The Neo-Con case against detente with Iran


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Absent the hysteria over giving nukes to terrorists who will attack the US or a nuclear holocaust against the Jews.

I don't totally agree with Frum on this, and he was an early supporter of W invading Iraq, and even coined the "axis of evil" phrase in the SOU speech. I don't agree that the American civil war was over democracy - both sides were for democratic votes of white men, but the South wanted a loose confederation of states, with a central govt subservient to the sovereign state govts. Further, Frum chooses to ignore that Iran is actually more democratic than some of our "allies" in the region, like the Saudis. And, Iran's real truck with us is more about our support of Israel, which is approaching apartheid status, and out meddling with Iran's choice of it's own govt. And, for him to talk about promoting democracy after being the chief propagandist of W's war is a bit disgusting.

But, I thought it was interesting, and not total bs.
How World War I Shapes U.S. Foreign Policy - The Atlantic
This egg-head article unintentionally underscores the danger of egg-head Presidents who imagine perfect worlds. Woodrow Wilson's promises to stay out of WW1 and then to secure a just peace gave Germany false hopes that were dashed at Versailles, leading to its economic ruin and subsequent return to authoritarian government under the Nazis.

Just as JFK gave false hope to the South Vietnamese and Carter gave false hope to Iranians by undermining the Shah, so do we now have President Obama having given false hope to Iraq and Afghanistan that we would ensure their independence. In previous circumstances, American voters replaced these destructive dreamers with more realistic Presidents; however, we may have reached a tipping point where a majority of voters are so disengaged themselves that they are unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

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