The negro muslim man who killed at least 3 people shouted, "Let black people go!" in court.

22 years ago and counting. HOw much mileage you plan on getting from that crime?

Also, he was executed to the delight of just about everyone on the RIght.

The difference between righties and lefties is that righies don't support violent criminals.

Righties commit violent crimes.

Nothing in my post said otherwise. Can you hear me?


My above point stands as the Last World here until you return to us, from where ever you went.

I went to bed, and just a half hour ago awakened, made coffee, feed the dog and took her out to do her business. That's the answer to, "where ever you went".

What stood out in your point was obvious bigotry and racism; maybe they are so much a part of your life you don't even notice. The title begins, "negro muslim man", as if that is the be all end all of this horrific story.

Would you find my offering to same thread in this manner, "man with a gun kills three" a fair analysis of this event?

YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

THe murderer murdered three people, and you are upset by the thread title.

IMO, the likely primary issue with this murderer is that crazy people should be locked up.

Beyond that, his religious motivation and racism makes this a Hate Crime AND terrorism, and treason. Unless he is so crazy that he is not competent.

Either lock him up for LIFE, or execute him.

He's insane. One needs to ask, who or what created the hate he harbors, and why wasn't it noted by others, so it could be mitigated or medicated?

My understanding is that civil right lawyers are the ones who made it nearly impossible to lock up dangerously crazy people.
22 years ago and counting. HOw much mileage you plan on getting from that crime?

Also, he was executed to the delight of just about everyone on the RIght.

The difference between righties and lefties is that righies don't support violent criminals.

Righties commit violent crimes.

Nothing in my post said otherwise. Can you hear me?


My above point stands as the Last World here until you return to us, from where ever you went.

I went to bed, and just a half hour ago awakened, made coffee, feed the dog and took her out to do her business. That's the answer to, "where ever you went".

What stood out in your point was obvious bigotry and racism; maybe they are so much a part of your life you don't even notice. The title begins, "negro muslim man", as if that is the be all end all of this horrific story.

Would you find my offering to same thread in this manner, "man with a gun kills three" a fair analysis of this event?

YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

THe murderer murdered three people, and you are upset by the thread title.

IMO, the likely primary issue with this murderer is that crazy people should be locked up.

Beyond that, his religious motivation and racism makes this a Hate Crime AND terrorism, and treason. Unless he is so crazy that he is not competent.

Either lock him up for LIFE, or execute him.

He's insane. One needs to ask, who or what created the hate he harbors, and why wasn't it noted by others, so it could be mitigated or medicated?
It was noticed. Libtards wont allow up.crazy ppl, they are their voting and riot base. His dad said they hoped someone could find and arrest him.
Righties commit violent crimes.

Nothing in my post said otherwise. Can you hear me?


My above point stands as the Last World here until you return to us, from where ever you went.

I went to bed, and just a half hour ago awakened, made coffee, feed the dog and took her out to do her business. That's the answer to, "where ever you went".

What stood out in your point was obvious bigotry and racism; maybe they are so much a part of your life you don't even notice. The title begins, "negro muslim man", as if that is the be all end all of this horrific story.

Would you find my offering to same thread in this manner, "man with a gun kills three" a fair analysis of this event?

YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

THe murderer murdered three people, and you are upset by the thread title.

IMO, the likely primary issue with this murderer is that crazy people should be locked up.

Beyond that, his religious motivation and racism makes this a Hate Crime AND terrorism, and treason. Unless he is so crazy that he is not competent.

Either lock him up for LIFE, or execute him.

He's insane. One needs to ask, who or what created the hate he harbors, and why wasn't it noted by others, so it could be mitigated or medicated?
It was noticed. Libtards wont allow up.crazy ppl, they are their voting and riot base. His dad said they hoped someone could find and arrest him.

Do you lie out of habit, or are you so limited in your intellectual capacity as to not comprehend issues behind HIPAA and the reasons for privacy?

Of course callous conservatives, which you are, only care about civil rights when it is your/their right under debate. The mentally ill are easy targets, tantamount to shooting a deer at night blinded by a search light.
Nothing in my post said otherwise. Can you hear me?


My above point stands as the Last World here until you return to us, from where ever you went.

I went to bed, and just a half hour ago awakened, made coffee, feed the dog and took her out to do her business. That's the answer to, "where ever you went".

What stood out in your point was obvious bigotry and racism; maybe they are so much a part of your life you don't even notice. The title begins, "negro muslim man", as if that is the be all end all of this horrific story.

Would you find my offering to same thread in this manner, "man with a gun kills three" a fair analysis of this event?

YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

THe murderer murdered three people, and you are upset by the thread title.

IMO, the likely primary issue with this murderer is that crazy people should be locked up.

Beyond that, his religious motivation and racism makes this a Hate Crime AND terrorism, and treason. Unless he is so crazy that he is not competent.

Either lock him up for LIFE, or execute him.

He's insane. One needs to ask, who or what created the hate he harbors, and why wasn't it noted by others, so it could be mitigated or medicated?
It was noticed. Libtards wont allow up.crazy ppl, they are their voting and riot base. His dad said they hoped someone could find and arrest him.

Do you lie out of habit, or are you so limited in your intellectual capacity as to not comprehend issues behind HIPAA and the reasons for privacy?

Of course callous conservatives, which you are, only care about civil rights when it is your/their right under debate. The mentally ill are easy targets, tantamount to shooting a deer at night blinded by a search light.

And there we see why we can't lock up dangerously crazy people.

It can't be "mitigated" or "medicated" because the emotional response from the Left, which dominates the Conventional Wisdom of so much of our legal profession, is the it is "callous" or not caring about
"civil rights" to do so.

It is CALLOUS to let dangerously crazy people loose, to hurt themselves and others.

THREE PEOPLE are dead, because this lunatic was not locked up.

His life is over.

HIs family is traumatized.

HIs victims' families are traumatized.
This man was encouraged to kill people by the liberal philosophy of victimization. It can't be justified because past criminals have been white. Justification of black crime is how this man became a killer. Justification is how liberals make more.
This is all so weird....A low iQ whacked out black man commits violent crime and murder. This never happens...they're usually so stand-up.

And guess what, as normal, it was whities fault.

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