The Next Four Years

Fast n furious
Gun control through the UN

Obama sure is trying for gun control

Was Fast And Furious that bullshit, ginned-up rubbish about guns and Mexico that turned out was all a bunch of supposition and nonsense, proven by the excellent six-month investigation done at Fortune?

So did Holder give Fortune the pertinent documents?

Did you read the story? There weren't a lot of colorful illustrations, and it didn't have a rhyming scheme, so I would guess not.
Derps, one thing I have learned with these idiots, NOTHING you tell them, NOTHING you prove to them matters, they literally live with their fingers in their ears and over their eyes...

it is amazing
I do actually. I like to see through the Retarded Glass Onion sometimes. My sentence structure was poor though, and meant to imply that since she clearly watches Fox News in the not-ironic sense that I'm not surprised she doesn't know about all the great things birth control does besides letting you shoot goo without making a baby.

Mmmmm, okay, you watch FOX more than I. Not sure why an intelligent person would watch something they find below them, of course I'm not you. I find water finds it's level. So FOX must be your level.

Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

I'm always amused at the right wing lunatics who quote MSNBC scripture and verse.
I do actually. I like to see through the Retarded Glass Onion sometimes. My sentence structure was poor though, and meant to imply that since she clearly watches Fox News in the not-ironic sense that I'm not surprised she doesn't know about all the great things birth control does besides letting you shoot goo without making a baby.

Mmmmm, okay, you watch FOX more than I. Not sure why an intelligent person would watch something they find below them, of course I'm not you. I find water finds it's level. So FOX must be your level.

Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Know thy enemy, yeah, heard that BS before. I find it an amusing excuse. I realize you are a human, otherwise you would not be on the net, but if you find it to difficult to understand an illustration, then I'll simplify for you.
Hating the Black Prez isnt enough for these disgusting bigots...

I don't hate Obama, I disagree with his political views. His skin color has nothing to do with my opinion. So play the race card, it means nothing to myself, it proves you lack the confidence to defend policy.
Mmmmm, okay, you watch FOX more than I. Not sure why an intelligent person would watch something they find below them, of course I'm not you. I find water finds it's level. So FOX must be your level.

Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

I'm always amused at the right wing lunatics who quote MSNBC scripture and verse.

I didn't quote anything, you must have reading comprehension issues. I like you am not part of any party.
It takes one to know one I guess.

Apparently sentence fragments aren't frowned upon any longer either.

As is dealing with the politically inept.
Let's see, you're clueless on the meaning of simple punctuation and what a wedge issue is.

Okie doke.


Did they teach "okie doke" at Princeton? LOL.

No, I know what a wedge issue is and this isn't one of them.

I have listed the facts--that you ignore. But here they are again.

Governor Romeny wants to overturn Roe. Fact.
President Obama wants to preserve Roe. Fact.
The next 4 years will see likely 1-3 justices being replaced on the USSC. Fact.

It's a simple as that.

If you value a woman's right to reproductive choice, vote for Obama.
If not, vote for Governor Romney.

So not only should everyone vote based on this one issue, one which you have provided next to no evidence is actually something that will happen, but now our only two choices are Obama and Romney. Thank you for trying to shoehorn the world into this one issue! :clap2:
Mmmmm, okay, you watch FOX more than I. Not sure why an intelligent person would watch something they find below them, of course I'm not you. I find water finds it's level. So FOX must be your level.

Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Know thy enemy, yeah, heard that BS before. I find it an amusing excuse. I realize you are a human, otherwise you would not be on the net, but if you find it to difficult to understand an illustration, then I'll simplify for you.

Hmm. So why do you watch MSNBC again?
Because birth control provides many, many ancillary health benefits besides letting you fuck without making a baby. But as a woman, you're supposed to know that shit. As a Fox News watcher, I'm not surprised you don't.

I paid for my birth control my entire life. When I was first married glass soda bottles had a return deposit on them. That's what paid for mine until I had a job that included health insurance that I paid a portion of. I even paid, out of pocket to have my tubes tied after my third child since my health insurance didn't cover voluntary sterilization. That's called personal responsibility. Something that scares the crap out of lefties.

I'm sorry you and other women of your generation had to do that. See, since the Stone Age though, we've learned that in the long run it helps society greatly to make contraception readily available. Don't believe me? Google "Contraception availability in developing countries."

Clearly you missed the part about life where' supposed to strive to make it BETTER for people who come after you.

Oh, I got support men controlling female reproduction. The hell with them getting pregnant, you might have to pay child support, if they do, they better get rid of it makes sense. You don't want the responsibility.
Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Know thy enemy, yeah, heard that BS before. I find it an amusing excuse. I realize you are a human, otherwise you would not be on the net, but if you find it to difficult to understand an illustration, then I'll simplify for you.

Hmm. So why do you watch MSNBC again?

I channel surf, one tow minutes once a day maybe. Drives my wife crazy, I think that is why I do it.
I paid for my birth control my entire life. When I was first married glass soda bottles had a return deposit on them. That's what paid for mine until I had a job that included health insurance that I paid a portion of. I even paid, out of pocket to have my tubes tied after my third child since my health insurance didn't cover voluntary sterilization. That's called personal responsibility. Something that scares the crap out of lefties.

I'm sorry you and other women of your generation had to do that. See, since the Stone Age though, we've learned that in the long run it helps society greatly to make contraception readily available. Don't believe me? Google "Contraception availability in developing countries."

Clearly you missed the part about life where' supposed to strive to make it BETTER for people who come after you.

Oh, I got support men controlling female reproduction. The hell with them getting pregnant, you might have to pay child support, if they do, they better get rid of it makes sense. You don't want the responsibility.

Wait. What? Where in the holy living FUCK did you get that? I'm a father of two; still married to their mother. I give regularly to Planned Parenthood. I'm pro-choice. If any of those things equal men controlling women's reproductive issues, you're doing it extremely wrong.

I am glad that we had this talk though. It at least has taught me that you are thankfully unable to reproduce again.
I paid for my birth control my entire life. When I was first married glass soda bottles had a return deposit on them. That's what paid for mine until I had a job that included health insurance that I paid a portion of. I even paid, out of pocket to have my tubes tied after my third child since my health insurance didn't cover voluntary sterilization. That's called personal responsibility. Something that scares the crap out of lefties.

I'm sorry you and other women of your generation had to do that. See, since the Stone Age though, we've learned that in the long run it helps society greatly to make contraception readily available. Don't believe me? Google "Contraception availability in developing countries."

Clearly you missed the part about life where' supposed to strive to make it BETTER for people who come after you.

Oh, I got support men controlling female reproduction. The hell with them getting pregnant, you might have to pay child support, if they do, they better get rid of it makes sense. You don't want the responsibility.

Gee, is that surprising?
When that "reproductive choice" takes place after the reproduction, you are right. It is a health concern. For the baby involved. It's actually a life or death concern.
Well, a woman can legally get an abortion. It's the law. It's not going anywhere regardless of politicians.

Something the OP just doesn't understand. Lawmakers can't overturn shit as far as precedent law is concerned.

Everyone needs to deal with those simple facts and get a grip.

Yes, judges can overturn previous decisions. See Plessey v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of education if you want an example.

Presidents get to appoint judges with Senatorial approval.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices.
Chicken Little!

Damn, your stupid keeps getting denser and denser.
Well, a woman can legally get an abortion. It's the law. It's not going anywhere regardless of politicians.

Something the OP just doesn't understand. Lawmakers can't overturn shit as far as precedent law is concerned.

Everyone needs to deal with those simple facts and get a grip.

Yes, judges can overturn previous decisions. See Plessey v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of education if you want an example.

Presidents get to appoint judges with Senatorial approval.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices.
Chicken Little!

Damn, your stupid keeps getting denser and denser.

She's not Chicken Little, you're the Ostrich with their head in the sand.
Was Fast And Furious that bullshit, ginned-up rubbish about guns and Mexico that turned out was all a bunch of supposition and nonsense, proven by the excellent six-month investigation done at Fortune?

So did Holder give Fortune the pertinent documents?

Did you read the story? There weren't a lot of colorful illustrations, and it didn't have a rhyming scheme, so I would guess not.

Yep, to me, it is not a closed up as you seem to think. Another difference of opinion.
I do actually. I like to see through the Retarded Glass Onion sometimes. My sentence structure was poor though, and meant to imply that since she clearly watches Fox News in the not-ironic sense that I'm not surprised she doesn't know about all the great things birth control does besides letting you shoot goo without making a baby.

Mmmmm, okay, you watch FOX more than I. Not sure why an intelligent person would watch something they find below them, of course I'm not you. I find water finds it's level. So FOX must be your level.

Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Well, a woman can legally get an abortion. It's the law. It's not going anywhere regardless of politicians.

Something the OP just doesn't understand. Lawmakers can't overturn shit as far as precedent law is concerned.

Everyone needs to deal with those simple facts and get a grip.

Yes, judges can overturn previous decisions. See Plessey v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of education if you want an example.

Presidents get to appoint judges with Senatorial approval.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices.
Chicken Little!

Damn, your stupid keeps getting denser and denser.

And your lame insults keep having the same effect; none.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices. I'm sorry you feel different and think that someone other than you or what I'm assuming will be your loved one should be able to make that choice.

If you feel that politicians should be in charge of reproductive choice, vote for Governor Romney. If not, vote for Obama.

It's that simple and it's that big.
Romney flat out states he wants judges who'll overturn Roe, and the most compelling rebuttal is that it's Romney so the odds are that he doesn't really mean what he says.

How did we get to this place?
So did Holder give Fortune the pertinent documents?

Did you read the story? There weren't a lot of colorful illustrations, and it didn't have a rhyming scheme, so I would guess not.

Yep, to me, it is not a closed up as you seem to think. Another difference of opinion.

Are they still ginning it up on Fox? Because everywhere else seems to have caught on that it was partisan hackery at its finest, and they're not covering it at all. Bullshit stories have a habit of doing that though...fading away fast.
I had to neg the hysterical fool. She is making women look like emotional dumbfuck basketcases. She does more damage than most misogynists.
Mmmmm, okay, you watch FOX more than I. Not sure why an intelligent person would watch something they find below them, of course I'm not you. I find water finds it's level. So FOX must be your level.

Great one liner except I'm not water, I'm a human being. And I explained to you that it's good to know what the other side is saying. You made a reference to MSNBC, so I have to assume by your logic either MSNBC is smart and on point, or you're really dumb.

Want to take guesses as to what I think?

Yes, judges can overturn previous decisions. See Plessey v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of education if you want an example.

Presidents get to appoint judges with Senatorial approval.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices.
Chicken Little!

Damn, your stupid keeps getting denser and denser.

And your lame insults keep having the same effect; none.

Women should be able to make their own reproductive choices. I'm sorry you feel different and think that someone other than you or what I'm assuming will be your loved one should be able to make that choice.

If you feel that politicians should be in charge of reproductive choice, vote for Governor Romney. If not, vote for Obama.

It's that simple and it's that big.

I don't see it as one issue and if I did, it would be other issues ahead of this one. I won't for Romney because of the Supreme Court, nor will I vote against Obama because of this issue. But it is food for thought.

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