The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

I love it how hard PUBLICLY Republicans try to pretend they aren't racists. I tell them as a white man I hear a lot of Republicans say the truth behind closed doors because they just assume all white men are racists. But that's hard to prove right? That's just hearsay, right? WRONG!

This is how Republicans feel about black people regardless of if they are in the South or North.
I always say, “I was there when they left, don’t BS me”.
I always say, “I was there when they left, don’t BS me”.

I love it how they didn't care that Hunter Biden's laptop was obtained illegally but with this they use that argument right away. Oklahoma law says you can't record someone without them knowing it. But there is an exception. If you are in a public place, you have no right to privacy. In other words if there are tape recorders in public buildings, you should not assume you have a right to privacy when you are talking openly to your fellow Klan buddies in a room plotting to murder members of the media and longing for the days when you got away with lynching black people.

And then to cry, "but we can't because today they have more rights than us".

Keep in mind there's like 2000 blacks in this 30,000 citizen town. 86% of the people in this town vote Republican. I doubt they are teaching WOKE or CRT in their schools. I doubt the companies in their towns are implementing diversity programs.

I am so glad this came out. Now Republicans here can stop pretending they aren't the kkk members we all know them to be.
You are an IDIOT! Jeremiah Wright is a black minister. Like me, he believes in CRT, BLM and AA.

It's as if you want blacks to forget everything you've done and everything you're doing to them. How about at least stop doing it to them. Maybe they could get over it if it were just in the past but clearly it's not. Not if this is what Republicans say behind closed doors

Wright is a racist and anti-semite... you are just fine with black racists while I cant stand racists of any skin color..
Wright is a racist and anti-semite... you are just fine with black racists while I cant stand racists of any skin color..
whataboutism. I was talking about current day white republicans in the south and you want to bring up rev wright? How pathetic.

You guys wanted to pretend the southern strategy existed. That the same republicans who freed the slaves and passed civil rights are you today.

All while you can't explain why then today it's you Republicans who worship Democrats like Robert E Lee.

You still don't understand BLM after this?

An Oklahoma sheriff’s office says a newspaper’s audio recording in which the sheriff and other county officials are reportedly heard discussing killing two journalists and hanging Black people.....

Oh dear how fucking embarrassing for you Republicans. How you gonna explain this one away? Someone snuck a recording into your RepubliKKKlan meeting
There already is a Miss White America. It's called Miss America

At least until 1984 no black woman ever won Miss America.

It was originally a local Philadelphia area contest to protest the lack of black women in the Miss America pageant. August 17, 1968,

In September 1977, NBC televised the Miss Black America contest, the day before CBS televised Miss America.

So you cry about Miss Black America when you host racist Miss America every year since 1920?
Hahaha can’t argue with kind of stupid! No one could ever explain it to you
Hahaha can’t argue with kind of stupid! No one could ever explain it to you

Civil Rights First proposed by President John F. Kennedy, it survived strong opposition from southern members of Congress and was then signed into law by Kennedy's successor,Lyndon B. Johnson. In subsequent years, Congress expanded the act and passed additional civil rights legislation such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The House Judiciary Committee was the first committee to consider the bill. The committee's ranking Republican, William McCulloch (R-OH), generally supported expanding voting rights, but he opposed both the poll tax ban and the coverage formula, and he led opposition to the bill in committee.

Democrats and Republicans from the Southern states opposed the bill and led an unsuccessful 60 working day filibuster, including Senators Albert Gore, Sr. (D-TN) and J. William Fulbright (D-AR), as well as Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), who personally filibustered for 14 hours straight.

The Klan's activities increased again in the 1950s and 1960s in opposition to the civil rights blacks and whites who were seeking to enfranchise the African American population.

Today Republicans are constantly trying to find ways to make it harder for blacks to vote.

Today Republicans gerrymander black cities so they don’t get the fair representation they deserve

Today Republicans defend cops who murder blacks just like Democrats did before Civil Rights

Today Republicans worship Democrats Robert E Lee and every other Democrat from the Antebellum South.

Today 90% of blacks vote Democratic. Why? Because they know that Republicans really wish they could hang blacks like they did back in the day. Even the Oklahoma Sheriff got caught admitting it on tape.

Just like Trump used to be a Democrat, so did you. You just don't know it because you weren't born yet. In the 1950's in Oklahoma you'd have been a Democrat.
No, he bribes a black Supreme Court Justice. They are not friends.

When did he become besties with Clarence? Was it before or after he was made a Supreme Court Justice? I thought so.

Historian? I grew up knowing you're not supposed to have that stuff. The only people who have Nazi memorabilia are Nazi's.
You are a retard and a liar. Lots of people collect LOTS of stuff. As for blacks being racist we have several right on this board and denying Farakan is one is rich.
whataboutism. I was talking about current day white republicans in the south and you want to bring up rev wright? How pathetic.

You guys wanted to pretend the southern strategy existed. That the same republicans who freed the slaves and passed civil rights are you today.

All while you can't explain why then today it's you Republicans who worship Democrats like Robert E Lee.

You still don't understand BLM after this?

An Oklahoma sheriff’s office says a newspaper’s audio recording in which the sheriff and other county officials are reportedly heard discussing killing two journalists and hanging Black people.....

Oh dear how fucking embarrassing for you Republicans. How you gonna explain this one away? Someone snuck a recording into your RepubliKKKlan meeting

You maybe have one doofus……you use the one guy to distract from the racism of the democrat party…..

Obama and the entire congressional black caucus hosted racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan….

The leadership of the democrat party hosted this racist……,you have nothing you dumb ass
Wow, is this how your brain works, you just repeat whatever shit you heard on hate radio?

It doesn't matter WHO SAID IT FIRST. It matters that these things were said at all.

Except Dukakis didn't develop the furlough policy, that was devised by his Republican predecessor, Francis Sergeant. and it actually, kind of made sense, for transitioning prisoners to freedom. Where it got stupid was the way it was worded, the courts ruled that lifers like Horton could get furloughs as well, even though they had no chance of being paroled.

But frankly, you'd find a way to blame the extinction of the dinosaurs on a Democrat... it's this weird way your brain works when you aren't fondling your gun.
And Dukakis VETOED the bill the legislature quickly passed to correct the mistake. Horton’s crime wave is directly on Dukakis and it was a legitimate political issue in a presidential race.
This dog has been genetically selected for tameness:

View attachment 677931

This dog has been genetically selected for ferocity:

View attachment 677932

This man has been genetically selected for obedience to the law:

View attachment 677933

This man has been genetically selected for criminal behavior:

View attachment 677935

The difference between the first man and the second man is the reason the Southern Strategy worked, and why it continues to work. Lower income whites, who benefit from Democrat economic policies, usually vote Republican because they do not trust the Democrat Party on the issues of crime and race.

Lower income whites frequently see blacks up close on terms of approximate equality. They cannot afford to live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep blacks out.
Pit bulls and other dogs bred for aggression are not naturally aggressive. Most pit bulls I have met were sweet animals as long as their owners don’t train them to be vicious. It’s the old nature versus nurture argument, I lean towards the nurture side.
Well then explain this. In the 1960's southern white racist DEMOCRATS loaded up buses with poor single black women with kids on welfare and black ex con males and sent them up north.

Today, Republicans are pulling the same move. Only this time with immigrants.

Today's Republicans are clearly yesterday's racist Republicans

With ILLEGAL immigrants foisted on the border states by the largely liberal federal government. No matter who runs the presidency or congress, the members of the bureaucracy are dependably liberal because liberal policies make more and more work for them.
Let me treat you and yours like second class citizens for 400 years and see how your great great great great great grandkids do
The Jews have been treated worse that that for a millennium and they seem to do very well indeed.
I don't think so. I think they are refuges.
No they are not. Refugees are people fleeing political persecution and are only allowed to immigrate to the nearest safe country. These ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS bypass anywhere from two to ten safe countries to get to the USA.
If they are illegals, why didn't he ship them back home? Why is it up north's fault illegals sneak in across the Texas border? Seems like something Texas needs to deal with. Maybe they should build a wall. State funded of course.
Because the feds won’t let them. The feds sued Arizona when we put up a temporary wall in the gaps of Trump’s border wall.
The Southern Strategy worked as the once solid Democratic South is now solid Republican
There was no “Southern Strategy” :rolleyes:

The south is now Republican because people grow old (thus wise) and move to the south when they retire.
Republicans exploited Democratic support for Civil Rights to turn voters Republican.
The Democrats didn’t support Civil Rights, you high school dropout. It was led by Republicans - and vehemently opposed by the racist left.
If we let them in that means we accepted them in while waiting to hear their story. They are asking for asylum. They did not come in illegally.

Oh, and your numbers are inflated. If you say 1 million illegals came to the border, many of those people already came once and were turned away.

I heard all the details yesterday on a radio station that gives all the facts. You'd hate it. You'd say it was too liberal of a source.

Your side wants to lock them up while they wait. Our side says let them free and they will show up later at court when their hearing is.
Less than five percent show up for their asylum hearings. That should tell you everything about how specious their claims are.

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