The Next Four Years

Did you read the story? There weren't a lot of colorful illustrations, and it didn't have a rhyming scheme, so I would guess not.

Yep, to me, it is not a closed up as you seem to think. Another difference of opinion.

Are they still ginning it up on Fox? Because everywhere else seems to have caught on that it was partisan hackery at its finest, and they're not covering it at all. Bullshit stories have a habit of doing that though...fading away fast.

Have no clue, I'm watching Restaurant Impossible.
Let's see, you're clueless on the meaning of simple punctuation and what a wedge issue is.

Okie doke.


Did they teach "okie doke" at Princeton? LOL.

No, I know what a wedge issue is and this isn't one of them.

I have listed the facts--that you ignore. But here they are again.

Governor Romeny wants to overturn Roe. Fact.
President Obama wants to preserve Roe. Fact.
The next 4 years will see likely 1-3 justices being replaced on the USSC. Fact.

It's a simple as that.

If you value a woman's right to reproductive choice, vote for Obama.
If not, vote for Governor Romney.

So not only should everyone vote based on this one issue, one which you have provided next to no evidence is actually something that will happen, but now our only two choices are Obama and Romney. Thank you for trying to shoehorn the world into this one issue! :clap2:

Wrong on both counts.

1. You shouldn't vote only based on this issue. You should vote for the candidate that shares your values. Neither one of these gentlemen will be able to much improve the economy, the military which is already the strongest in the world, or the environment. Congress is locked in neutral. Nothing is going to happen

2. Romney, on his own website says that he thinks Roe should be overturned. Look it up if you doubt it. The supreme court is divided very closely between conservatives and liberal judges. If you don't believe me look that up as well. Four of those judges are 70+ y/o. The man who is president between '12 and '16 will have a chance to appoint 1-3 judges; thus changing the make-up of the court. Two of the justices who are over 70 are Kennedy (moderate) and Ginsburg (liberal). Here is what Wiki said about Kennedy on the topic of abortion:

In Hodgson v. Minnesota (1990), Kennedy upheld a restriction on abortion for minors that required both parents to be notified about the procedure.
In 1992, he joined O'Connor's plurality opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), which reaffirmed in principle (though without many details) the Roe v. Wade decision recognizing the right to abortion under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The plurality opinion, signed jointly by three justices appointed by Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, ignited a firestorm of criticism from conservatives. Kennedy had stated at least as early as 1989 that, in order to uphold precedent, he might not vote to overturn Roe.[22] According to court insiders, Kennedy had reportedly considered overturning Roe, but in the end decided to uphold restrictions while affirming the Roe precedent.[23]
In later abortion decisions, it became apparent that Kennedy thought Casey had narrowed Roe and allowed more restrictions. Owing to the Court's altered composition under President Clinton, Kennedy was no longer the fifth vote to strike down abortion restrictions. Hence, O'Connor became the justice who defined the meaning of Casey in subsequent cases, while Kennedy was relegated to dissents in which he sought to explain what he thought Casey meant. For example, Kennedy dissented in the 2000 decision in Stenberg v. Carhart, which struck down laws criminalizing partial-birth abortion.[24]
After the judicial appointments by President George W. Bush, Kennedy again became the needed fifth vote to strike down abortion restrictions. Since Kennedy's conception of abortion rights is narrower than O'Connor's, this led to a slightly more lenient view of abortion restrictions after 2006. Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in 2007's Gonzales v. Carhart, which held that a federal law criminalizing partial-birth abortion did not violate Casey because it did not impose an "undue burden." The decision did not expressly overrule Stenberg, although many commentators saw it as having that effect.[25][26]
Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Chicken Little!

Damn, your stupid keeps getting denser and denser.

And your lame insults keep having the same effect; none.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices. I'm sorry you feel different and think that someone other than you or what I'm assuming will be your loved one should be able to make that choice.

If you feel that politicians should be in charge of reproductive choice, vote for Governor Romney. If not, vote for Obama.

It's that simple and it's that big.

I don't see it as one issue and if I did, it would be other issues ahead of this one. I won't for Romney because of the Supreme Court, nor will I vote against Obama because of this issue. But it is food for thought.
Folks who have a brain think the same way.

Wedge issues are for the crybabies, not the thinkers.
I had to neg the hysterical fool. She is making women look like emotional dumbfuck basketcases. She does more damage than most misogynists.

Again, your personal attacks are having no effect. I've gotten about 15 positive reps so, there you go. Cute dog.
I had to neg the hysterical fool. She is making women look like emotional dumbfuck basketcases. She does more damage than most misogynists.

Again, your personal attacks are having no effect. I've gotten about 15 positive reps so, there you go. Cute dog.
It still doesn't change the fact that you are a hysterical dumbass. You really make women look bad.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Your stunningly stupid posting is of the TM caliber. Utterly dense. It's amazing.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.


‘Bring It’: Women’s Groups Want To Go Toe To Toe With Romney On The Economy | TPM2012
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.


‘Bring It’: Women’s Groups Want To Go Toe To Toe With Romney On The Economy | TPM2012
Great. We have the racist, anti-semtic, bigoted, moron joining in.

Public education at its finest.

Damn. At least TM is funny.
Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Chicken Little!

Damn, your stupid keeps getting denser and denser.

And your lame insults keep having the same effect; none.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices. I'm sorry you feel different and think that someone other than you or what I'm assuming will be your loved one should be able to make that choice.

If you feel that politicians should be in charge of reproductive choice, vote for Governor Romney. If not, vote for Obama.

It's that simple and it's that big.

I don't see it as one issue and if I did, it would be other issues ahead of this one. I won't for Romney because of the Supreme Court, nor will I vote against Obama because of this issue. But it is food for thought.


Governor Romney will basically be Bush's 3rd term given what Jackson has said his stances are. He wants to--stop me if you heard this--roll back any regulations, further injure organized labor and cut taxes. And if he gets 2 terms, in 2020, we'll be bailing out Wall Street for whatever shenanigans went on during the time of no regulation. We've seen this opera we really need to wait for the fat lady to sing? No offense Stephanie.

Vote for someone who shares your values...if it is the Governor....thats great. God Bless you.

But if you believe that a woman should maintain her own reproductive choices, the choice is clear; President Obama should remain in office.
I had to neg the hysterical fool. She is making women look like emotional dumbfuck basketcases. She does more damage than most misogynists.

Again, your personal attacks are having no effect. I've gotten about 15 positive reps so, there you go. Cute dog.
It still doesn't change the fact that you are a hysterical dumbass. You really make women look bad.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Your stunningly stupid posting is of the TM caliber. Utterly dense. It's amazing.

And you think personal attacks, changing person's quotes, nitpicking on grammar and profanity make yours look intelligent?

Cute dog none the less.
And your lame insults keep having the same effect; none.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices. I'm sorry you feel different and think that someone other than you or what I'm assuming will be your loved one should be able to make that choice.

If you feel that politicians should be in charge of reproductive choice, vote for Governor Romney. If not, vote for Obama.

It's that simple and it's that big.

I don't see it as one issue and if I did, it would be other issues ahead of this one. I won't for Romney because of the Supreme Court, nor will I vote against Obama because of this issue. But it is food for thought.
Folks who have a brain think the same way.

Wedge issues are for the crybabies, not the thinkers.

A wedge issue is one that the race has no bearing upon. Think of Bush and Gay Marriage in 04.

The man who wins this election will have the chance to overturn Roe and Governor Romney has said that he wants to see Roe overturned. That is simply a fact. No wedge issue here.
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Again, your personal attacks are having no effect. I've gotten about 15 positive reps so, there you go. Cute dog.
It still doesn't change the fact that you are a hysterical dumbass. You really make women look bad.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Your stunningly stupid posting is of the TM caliber. Utterly dense. It's amazing.

And you think personal attacks, changing person's quotes, nitpicking on grammar and profanity make yours look intelligent?

Cute dog none the less.
Actually, it's not hard to look like one has even a median IQ when responding to you.

You haven't even a clue how dense you look. TM is resistant to reality as well.
I don't see it as one issue and if I did, it would be other issues ahead of this one. I won't for Romney because of the Supreme Court, nor will I vote against Obama because of this issue. But it is food for thought.
Folks who have a brain think the same way.

Wedge issues are for the crybabies, not the thinkers.

A wedge issue is one that the race has no bearing upon. Think of Bush and Gay Marriage in 04.

The man who wins this election will have the chance to overturn Roe. That is simply a fact. No wedge issue here.
And the sky has a chance of falling.



Take some midol.
Folks who have a brain think the same way.

Wedge issues are for the crybabies, not the thinkers.

A wedge issue is one that the race has no bearing upon. Think of Bush and Gay Marriage in 04.

The man who wins this election will have the chance to overturn Roe. That is simply a fact. No wedge issue here.
And the sky has a chance of falling.



Take some midol.

Some people take reproductive choices seriously. Others can only issue threats, insults, and pull cheap stunts.
It still doesn't change the fact that you are a hysterical dumbass. You really make women look bad.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Your stunningly stupid posting is of the TM caliber. Utterly dense. It's amazing.

And you think personal attacks, changing person's quotes, nitpicking on grammar and profanity make yours look intelligent?

Cute dog none the less.
Actually, it's not hard to look like one has even a median IQ when responding to you.

You haven't even a clue how dense you look. TM is resistant to reality as well.

You're making it look extremely difficult.
And you think personal attacks, changing person's quotes, nitpicking on grammar and profanity make yours look intelligent?

Cute dog none the less.
Actually, it's not hard to look like one has even a median IQ when responding to you.

You haven't even a clue how dense you look. TM is resistant to reality as well.

You're making it look extremely difficult.
Tell us all how the sky is falling again.
It still doesn't change the fact that you are a hysterical dumbass. You really make women look bad.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Your stunningly stupid posting is of the TM caliber. Utterly dense. It's amazing.

And you think personal attacks, changing person's quotes, nitpicking on grammar and profanity make yours look intelligent?

Cute dog none the less.
Actually, it's not hard to look like one has even a median IQ when responding to you.

You haven't even a clue how dense you look. TM is resistant to reality as well.

Oh the irony of this post. So wonderful.
Actually, it's not hard to look like one has even a median IQ when responding to you.

You haven't even a clue how dense you look. TM is resistant to reality as well.

You're making it look extremely difficult.
Tell us all how the sky is falling again.

Again, to get back to the topic at hand,

If you want to preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, vote for the President. If you want to have it suspended, vote for Romney. He says he wants to overturn the Supreme Court decision that guarantees women that choice.
Actually, it's not hard to look like one has even a median IQ when responding to you.

You haven't even a clue how dense you look. TM is resistant to reality as well.

You're making it look extremely difficult.
Tell us all how the sky is falling again.

You really area a pretentious twat, aren't you? Here's a reality check: MILLIONS of women in this country feel the exact same way CandyCorn does. I know, to you they're all hysterical, blah blah blah. But I hope you pay attention to the exit polls come November, when they all show up to vote for the dude who's shown time and again he agrees with them, and doesn't want government in their pants.
If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.
To clear up some misinformation in the OP, Romney is not as described. Womens' rights he respects, and he's just not a sociopath who is out to destroy opportunities for women who want them in America. when I was transferring that to here, I noticed it used odd typesetting, as if it had been listed from a talking points menu and delivered here by a DNC party operative.

Furthermore, you may not care for the kind of pro-communist judges Obama would instill into the nation's Supreme Court. If you value the Bill of Rights, you will not let Obama do this selecting for your fellow Americans. They're out to One World this free nation to servitude to any nutcase who convinces the majority of the world's muslims America needs to be taught a lesson. Don't you let him do that.

I'm sorry for this misinformation being smarmed at USMB. It is not the truth.
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