The New Center Of Technology - Israel's mega projects for the next 12 year


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
1. Skyscrapers - Ben Arim Tower is the highest one in the series, Tel-Aviv

2.The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem High-speed railway

3. Tel-Aviv light rail

Solar-energy valley in the desert, Negev

Silicon Wadi development, and a number of products soon on the markets:
a. Smart cookers
b. Future Oled screens
c. Self-driving cars
d. Smart glasses
e. Smart mirrors and more...


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1. Skyscrapers - Ben Arim Tower is the highest one in the series, Tel-Aviv

2.The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem High-speed railway

3. Tel-Aviv light rail

Solar-energy valley in the desert, Negev

Silicon Wadi development, and a number of products soon on the markets:
a. Smart cookers
b. Future Oled screens
c. Self-driving cars
d. Smart glasses
e. Smart mirrors and more...


And all that even with Palestinians to deal with. Truly amazing.

Take a tour of Israel’s huge new solar-energy valley in the desert

One of the largest renewable energy projects in the world, the sprawling Negev complex will produce 300 megawatts of clean electricity every day.

Four Eiffel Towers could be built with the 28,000 tons of steel being used by Negev Energy to construct the Ashalim Thermo-Solar Power Station in Israel’s Negev Desert. Spread flat over 988 acres of sand, the array is nevertheless an impressive sight that tourists will be able to view from a platform after the plant opens next summer.
1. Skyscrapers - Ben Arim Tower is the highest one in the series, Tel-Aviv

2.The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem High-speed railway

3. Tel-Aviv light rail

Solar-energy valley in the desert, Negev

Silicon Wadi development, and a number of products soon on the markets:
a. Smart cookers
b. Future Oled screens
c. Self-driving cars
d. Smart glasses
e. Smart mirrors and more...


All the best to...civilized living ! interesting, the building looks like a shapely leg looking at from energy....the jetsons-type it!

but...we have to share a planet with "people" who still scoop up food with their fingers and shove the food into their mouths....and we have to share the planet with ...people who's mindset and "clothes" are from the 7th century....

"in Afghanistan, the Taliban attacked a newly constructed district headquarters in the southern Uruzgan province early Saturday, killing four Afghan soldiers...."

oh well, live.........

.........and let live.....!!
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
These photos from the high-speed railway construction are just beautiful... gonna be a wonderful ride through tunnels, mountains and open nature.


1. Skyscrapers - Ben Arim Tower is the highest one in the series, Tel-Aviv

2.The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem High-speed railway

3. Tel-Aviv light rail

Solar-energy valley in the desert, Negev

Silicon Wadi development, and a number of products soon on the markets:
a. Smart cookers
b. Future Oled screens
c. Self-driving cars
d. Smart glasses
e. Smart mirrors and more...


And all that even with Palestinians to deal with. Truly amazing.

Palestinians, Iranian, Syrians, ISIS on the border...
and some annoying BDS
1. Skyscrapers - Ben Arim Tower is the highest one in the series, Tel-Aviv

2.The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem High-speed railway

3. Tel-Aviv light rail

Solar-energy valley in the desert, Negev

Silicon Wadi development, and a number of products soon on the markets:
a. Smart cookers
b. Future Oled screens
c. Self-driving cars
d. Smart glasses
e. Smart mirrors and more...


And all that even with Palestinians to deal with. Truly amazing.

Let's give credit where credit is due. Palestinians are pretty advanced as well, inventors of kite bombs, suicide vests, human shields etc.
Soon: A new Israeli satellite will be approved
The satellite is expected to be produced by the Aerospace industry, and will be national rather than commercial. The move comes as part of an effort to improve Israel's ranking in the field of space activity

The government may approve a plan for the production of a national communications satellite this week. It all started last year, after the Amos 6 satellite exploded with a failed launch over US soil, and Israel Aircraft Industries received about 60 percent of the cost of the insurance.

In the meantime, Israel needs a strong communications satellite and Space Company (formerly owned by Israel Aerospace Industries) has decided to publish an international tender. But here there has been a turnaround: the state has decided that the media must be self-produced. In the coming days, the government will approve the production of Amos 8 (by Israel Aerospace Industries) as a national and non-commercial satellite.

In light of the decision, there is also concern about the deterioration of Israel's standing in all spheres of activity in space. If 10 to 15 years ago, Israel took a place of honor in the opening quintet of the leading countries in space, a mountain that now extends at the bottom of the second decade (by weighing a variety of parameters).


Launch of Ofek 11 satellite. Photo: Space Administration, Ministry of Defense
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
I haven’t been there.
Most of the people I know are moving to the English speaking, Modern Orthodox areas.
One thing they tell me for sure, Yerushalayim houses are for the super wealthy.
Palestinian high speed rail is the fastest on earth. Once a jihadi blows himself up, POOF...he instantly gets transported to the 72 virgin donkeys in Islamic heaven. The Israelis have a way to go to beat that speed.
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
I haven’t been there.
Most of the people I know are moving to the English speaking, Modern Orthodox areas.
One thing they tell me for sure, Yerushalayim houses are for the super wealthy.

That's why many choose the surrounding neighborhoods, 10-20 min ride and You're in Jerusalem.The prices are much more affordable, in some cases better than in the north. One can find really good communities to raise kids.
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
I haven’t been there.
Most of the people I know are moving to the English speaking, Modern Orthodox areas.
One thing they tell me for sure, Yerushalayim houses are for the super wealthy.

That's why many choose the surrounding neighborhoods, 10-20 min ride and You're in Jerusalem.The prices are much more affordable, in some cases better than in the north. One can find really good communities to raise kids.
God willing, a year or two at most.
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
I haven’t been there.
Most of the people I know are moving to the English speaking, Modern Orthodox areas.
One thing they tell me for sure, Yerushalayim houses are for the super wealthy.

That's why many choose the surrounding neighborhoods, 10-20 min ride and You're in Jerusalem.The prices are much more affordable, in some cases better than in the north. One can find really good communities to raise kids.
God willing, a year or two at most.
Baezer Hashem!
It actually seems that technological development has a direct connection to attraction of immigration.
Israel is the most state of the art nation on earth.
On the other hand, that architecture is costing a fortune.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
I haven’t been there.
Most of the people I know are moving to the English speaking, Modern Orthodox areas.
One thing they tell me for sure, Yerushalayim houses are for the super wealthy.

That's why many choose the surrounding neighborhoods, 10-20 min ride and You're in Jerusalem.The prices are much more affordable, in some cases better than in the north. One can find really good communities to raise kids.
God willing, a year or two at most.
Baezer Hashem!
It actually seems that technological development has a direct connection to attraction of immigration.
What convinced me is, Baruch Hashem, the 70th Anniversary celebrations with zero incidents.
Pack Your suitcases already :)

Now more seriously, does the Wadi provide advantages over the Valley?
I haven’t been there.
Most of the people I know are moving to the English speaking, Modern Orthodox areas.
One thing they tell me for sure, Yerushalayim houses are for the super wealthy.

That's why many choose the surrounding neighborhoods, 10-20 min ride and You're in Jerusalem.The prices are much more affordable, in some cases better than in the north. One can find really good communities to raise kids.
God willing, a year or two at most.
Baezer Hashem!
It actually seems that technological development has a direct connection to attraction of immigration.
What convinced me is, Baruch Hashem, the 70th Anniversary celebrations with zero incidents.
Yes there was a certain amount of concern for how symbolic the day was,
but then again none of the other miracles that happen to Israel every day are easy to neglect.
When Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, expressed his vision over 60 years ago “to make the desert bloom,” he may not have expected a multi-billion-dollar initiative that combines three massive solar power plants, the world’s tallest solar tower, and a wastewater treatment plant, all housed near a tiny Israeli community of roughly 500 people in the Negev desert.

The ambitious projects were launched in late 2014, following an Israeli government-set objective of having renewable energy contribute to 10 percent of electricity generation by 2020. And almost all are near completion.


The first is a massive, $1.1 billion, 121 MW thermo-solar power plant spread over 988 acres (about 4 square kilometers) of land called Negev Energy. It is made up of 28,000 tons of steel and some 500,000 parabolic mirrors that collect light to be converted to energy. The plant plans to reduce approximately 245,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year – the equivalent of removing 50,000 vehicles from the road – and provide clean power solely from renewable energy to 60,000 households in Israel by 2020.

The second project is a smaller plant across 741 acres (almost 3 square kilometers) built on concentrated solar power, which includes a massive, 820-foot (250-meter) solar tower, the largest such tower in the world and playfully dubbed the “tower of power.” Called Megalim Solar Power, and with an estimated cost of $800 million, it includes a solar field with over 50,000 software-controlled heliostat mirrors that concentrate sunlight atop a solar receiver steam generator.


Nearby, the third project is a 35 MW solar plant based on photovoltaic, or PV, power – that is, the use of solar cells to generate electrical power. The initiative came with an initial investment of some $100 million and is dubbed the Ashalim SUN project.

The fourth initiative, the Ramat Hanegev Cogeneration Waste Water Treatment and Demineralization Plant, is part of a government plan to support the solar facilities which also includes bolstering the infrastructure surrounding the complexes.
1. Skyscrapers - Ben Arim Tower is the highest one in the series, Tel-Aviv

2.The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem High-speed railway

3. Tel-Aviv light rail

Solar-energy valley in the desert, Negev

Silicon Wadi development, and a number of products soon on the markets:
a. Smart cookers
b. Future Oled screens
c. Self-driving cars
d. Smart glasses
e. Smart mirrors and more...


And all that even with Palestinians to deal with. Truly amazing.

Let's give credit where credit is due. Palestinians are pretty advanced as well, inventors of kite bombs, suicide vests, human shields etc.

I have to say, they gave us a lesson with all this terror of ballons
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On a cloudless day, Israel breaks its solar power production record
At precisely 12:07 P.M. on Saturday, solar energy produced 13.4 % of the total electricity being consumed nationwide

Saturday was a perfectly cloud-free spring day — perfect for Israel to break its solar power record.

At precisely 12:07 P.M. solar energy was producing 13.4 % of the total electricity being consumed in the country, a new record, the Israel Electric Corporation said.

However, officials said that while Israel has been working to increase its power derived from renewable energy, Saturday’s results were caused by a specific confluence of events — high solar production and low overall consumption.

“We are very proud of this,” said Oren Hellman of the corporation. “But it is a specific record. The high percentage level comes because it was a Saturday and the weather was perfect for renewable energy. This proves we can do it.”

“The sun is the biggest source of energy in Israel and we can achieve much greater solar energy production,” he said.
Jonathan Aikhenbaum, a campaign manager at Greenpeace Israel praised the event.

“This proves that when you want, when obstacles are removed, the solar revolution is gaining strength,” he told the Ynet news site. “A combination of sun and innovation is finally putting Israel on the map. The day is not far off where we will reach 100 % from solar energy, like Denmark achieved from wind energy last year.”


While Israel is blessed with abundant sunshine and a robust solar energy industry, production in Israel has traditionally been low, with much of it going to export. The discovery in recent years of huge natural gas reserves has also hampered the adoption of solar energy.

Israel announced in 2015 that as part of the Paris Accord it aims to have 10% of the country’s energy come from renewable sources such as solar, wind, and biogas by 2020, and 17% come from renewable energies by 2030.

The figures are far below the OECD goals of 20% energy from renewable sources by 2020 and 27% by 2030, and many countries are well beyond that. In 2016, 32% of Germany’s energy consumption came from renewable forces.

Currently, just 2.6% of Israel’s energy currently comes from renewable sources. Although the southern Negev region and the Arava lead the way in solar production.
Currently, the Arava region is 70% powered by the sun during the day, and at 2020 will be at 100%.

On a cloudless day, Israel breaks its solar power production record

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