The NeW fEaR !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or Trump's ever increasing AuThOrAtArIan BENT.I hope that
was loosey-goosey E-nuff.because as sure God made little green
apples and guys like Joseph Goebbels ... Life is not,nor should be defined
by One human being.The mistake Goebbels made.
Putting or Putzing a once failed artist traipsing the streets of old
Vienna attempting to sell handmade Christmas cards in order to
Live.A young Adolph Hitler.Who dint Love beer as some may presume
since he grew in popularity around the varied beer halls of
Munich.Hitler loved pastries and being The Boss.
Arguably so does Trump.Does not drink a drop of
alcohol and loves rich deserts and being Boss.
However I doubt any N.Y.Times overly energetic Writer
in league with whatever Investigative Reporter the Once
Newspaper of Record uses,can or will pass muster for long.
That newsrag has worn out it's welcome too many times
to bear fruit.I don't care what kind of fruitcake writing is
employed to make Donald Trump perk up his ears.
But Americans are not likely to stay on some Farm
when even the chickens go silent.Or Cows.The only sounds
heard being from Kitchens.After hearing and Reading the latest
hyper active scuttlebutt.
Neighbor telling neighbor and even their flock of Cows
... did you hear about Trump's Latest " authoritarian Demand "
He's all set to build a chocolate factory.So the smell of chocolate
can be sniffed for counties.I mean,talk about :
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So... Early start or late night?
Okay, but you just lost the biggest atheist of all, Aayan Hirshi Ali. SHe got sick to death of people like you. REALLY :)

Former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali No Longer Atheist: ‘I Am Now a Christian’​



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I am pretty sure he stays high 24/7. Talk about unreadable post.
I am hardly mortified lest of witch in some
bowl over pergatory.Awating lunch to see what further
punishment is dished-out.Maybe that's what Trump could
be aiming at.Since being opague { writing ot talking }
is not real punishment.But taking away someones double
decker Ice Cream cone with the latest christmas sprinkles could
fit the bill.
Okay, but you just lost the biggest atheist of all, Aayan Hirshi Ali. SHe got sick to death of people like you. REALLY :)

Former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali No Longer Atheist: ‘I Am Now a Christian’​

View attachment 861753
Maybe she's merely testing the waters.Kinda the James Baldwin
approach when fleeing the United States for Paris.
Nobody Knows My Name {1961 }
" Freedom is not something that anybody can be given,
freedom is something people take. "
I tink there was a time people took Baldwin at his word.

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