The Never Ending Hillary Excuses. " At The Time " And " I Don't Recall". For The Rest Of 2016.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:offtopic: :oops-28: And to think that for years and years, Democrats were selling Hillary as the smartest woman in the world, right? But when she's backed into a corner, first few words that come out of her is "At The Time", or "I Don't Recall". Hmm, maybe she is already senile?
And even now, she may use her signature excuses when the FBI is on her case.
And to think she was a SOS? yet, has no idea what is top secret information?
Her and John Kerry should of gone on "Are You Dumber Than A Forth Grader" before they were allowed to take the positions of SOS !!! :slap::iagree:
The left loons are currently too busy going rabid over Palin to notice they have a real problem with Hillary Clinton.
:offtopic: :oops-28: And to think that for years and years, Democrats were selling Hillary as the smartest woman in the world, right? But when she's backed into a corner, first few words that come out of her is "At The Time", or "I Don't Recall". Hmm, maybe she is already senile?
And even now, she may use her signature excuses when the FBI is on her case.
And to think she was a SOS? yet, has no idea what is top secret information?
Her and John Kerry should of gone on "Are You Dumber Than A Forth Grader" before they were allowed to take the positions of SOS !!! :slap::iagree:

Actually, she's free to say anything she wants. But what should we think about IQ of those who are buying all her sh*t and are ready to give the keys of their country (and the world!) to somebody who is such irresponsible and "forgettable"?
This is becoming an acid test for US National Security standards. If Hillary is let off after these inexcusable security offenses, then the precedent is set for future National security violators to invoke the "Duh I didn't know" defense. Anyone other than Hillary would have been stripped of their clearance immediately, fired and imprisoned.
and also,,,why doesnt Hillary throw a fit every time a passenger train flies off the handle in a deep blue state? yet when there is a water crisis in a purple state,,,she craps her pants.
She is so corrupted and dishonest...she will never be president...ever.

I hope not. Looks like her poll numbers continue to drop so she doesn't have the support from the left that she counted on.

Yet again I am tasked with defending Mrs. Clinton. Her excuse of "I don't recall" is the most believable excuse ever offered up. Her honesty in admitting her brain damage is refreshing. Hell she couldn't remember the details of her trip to Bosnia, how can something so mundane as national security stick in the brain addled mind?

No need for those on the left to thank me for defending the brain damaged Mrs. Clinton.
Interesting perspective from the Clinton apologists. If Reagan had problems during his administration that makes the problems Clinton is obviously having of no concern. Interesting.

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