The Myth of Slavery

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squeeze berry

Gold Member
Nov 9, 2010
Black slavery in America was pretty bad, but it wasn't anything special. Throughout history, every color of the rainbow has owned slaves and been enslaved. The dictionary tells us that the root word of "slave" is "Slav," because Slavic peoples--who are REALLY pale and white--were the primary slave population throughout the Middle Ages. And though your liberal teachers will never tell you this, there have been long stretches of history where Africans have owned white people as slaves! The empire of Carthage transported white slaves to Africa. The African Moors ruled Spain for 500 years and sent white Christian slaves to Egypt. And poor, defenseless white kids were kidnapped by Muslims during the Children's Crusade and sold into Egyptian slavery. Jews were enslaved for hundreds of years and exterminated in the millions in the World War. Indian Tribes in South America were enslaved and killed in the millions by the Spanish. Somehow all of these races have bounced back, prospered, and made something of themselves, without endlessly blaming someone else for the turns of history. A lot of blacks in America feel they are "owed" something. Ironic huh?

Of the 10 to 15 million Africans who were transplanted to the New World, no more than 6 percent--around 400,000--went to the Northern Hemisphere. Almost all of them went to South America. Somehow South America isn't blamed for any of this. At the peak of slavery, only 6 percent of white wealthy Americans owned slaves. An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860. One study concluded that 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves. The first lawsuit ever brought in the US concerning slaves was brought by a black man named Anthony Johnson in 1654, seeking to keep a man named John Casor, another black man, as a slave. He won, becoming the FIRST court confirmed slave owner in the New World. Yes, slavery had been around since 1620, but Mr. Johnson won the first court case to keep a black man in chains! Funny how Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton forget these historical facts.

Historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites came to the colonies in some form of bondage in the 1600s. Legal papers on both sides of the ocean referred to them as indentured servants or "slaves." White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s. Of course blacks choose to ignore this. Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates were comparable to those of black slaves; they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, they were routinely beaten--sometimes to death--and an estimated one half of them died before gaining freedom. It's possible that more whites came to America against their will than blacks. Historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white slaves were treated worse than black slaves because black slaves had monetary value.

American blacks enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population on earth. Their average per capita income is TWENTY to FIFTY times higher than in any of the African countries from where they were displaced. Notice how most of them express no desire to go back there, even if it is to help out in time of famine or disease. It's the white people that do that! It's true that part of America's wealth was built on black slavery; it is also true that American blacks are enjoying the fruits of that wealth. Actually MORE than their fair share. When you make up 13% of the population and consume 50% of all social welfare money, I'd say you were getting a bigger piece of the pie. You, whether you were born black or white, weren't born in debt to anyone. You were born free. But some blacks feel that because of slavery they should get a free ride.

The Civil War was about States Rights, with slavery being a part of it. How often do you see the descendants of slaves thanking the 600,000 or so white soldiers who died in the fight to free them? How many thugs even know who Abraham Lincoln was? Do they still mourn his death? By the way, that hatred of the Confederate Flag? Robert E. Lee freed ALL of his slaves in the late 1840s when a large group of blacks still owned black slaves. Lee wrote 5 years BEFORE the Civil War, that slavery was "A moral and political EVIL". This is the same man that served under that flag that blacks have (just recently, when it became "In") said they hate. Blacks would love to change the history books to suit them. Americans are crazy if they allow it.

THIS is the really interesting part; Various agencies estimate that there are anywhere from 27 to 50 million humans currently enslaved worldwide. (Compare this to only four and a half million slaves at American slavery's peak.) Most of these slaves live in South Asia, Africa, and South America, black or Asia run countries. Africa, boasts some 8 MILLION black slaves. Didn't see that on the Color Purple or 12 Years a Slave did you? Perhaps that is why you don't see many thug blacks planning trips to the "home land"? The freebies would stop and the work would begin.

One last thing; Arabs who were mostly Muslim, enslaved more blacks than any group, if you ignore the blacks that actually captured other blacks and sold them to the Arabs. Guess what religion blacks are flocking to in record numbers? Islam of course! The very people that enslaved them both then and now. Maybe blacks should settle down with a non liberal, no spin, politically incorrect history book and find out where they came from. Sorry, they weren't kings, queens or any of that crap. They were a constantly warring, steal, raping, robbing and killing group that were more than happy to sell their enemies to Muslims. Most of them lived in mud huts made of cow shit, wiped their asses with their hands, and while other civilizations were thriving, they were still chunking spears at one another. Arabs held them in contempt, just as they do today, but they work like hell to convert them to Islam. America should fear the enemy within. Old Barack will be bringing up reparations pretty soon, and when they get it, as they wont, the herd will riot.

thought this was an interesting article, enjoy
Black slavery in America was pretty bad, but it wasn't anything special. Throughout history, every color of the rainbow has owned slaves and been enslaved. The dictionary tells us that the root word of "slave" is "Slav," because Slavic peoples--who are REALLY pale and white--were the primary slave population throughout the Middle Ages. And though your liberal teachers will never tell you this, there have been long stretches of history where Africans have owned white people as slaves! The empire of Carthage transported white slaves to Africa. The African Moors ruled Spain for 500 years and sent white Christian slaves to Egypt. And poor, defenseless white kids were kidnapped by Muslims during the Children's Crusade and sold into Egyptian slavery. Jews were enslaved for hundreds of years and exterminated in the millions in the World War. Indian Tribes in South America were enslaved and killed in the millions by the Spanish. Somehow all of these races have bounced back, prospered, and made something of themselves, without endlessly blaming someone else for the turns of history. A lot of blacks in America feel they are "owed" something. Ironic huh?

Of the 10 to 15 million Africans who were transplanted to the New World, no more than 6 percent--around 400,000--went to the Northern Hemisphere. Almost all of them went to South America. Somehow South America isn't blamed for any of this. At the peak of slavery, only 6 percent of white wealthy Americans owned slaves. An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860. One study concluded that 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves. The first lawsuit ever brought in the US concerning slaves was brought by a black man named Anthony Johnson in 1654, seeking to keep a man named John Casor, another black man, as a slave. He won, becoming the FIRST court confirmed slave owner in the New World. Yes, slavery had been around since 1620, but Mr. Johnson won the first court case to keep a black man in chains! Funny how Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton forget these historical facts.

Historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites came to the colonies in some form of bondage in the 1600s. Legal papers on both sides of the ocean referred to them as indentured servants or "slaves." White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s. Of course blacks choose to ignore this. Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates were comparable to those of black slaves; they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, they were routinely beaten--sometimes to death--and an estimated one half of them died before gaining freedom. It's possible that more whites came to America against their will than blacks. Historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white slaves were treated worse than black slaves because black slaves had monetary value.

American blacks enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population on earth. Their average per capita income is TWENTY to FIFTY times higher than in any of the African countries from where they were displaced. Notice how most of them express no desire to go back there, even if it is to help out in time of famine or disease. It's the white people that do that! It's true that part of America's wealth was built on black slavery; it is also true that American blacks are enjoying the fruits of that wealth. Actually MORE than their fair share. When you make up 13% of the population and consume 50% of all social welfare money, I'd say you were getting a bigger piece of the pie. You, whether you were born black or white, weren't born in debt to anyone. You were born free. But some blacks feel that because of slavery they should get a free ride.

The Civil War was about States Rights, with slavery being a part of it. How often do you see the descendants of slaves thanking the 600,000 or so white soldiers who died in the fight to free them? How many thugs even know who Abraham Lincoln was? Do they still mourn his death? By the way, that hatred of the Confederate Flag? Robert E. Lee freed ALL of his slaves in the late 1840s when a large group of blacks still owned black slaves. Lee wrote 5 years BEFORE the Civil War, that slavery was "A moral and political EVIL". This is the same man that served under that flag that blacks have (just recently, when it became "In") said they hate. Blacks would love to change the history books to suit them. Americans are crazy if they allow it.

THIS is the really interesting part; Various agencies estimate that there are anywhere from 27 to 50 million humans currently enslaved worldwide. (Compare this to only four and a half million slaves at American slavery's peak.) Most of these slaves live in South Asia, Africa, and South America, black or Asia run countries. Africa, boasts some 8 MILLION black slaves. Didn't see that on the Color Purple or 12 Years a Slave did you? Perhaps that is why you don't see many thug blacks planning trips to the "home land"? The freebies would stop and the work would begin.

One last thing; Arabs who were mostly Muslim, enslaved more blacks than any group, if you ignore the blacks that actually captured other blacks and sold them to the Arabs. Guess what religion blacks are flocking to in record numbers? Islam of course! The very people that enslaved them both then and now. Maybe blacks should settle down with a non liberal, no spin, politically incorrect history book and find out where they came from. Sorry, they weren't kings, queens or any of that crap. They were a constantly warring, steal, raping, robbing and killing group that were more than happy to sell their enemies to Muslims. Most of them lived in mud huts made of cow shit, wiped their asses with their hands, and while other civilizations were thriving, they were still chunking spears at one another. Arabs held them in contempt, just as they do today, but they work like hell to convert them to Islam. America should fear the enemy within. Old Barack will be bringing up reparations pretty soon, and when they get it, as they wont, the herd will riot.

thought this was an interesting article, enjoy
I think what you and other racists always miss is that whites were the first people to install chattel slavery which means for the uneducated that you were on the same level as livestock.
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