unseen consequences should put any confusion to rest as they become seen.

Today was round one for me. An additional $92 a month deducted in tax.
1) Americans are poorer and much more debt-ridden

By the end of 2008, after George Bush’s eight years as president, the federal government’s publicly held debt stood at $5.8 trillion. Since then, four years into Obama’s presidency, publicly held debt has almost doubled to $11.6 trillion. And, according to the White House’s own numbers, which are likely very optimistic, that debt is projected to increase to $15 trillion after another four years.

That massive increase in debt means a real burden for Americans. The average family of four will see its share of the publicly held federal debt balloon from $77,333 in 2008 to over $191,000 in 2016.

During Obama’s recovery, not even counting the recession, the median household income has actually fallen, something unheard of during a “recovery.” Yet, from June 2009 to August 2012, income has decreased by 6 percent.

This drop isn’t too surprising as a lower proportion of working-age Americans have jobs. Indeed, the percentage employed is now the lowest it has been in the last 30 years, and virtually all of that drop has occurred during the so-called "Obama recovery." While there are about as many Americans working today as when Obama became president, Democrats conveniently forget that the US population has continued to grow substantially. There are now an additional 8.4 million working-age Americans.

Mid-wage occupations have been replaced with low-wage ones. Mid-wage occupations accounted for 60 percent of the jobs lost during the recession, but low-wage occupations account for 58 percent of hiring during the recovery.

2) President Obama’s "Stimulus" NEVER worked

After constantly predicting that his policies would jump-start the economy, with a real recovery right around the corner, Obama now asks us to trust him, that this time he knows how to fix things.

As a reminder, Obama said on the “Today” show soon after taking office: “We’re starting to make some progress. But there’s still gonna be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s gonna be a one-term proposition.”

In March 2009, just five weeks after passing the stimulus, President Obama perceived an upswing and started off a press conference by announcing: “We’re beginning to see signs of progress... This plan’s already saved the jobs of teachers and police officers. It’s creating construction jobs to rebuild roads and bridges.” Obama declared later, in May, that the massive spending program was “already seeing results.”

In April of the following year the unemployment rate was still at 9.8 percent, but the Obama administration thought that now, for sure, the economy was just about to boom: “Some time in the next couple of months we’re going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month.”It even touted the summer of 2010 as the “Summer of Recovery.”

The list of such failed, overly optimistic predictions by the Obama administration goes on and on.

3) Corruption and crony capitalism

One needs only look at the events of last Friday to see the extent of corruption in the Obama administration. To get an election advantage, President Obama is now urging defense contractors to blatantly violate federal law. Federal law mandates that government contractors must issue notices of potential layoffs at least 60 days in advance. Since those cuts are scheduled for January 2, the notices must go out no later than November 2. But no president wants to send of massive number of layoff notices right before election.

Obama’s solution? Demand that contractors wait to wait until after the election to issue the notices, with the promises that the Obama administration will pay for the companies’ legal costs.

Yes, that is right. Companies would be paid by the federal government to break the law because following the law would be embarrassing to the Obama administration.

Unfortunately, corruption seems to be business as usual for Obama, not just an exception. Remember Solyndra, the green energy company that lost a half-billion dollar investment. When the company was losing money and laying off employees, Obama’s Department of Energy pushed the company to wait announcing its layoffs until the day after the November 2010 general election.

The stimulus money was primarily handed out to various Obama supporters. Of course, that was not what Obama promised. It was supposed to go to “those hardest hit by our economic crisis.” But instead of primarily going to states with the highest unemployment, bankruptcy, foreclosure, or poverty rates, the stimulus was mostly given to states with high incomes, states that were heavily unionized, and states whose Congressional delegations were primarily Democrats.

Contrary to his rhetoric, Obama is very friendly to the wealthy -- as long as they are Democrats. Billionaire Democrat donors receiving a lot of stimulus money include: Solyndra owner George Kaiser; Tesla Motors owners Leon Musk, Larry Page and Sergey Brin; NRG Energy owners Warren Buffett, Steven Cohen, and Carl Icahn; Abound Solar Manufacturing’s Pat Stryker; and Siga Technologies’ Ronald Perelman. Among other wealthy Democrat winners were former Vice President Al Gore, whose investment in Fisker Automotive was rewarded with a $529 million loan guarantee. Taken all together, about 75 percent of stimulus loans and grants have been doled out to companies run by Obama supporters.

4) The Lawless President

Can’t get Congress to change a law? Well, then just to ignore that law. That strategy has been used repeatedly by the Obama administration for instance, it has let illegal aliens with criminal records stay in the US. It has imposed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling despite a court order. It has threatened to destroy GM and Chrysler bondholders if they refused to relinquish their contractual rights; it has not compiled with the Military and Overseas Voter Act; and it has waived the welfare work requirements in the 1996 welfare reform law.

Read more: Four ways Romney must hold Obama accountable for the economy | Fox News
Higher taxes

Huge Debt

Stagnant stock exchange

Stagnant unemployment

Credit rating devalued.

well, this is easy. Debt, this is the byproduct of the GOP not raising taxes since 1990 while starting wars, lowering revenue and at the same time spending more. Simple math people, very simple math.

Stock exchange is at a 4 year high, you knuckle dragging snot nosed Republicans. Lets not forget when Bush left office the Market was at 8k.

Employment, well, this is a tough one, I think there is blame to go around from the employers being greedy to the employees being spoiled and turning down work that they believe is below them. One thing is certain, the GOP has done zip to save or bring jobs back state side. there is no denying this.

the credit rating. Let me bring this to a 1st grade level for you GOPers. When a branch of Govt decides to not pay the bills that we owe on, well, the creditors will hold your tiny dicks to the fire. Its not difficult. You want wars and lower taxes, now its time to pay up. Why is that so hard for you all to understand?
you didnt predict shit.

Unlike yourself I didn't buy that putting 5 trillion of debt on our children was going to improve things, and I was right.

Of course folks like you and Obama will say it would have been worse, how in the hell do either of you have that knowledge? What we know is that the conservatives opposed everything he did because it would not, AND HAS NOT, work. The Tea Party was a result of Obama's foolish economic policy. So yes, it was predicted and the rooster has come home to roost. 4 years now, you can't blame Bush no more.
Higher taxes

Huge Debt

Stagnant stock exchange

Stagnant unemployment

Credit rating devalued.

well, this is easy. Debt, this is the byproduct of the GOP not raising taxes since 1990 while starting wars, lowering revenue and at the same time spending more. Simple math people, very simple math.

Stock exchange is at a 4 year high, you knuckle dragging snot nosed Republicans. Lets not forget when Bush left office the Market was at 8k.

Employment, well, this is a tough one, I think there is blame to go around from the employers being greedy to the employees being spoiled and turning down work that they believe is below them. One thing is certain, the GOP has done zip to save or bring jobs back state side. there is no denying this.

the credit rating. Let me bring this to a 1st grade level for you GOPers. When a branch of Govt decides to not pay the bills that we owe on, well, the creditors will hold your tiny dicks to the fire. Its not difficult. You want wars and lower taxes, now its time to pay up. Why is that so hard for you all to understand?

The GOP, as the left likes to brag, is the minority party. For a full year the democrats controlled all three branches with a filibuster proof majority, they could have done whatever they wanted. We can only guess they did and we are seeing the result.

The credit rating was dropped under democrat rule, live with it.
4 years now, you can't blame Bush no more.

you are certainly entitled t your opinion. However, and lets not kid ourselves here, Obama was reelected with a high unemployment and many other negatives because when the average American went into the voting booth they had a decision to make. DO I want more Bush and GOP tomfoolery, or Obama who was quite lack luster but at least GDP is growing and not falling like it was under the GOP's last turn in the office.

So, laugh all you want at the left for holding Bush to the flame. Unfortunately for you, America remembers Bush all to well.
The credit rating was dropped under democrat rule, live with it.

and who exactly is talking about a partial shut down like a 4 year old brat??? Ill remind you since you seem to not be able to think on your own.

Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" this week, "we Republicans need to be willing to tolerate a temporary, partial government shutdown" in order to achieve spending cuts and entitlement reforms.

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