The Next One


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The new normal has arrived

The Five Things to Get Right Before the Next Pandemic
The next epidemiological crisis—and there will be a next one, and another one after that—need not be this bad if we plan ahead.

Notice the date here

In January 2017, a lengthy proposal showed up at the offices of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority in Washington. Running 112 pages, the document described a strategy for stopping future pandemics. It outlined a number of vaccine technologies to pursue, including messenger RNA and adenovirus vectors, and recommended that a team of 180 scientists, doctors, and other experts be created to carry out the plan. There were intricate technical details, an org chart, and an estimated cost: $595 million over 10 years.
The new normal has arrived

The Five Things to Get Right Before the Next Pandemic
The next epidemiological crisis—and there will be a next one, and another one after that—need not be this bad if we plan ahead.

Notice the date here

In January 2017, a lengthy proposal showed up at the offices of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority in Washington. Running 112 pages, the document described a strategy for stopping future pandemics. It outlined a number of vaccine technologies to pursue, including messenger RNA and adenovirus vectors, and recommended that a team of 180 scientists, doctors, and other experts be created to carry out the plan. There were intricate technical details, an org chart, and an estimated cost: $595 million over 10 years.
The virus I fear is the one made maliciously by some mad scientist anywhere in the world.

Side note. The 1918 flu was the opposite of this one. It killed people with stronger immune systems believe it or not. More people died under about 50ish than over. Kids were hit hard.

Now imagine if that was the case. People looking like Ruth Ginsburg nearly dead have died. But healthy healthy people...................Wheewwww........................Good thing we didn't have Obama on this one. His virus czar said they were lucky foolish imbeciles on their watch and turn.

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